package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequestFactory; import org.springframework.uaa.client.TransmissionEventListener; import org.springframework.uaa.client.UaaService; import org.springframework.uaa.client.VersionHelper; import org.springframework.uaa.client.protobuf.UaaClient.FeatureUse; import org.springframework.uaa.client.protobuf.UaaClient.Product; import org.springframework.uaa.client.util.HexUtils; import org.springframework.web.client.RequestCallback; import org.springframework.web.client.ResponseExtractor; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.AppCloudClient; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.AppCloudException; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.ApplicationStats; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.CloudApplication; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.CloudInfo; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.CloudService; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.CrashesInfo; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.InstancesInfo; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.ServiceConfiguration; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.UploadStatusCallback; public class UaaAwareAppCloudClient extends AppCloudClient implements TransmissionEventListener { public static final String CLOUD_FOUNDRY_URL = ""; private static final int CLOUD_MAJOR_VERSION = 0; private static final int CLOUD_MINOR_VERSION = 0; private static final int CLOUD_PATCH_VERSION = 0; private static final Product DEFAULT_PRODUCT = VersionHelper.getProduct( "Cloud Foundry Java API", "0.0.0.RELEASE"); private static final int HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE = 200; private final Set<String> discoveredAppNames; // key = method name; value = sorted map of HTTP response code keys to count // of that response code private final Map<String, SortedMap<Integer, Integer>> methodToResponses = new HashMap<String, SortedMap<Integer, Integer>>(); private final Product product; private final UaaService uaaService; /** * Constructor; consider using * {@link AppCloudClientFactory#getUaaAwareInstance(CloudCredentials)} * instead. * * @param product can be <code>null</code> to use the default * {@link Product} * @param uaaService the UAA service (required) * @param credentials the cloud login credentials (required) * @param requestFactory */ public UaaAwareAppCloudClient(final Product product, final UaaService uaaService, final CloudCredentials credentials, final ClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory) { super(credentials.getEmail(), credentials.getPassword(), null, credentials.getUrlObject(), requestFactory); Validate.notNull(uaaService, "UAA Service required"); discoveredAppNames = new HashSet<String>(); this.product = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(product, DEFAULT_PRODUCT); this.uaaService = uaaService; } public void afterTransmission(final TransmissionType type, final boolean successful) { if (type == TransmissionType.UPLOAD && successful) { discoveredAppNames.clear(); methodToResponses.clear(); } } public void beforeTransmission(final TransmissionType type) { if (type == TransmissionType.UPLOAD) { flushToUaa(); } } @Override public void bindService(final String appName, final String serviceName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.bindService(appName, serviceName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("bindService", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void createAndUploadAndStartApplication(final String appName, final String framework, final int memory, final File warFile, final List<String> uris, final List<String> serviceNames) throws IOException { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.createAndUploadAndStartApplication(appName, framework, memory, warFile, uris, serviceNames); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("createAndUploadAndStartApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void createApplication(final String appName, final String framework, final int memory, final List<String> uris, final List<String> serviceNames) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.createApplication(appName, framework, memory, uris, serviceNames); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("createApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void createApplication(final String appName, final String framework, final int memory, final List<String> uris, final List<String> serviceNames, final boolean checkExists) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.createApplication(appName, framework, memory, uris, serviceNames, checkExists); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.getMessage(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("createApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void createService(final CloudService service) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.createService(service); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("createService", resultCode); } } public void deactivate() { flushToUaa(); } @Override public void deleteAllApplications() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.deleteAllApplications(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("deleteAllApplications", resultCode); } } @Override public void deleteAllServices() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.deleteAllServices(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("deleteAllServices", resultCode); } } @Override public void deleteApplication(final String appName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.deleteApplication(appName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("deleteApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void deleteService(final String service) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.deleteService(service); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("deleteService", resultCode); } } private void flushToUaa() { // Store the app names being used for (final String appName : discoveredAppNames) { uaaService.registerProductUsage(product, appName); } // Store the cloud controller URL being used String ccType = "Cloud Controller: Custom"; final String cloudHost = getCloudControllerUrl().getHost(); if (CLOUD_FOUNDRY_URL.equals(getCloudControllerUrl().toExternalForm())) { ccType = "Cloud Controller: Public Cloud"; } else if (cloudHost.equals("localhost")) { ccType = "Cloud Controller: Localhost"; } else if (cloudHost.equals("")) { ccType = "Cloud Controller: Localhost"; } // Store the cloud controller hostname SHA 256 final String ccUrlHashed = sha256(cloudHost); // Create a feature use record for the cloud controller final Map<String, Object> ccJson = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ccJson.put("type", "cc_info"); ccJson.put("cc_hostname_sha256", JSONObject.escape(ccUrlHashed)); registerFeatureUse(ccType, ccJson); // Crate feature uses for each method name for (final String methodName : methodToResponses.keySet()) { final SortedMap<Integer, Integer> resultCounts = methodToResponses .get(methodName); final Map<String, Object> methodCallInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); methodCallInfo.put("type", "method_call_info"); methodCallInfo.put("cc_hostname_sha256", JSONObject.escape(ccUrlHashed)); methodCallInfo.put("http_results_to_counts", resultCounts); registerFeatureUse(methodName, methodCallInfo); } } @Override public CloudApplication getApplication(final String appName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getApplication(appName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public InstancesInfo getApplicationInstances(final String appName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getApplicationInstances(appName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getApplicationInstances", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public int[] getApplicationMemoryChoices() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getApplicationMemoryChoices(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getApplicationMemoryChoices", resultCode); } } @Override public List<CloudApplication> getApplications() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getApplications(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getApplications", resultCode); } } @Override public ApplicationStats getApplicationStats(final String