package org.springframework.roo.classpath; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.springframework.roo.metadata.MetadataIdentificationUtils; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath; import org.springframework.roo.project.Path; /** * Produces metadata identification strings that represent a {@link JavaType} * located in a particular {@link LogicalPath}. * <p> * The metadata identification strings separate the path name from the fully * qualified type name via the presence of a question mark character ("?"). A * question mark is used given it is reserved by {@link Path}. TODO these * methods are not specific to physical types; either rename this class, move * them somewhere more generic, and/or make them more specific, e.g. hardcode * the "metadata class" arguments to that of physical types. * * @author Ben Alex * @since 1.0 */ public final class PhysicalTypeIdentifierNamingUtils { private static final String PATH_SUFFIX = "?"; /** * Creates a metadata ID from the given inputs * * @param metadataClass the fully-qualified name of the metadata class * (required) * @param projectType the fully-qualified name of the user project type to * which the metadata relates (required) * @param path the path to that type within the project (required) * @return a non-blank ID */ public static String createIdentifier(final String metadataClass, final JavaType projectType, final LogicalPath path) { Validate.notNull(projectType, "Java type required"); Validate.notNull(path, "Path required"); return MetadataIdentificationUtils.create(metadataClass, path.getName() + PATH_SUFFIX + projectType.getFullyQualifiedTypeName()); } /** * Parses the instance key from the given metadata ID. * * @param metadataClass the fully-qualified name of the metadata type * (required) * @param metadataId the ID of the metadata instance (must identify an * instance of the given metadata class) * @return a non-blank key, as per * {@link MetadataIdentificationUtils#getMetadataInstance(String)} */ private static String getInstanceKey(final String metadataClass, final String metadataId) { Validate.isTrue(isValid(metadataClass, metadataId), "Metadata id '" + metadataId + "' is not a valid " + metadataClass + " identifier"); return MetadataIdentificationUtils.getMetadataInstance(metadataId); } public static JavaType getJavaType(final String metadataIdentificationString) { Validate.isTrue(metadataIdentificationString.contains("#"), "Metadata identification string '" + metadataIdentificationString + "' does not appear to be a valid identifier"); final String instance = MetadataIdentificationUtils .getMetadataInstance(metadataIdentificationString); final int index = instance.indexOf("?"); return new JavaType(instance.substring(index + 1)); } /** * Returns the user project type with which the given metadata ID is * associated. * * @param metadataClass the fully-qualified name of the metadata type * (required) * @param metadataId the ID of the metadata instance (must identify an * instance of the given metadata class) * @return a non-<code>null</code> type */ public static JavaType getJavaType(final String metadataClass, final String metadataId) { final String instanceKey = getInstanceKey(metadataClass, metadataId); return new JavaType(instanceKey.substring(instanceKey .indexOf(PATH_SUFFIX) + 1)); } /** * Returns the name of the project module that contains the metadata item * with the given id. * * @param metadataId must be a valid metadata instance id * @return a non-<code>null</code> module name (blank means the root or only * module) * @since 1.2.0 */ public static String getModule(final String metadataId) { return getPath(metadataId).getModule(); } /** * Returns the {@link LogicalPath} of the metadata item with the given id. * * @param metadataId must be a valid metadata instance id * @return a non-<code>null</code> path */ public static LogicalPath getPath(final String metadataId) { Validate.isTrue( MetadataIdentificationUtils.isIdentifyingInstance(metadataId), "Metadata id '" + metadataId + "' does not appear to be a valid identifier"); final String instanceKey = MetadataIdentificationUtils .getMetadataInstance(metadataId); final int index = instanceKey.indexOf("?"); return LogicalPath.getInstance(instanceKey.substring(0, index)); } /** * Parses the user project path from the given metadata ID. * * @param metadataClass the fully-qualified name of the metadata type * (required) * @param metadataId the ID of the metadata instance (must identify an * instance of the given metadata class) * @return a non-<code>null</code> path */ public static LogicalPath getPath(final String providesType, final String metadataIdentificationString) { Validate.isTrue( isValid(providesType, metadataIdentificationString), "Metadata identification string '" + metadataIdentificationString + "' does not appear to be a valid physical type identifier"); final String instance = MetadataIdentificationUtils .getMetadataInstance(metadataIdentificationString); final int index = instance.indexOf("?"); return LogicalPath.getInstance(instance.substring(0, index)); } /** * Indicates whether the given metadata id appears to identify an instance * of the given metadata class. * * @param metadataClass the fully-qualified name of the expected metadata * type (can be blank) * @param metadataId the ID to evaluate (can be blank) * @return true only if the metadata ID appears to be valid */ public static boolean isValid(final String metadataClass, final String metadataId) { return MetadataIdentificationUtils.isIdentifyingInstance(metadataId) && MetadataIdentificationUtils.getMetadataClass(metadataId) .equals(metadataClass) && MetadataIdentificationUtils.getMetadataInstance(metadataId) .contains(PATH_SUFFIX); } /** * Constructor is private to prevent instantiation * * @since 1.2.0 */ private PhysicalTypeIdentifierNamingUtils() { } }