package org.springframework.roo.project; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.springframework.roo.file.monitor.event.FileDetails; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom; import; @Component(immediate = true) @Service public class MavenPathResolvingStrategy extends AbstractPathResolvingStrategy { @Reference protected PomManagementService pomManagementService; /** * Locates the first {@link PhysicalPath} which can be construed as a parent * of the presented identifier. * * @param identifier to locate the parent of (required) * @return the first matching parent, or null if not found */ @Override protected PhysicalPath getApplicablePhysicalPath(final String identifier) { Validate.notNull(identifier, "Identifier required"); PhysicalPath physicalPath = null; int longest = 0; for (final Pom pom : pomManagementService.getPoms()) { if (removeTrailingSeparator(identifier).startsWith( removeTrailingSeparator(pom.getRoot())) && removeTrailingSeparator(pom.getRoot()).length() > longest) { longest = removeTrailingSeparator(pom.getRoot()).length(); int nextLongest = 0; for (final PhysicalPath thisPhysicalPath : pom .getPhysicalPaths()) { final String possibleParent = new FileDetails( thisPhysicalPath.getLocation(), null) .getCanonicalPath(); if (removeTrailingSeparator(identifier).startsWith( possibleParent) && possibleParent.length() > nextLongest) { nextLongest = possibleParent.length(); physicalPath = thisPhysicalPath; } } } } return physicalPath; } public String getCanonicalPath(final LogicalPath path, final JavaType javaType) { return getIdentifier(path, javaType.getRelativeFileName()); } public String getFocusedCanonicalPath(final Path path, final JavaType javaType) { return getCanonicalPath(path.getModulePathId(pomManagementService .getFocusedModuleName()), javaType); } public String getFocusedIdentifier(final Path path, final String relativePath) { return getIdentifier( LogicalPath.getInstance(path, pomManagementService.getFocusedModuleName()), relativePath); } public LogicalPath getFocusedPath(final Path path) { final PhysicalPath physicalPath = pomManagementService .getFocusedModule().getPhysicalPath(path); Validate.notNull(physicalPath, "Physical path for '" + + "' not found"); return physicalPath.getLogicalPath(); } public String getFocusedRoot(final Path path) { return pomManagementService.getFocusedModule().getPathLocation(path); } public String getIdentifier(final LogicalPath logicalPath, final String relativePath) { Validate.notNull(logicalPath, "Path required"); Validate.notNull(relativePath, "Relative path cannot be null, although it can be empty"); String initialPath = FileUtils.getCanonicalPath(getPath(logicalPath)); initialPath = FileUtils.ensureTrailingSeparator(initialPath); return initialPath + StringUtils.strip(relativePath, File.separator); } private File getModuleRoot(final String module, final Pom pom) { if (pom == null) { // No POM exists for this module; we must be creating it return new File(pomManagementService.getFocusedModule().getRoot(), module); } // This is a known module; use its known root path return new File(pom.getRoot()); } private File getPath(final LogicalPath logicalPath) { final Pom pom = pomManagementService.getPomFromModuleName(logicalPath .getModule()); final File moduleRoot = getModuleRoot(logicalPath.getModule(), pom); final String pathRelativeToPom = logicalPath.getPathRelativeToPom(pom); return new File(moduleRoot, pathRelativeToPom); } @Override protected Collection<LogicalPath> getPaths(final boolean sourceOnly) { final Collection<LogicalPath> pathIds = new ArrayList<LogicalPath>(); for (final Pom pom : pomManagementService.getPoms()) { for (final PhysicalPath modulePath : pom.getPhysicalPaths()) { if (!sourceOnly || modulePath.isSource()) { pathIds.add(modulePath.getLogicalPath()); } } } return pathIds; } public String getRoot(final LogicalPath modulePathId) { final Pom pom = pomManagementService.getPomFromModuleName(modulePathId .getModule()); return pom.getPhysicalPath(modulePathId.getPath()).getLocationPath(); } public boolean isActive() { return pomManagementService.getRootPom() != null; } private String removeTrailingSeparator(final String pomPath) { if (pomPath.endsWith(File.separator)) { return pomPath.substring(0, pomPath.length() - 1); } return pomPath + File.separator; } }