appName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getApplicationStats(appName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getApplicationStats", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public URL getCloudControllerUrl() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getCloudControllerUrl(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getCloudControllerUrl", resultCode); } } @Override public CloudInfo getCloudInfo() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getCloudInfo(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getCloudInfo", resultCode); } } @Override public CrashesInfo getCrashes(final String appName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getCrashes(appName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getCrashes", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public int getDefaultApplicationMemory(final String framework) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getDefaultApplicationMemory(framework); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getDefaultApplicationMemory", resultCode); } } @Override public String getFile(final String appName, final int instanceIndex, final String filePath) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getFile(appName, instanceIndex, filePath); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getFile", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public <T> T getFile(final String appName, final int instanceIndex, final String filePath, final RequestCallback requestCallback, final ResponseExtractor<T> responseHandler) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getFile(appName, instanceIndex, filePath, requestCallback, responseHandler); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getFile", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public CloudService getService(final String service) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getService(service); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getService", resultCode); } } @Override public List<ServiceConfiguration> getServiceConfigurations() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getServiceConfigurations(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getServiceConfigurations", resultCode); } } @Override public List<CloudService> getServices() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.getServices(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("getServices", resultCode); } } @Override public String login() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { return super.login(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("login", resultCode); } } @Override public String loginIfNeeded() { int resultCode = 200; try { return super.loginIfNeeded(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("loginIfNeeded", resultCode); } } private void recordHttpResult(final String methodName, final int resultCode) { recordHttpResult(methodName, resultCode, null); } private void recordHttpResult(final String methodName, final int resultCode, final String appName) { if (appName != null) { discoveredAppNames.add(appName); } SortedMap<Integer, Integer> results = methodToResponses.get(methodName); if (results == null) { results = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(); methodToResponses.put(methodName, results); } Integer countSoFar = results.get(resultCode); if (countSoFar == null) { countSoFar = 0; } results.put(resultCode, countSoFar + 1); } @Override public void register(final String email, final String password) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.register(email, password); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("register", resultCode); } } private void registerFeatureUse(final String featureName, final Map<String, Object> jsonPayload) { jsonPayload.put("version", product.getMajorVersion() + "." + product.getMinorVersion() + "." + product.getPatchVersion()); final String jsonAsString = JSONObject.toJSONString(jsonPayload); final FeatureUse featureToRegister = FeatureUse.newBuilder() .setName(featureName) .setDateLastUsed(System.currentTimeMillis()) .setMajorVersion(CLOUD_MAJOR_VERSION) .setMinorVersion(CLOUD_MINOR_VERSION) .setPatchVersion(CLOUD_PATCH_VERSION).build(); try { uaaService.registerFeatureUsage(product, featureToRegister, jsonAsString.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException ignore) { } } @Override public void rename(final String appName, final String newName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.rename(appName, newName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("rename", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void restartApplication(final String appName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.restartApplication(appName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("restartApplication", resultCode, appName); } } private String sha256(final String input) { try { final MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); final byte[] digest = sha1.digest(input.getBytes("UTF-8")); return HexUtils.toHex(digest); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { // This can't happen as we know that there is an SHA-256 algorithm } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // This can't happen as we know that there is an UTF-8 encoding } return null; } @Override public void startApplication(final String appName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.startApplication(appName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("startApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void stopApplication(final String appName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.stopApplication(appName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("stopApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void unbindService(final String appName, final String serviceName) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.unbindService(appName, serviceName); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("unbindService", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void unregister() { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.unregister(); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("unregister", resultCode); } } @Override public void updateApplicationInstances(final String appName, final int instances) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.updateApplicationInstances(appName, instances); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("updateApplicationInstances", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void updateApplicationMemory(final String appName, final int memory) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.updateApplicationMemory(appName, memory); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("updateApplicationMemory", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void updateApplicationServices(final String appName, final List<String> services) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.updateApplicationServices(appName, services); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("updateApplicationServices", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void updateApplicationUris(final String appName, final List<String> uris) { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.updateApplicationUris(appName, uris); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("updateApplicationUris", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void uploadApplication(final String appName, final File warFile) throws IOException { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.uploadApplication(appName, warFile); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("uploadApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void uploadApplication(final String appName, final File warFile, final UploadStatusCallback callback) throws IOException { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.uploadApplication(appName, warFile, callback); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("uploadApplication", resultCode, appName); } } @Override public void uploadApplication(final String appName, final String warFilePath) throws IOException { int resultCode = HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE; try { super.uploadApplication(appName, warFilePath); } catch (final AppCloudException he) { resultCode = he.getStatusCode().value(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Operation could not be completed: " + he.toString(), he); } finally { recordHttpResult("uploadApplication", resultCode, appName); } } }