package org.springframework.roo.addon.layers.service; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.customdata.CustomDataKeys; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.customdata.tagkeys.MethodMetadataCustomDataKey; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.layers.MemberTypeAdditions; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaSymbolName; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import; /** * A method provided by a user project's service layer * * @author Andrew Swan * @author Stefan Schmidt * @since 1.2.0 */ enum ServiceLayerMethod { // The names of these enum constants are arbitrary; calling code refers to // these methods by their String key. COUNT(CustomDataKeys.COUNT_ALL_METHOD) { @Override public String getName(final ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, final JavaType entityType, final String plural) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotationValues.getCountAllMethod())) { return annotationValues.getCountAllMethod() + plural; } return null; } @Override public List<JavaSymbolName> getParameterNames( final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<JavaType> getParameterTypes(final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public JavaType getReturnType(final JavaType entityType) { return JavaType.LONG_PRIMITIVE; } }, DELETE(CustomDataKeys.REMOVE_METHOD) { @Override public String getName(final ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, final JavaType entityType, final String plural) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotationValues.getDeleteMethod())) { return annotationValues.getDeleteMethod() + entityType.getSimpleTypeName(); } return null; } @Override public List<JavaSymbolName> getParameterNames( final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(JavaSymbolName .getReservedWordSafeName(entityType)); } @Override public List<JavaType> getParameterTypes(final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(entityType); } @Override public JavaType getReturnType(final JavaType entityType) { return JavaType.VOID_PRIMITIVE; } }, FIND(CustomDataKeys.FIND_METHOD) { @Override public String getName(final ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, final JavaType entityType, final String plural) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotationValues.getFindMethod())) { return annotationValues.getFindMethod() + entityType.getSimpleTypeName(); } return null; } @Override public List<JavaSymbolName> getParameterNames( final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(new JavaSymbolName("id")); } @Override public List<JavaType> getParameterTypes(final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(idType); } @Override public JavaType getReturnType(final JavaType entityType) { return entityType; } }, FIND_ALL(CustomDataKeys.FIND_ALL_METHOD) { @Override public String getName(final ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, final JavaType entityType, final String plural) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotationValues.getFindAllMethod())) { return annotationValues.getFindAllMethod() + plural; } return null; } @Override public List<JavaSymbolName> getParameterNames( final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<JavaType> getParameterTypes(final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public JavaType getReturnType(final JavaType entityType) { return JavaType.listOf(entityType); } }, FIND_ENTRIES(CustomDataKeys.FIND_ENTRIES_METHOD) { @Override public String getName(final ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, final JavaType entityType, final String plural) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotationValues.getFindEntriesMethod())) { return annotationValues.getFindEntriesMethod() + entityType.getSimpleTypeName() + "Entries"; } return null; } @Override public List<JavaSymbolName> getParameterNames( final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(new JavaSymbolName("firstResult"), new JavaSymbolName("maxResults")); } @Override public List<JavaType> getParameterTypes(final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays .asList(JavaType.INT_PRIMITIVE, JavaType.INT_PRIMITIVE); } @Override public JavaType getReturnType(final JavaType entityType) { return JavaType.listOf(entityType); } }, SAVE(CustomDataKeys.PERSIST_METHOD) { @Override public String getName(final ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, final JavaType entityType, final String plural) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotationValues.getSaveMethod())) { return annotationValues.getSaveMethod() + entityType.getSimpleTypeName(); } return null; } @Override public List<JavaSymbolName> getParameterNames( final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(JavaSymbolName .getReservedWordSafeName(entityType)); } @Override public List<JavaType> getParameterTypes(final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(entityType); } @Override public JavaType getReturnType(final JavaType entityType) { return JavaType.VOID_PRIMITIVE; } }, UPDATE(CustomDataKeys.MERGE_METHOD) { @Override public String getName(final ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, final JavaType entityType, final String plural) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotationValues.getUpdateMethod())) { return annotationValues.getUpdateMethod() + entityType.getSimpleTypeName(); } return null; } @Override public List<JavaSymbolName> getParameterNames( final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(JavaSymbolName .getReservedWordSafeName(entityType)); } @Override public List<JavaType> getParameterTypes(final JavaType entityType, final JavaType idType) { return Arrays.asList(entityType); } @Override public JavaType getReturnType(final JavaType entityType) { return entityType; } }; /** * Returns the {@link ServiceLayerMethod} with the given properties, if any * * @param methodIdentifier the internal ID of the method (can be blank) * @param callerParameters the types of parameter to be passed to the method * (required) * @param targetEntity the type of entity being managed (required) * @param idType specifies the ID type used by the target entity (required) * @return <code>null</code> if a blank or unknown ID is given */ public static ServiceLayerMethod valueOf(final String methodIdentifier, final List<JavaType> callerParameters, final JavaType targetEntity, final JavaType idType) { // Look for matching method name and parameter types for (final ServiceLayerMethod method : values()) { if (method.getKey().equals(methodIdentifier) && method.getParameterTypes(targetEntity, idType).equals( callerParameters)) { return method; } } return null; } private final MethodMetadataCustomDataKey key; /** * Constructor * * @param key the internal key for this method (required) */ private ServiceLayerMethod(final MethodMetadataCustomDataKey key) { Validate.notNull(key, "Method key is required"); this.key = key; } /** * Returns the line(s) of Java code that implement this method * * @param lowerLayerAdditions the details of a call to a lower layer, if any * @return a non-blank string */ public String getBody(final MemberTypeAdditions lowerLayerAdditions) { if (lowerLayerAdditions == null) { // No lower layer implements this method; so we stub it return "throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\"Implement me!\");"; } // A lower layer implements it; generate a delegation call String line = ""; if (!isVoid()) { line = "return "; } line += lowerLayerAdditions.getMethodCall() + ";"; return line; } /** * Returns the key identifying this method * * @return a non-blank string that's unique within this enum */ public String getKey() { return; } /** * Returns the name of this method, based on the given inputs * * @param annotationValues the values of the {@link RooService} annotation * on the service * @param entityType the type of domain entity managed by the service * @param plural the plural form of the entity * @return <code>null</code> if the method is not implemented */ public abstract String getName(ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, JavaType entityType, String plural); /** * Returns the names of this method's declared parameters * * @param entityType the type of domain entity managed by the service * (required) * @param idType specifies the ID type used by the target entity (required) * @return a non-<code>null</code> list (might be empty) */ public abstract List<JavaSymbolName> getParameterNames(JavaType entityType, JavaType idType); /** * Returns the types and names of the parameters declared by this method for * the given domain type * * @param domainType the domain type to which the method applies (required) * @param idType specifies the ID type used by the target entity (required) * @return a non-<code>null</code> list */ public PairList<JavaType, JavaSymbolName> getParameters( final JavaType domainType, final JavaType idType) { return new PairList<JavaType, JavaSymbolName>(getParameterTypes( domainType, idType), getParameterNames(domainType, idType)); } /** * Returns the types of parameters taken by this method * * @param entityType the type of entity to which this method applies * (required) * @param idType specifies the ID type used by the target entity (required) * @return a non-<code>null</code> copy of list (might be empty) */ public abstract List<JavaType> getParameterTypes(JavaType entityType, JavaType idType); /** * Returns this method's return type * * @param entityType the type of entity being managed * @return a non-<code>null</code> type */ public abstract JavaType getReturnType(JavaType entityType); /** * Returns the name of this method, based on the given inputs * * @param annotationValues the values of the {@link RooService} annotation * on the service * @param entityType the type of domain entity managed by the service * @param plural the plural form of the entity * @return <code>null</code> if the method is not implemented */ public JavaSymbolName getSymbolName( final ServiceAnnotationValues annotationValues, final JavaType entityType, final String plural) { final String methodName = getName(annotationValues, entityType, plural); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(methodName)) { return new JavaSymbolName(methodName); } return null; } /** * Indicates whether this method is void, i.e. returns nothing * * @return see above */ boolean isVoid() { return JavaType.VOID_PRIMITIVE.equals(getReturnType(null)); } }