package org.springframework.roo.project; import; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaPackage; import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom; import org.springframework.roo.project.packaging.JarPackaging; import org.springframework.roo.project.packaging.PackagingProvider; import; import; import; import; /** * Shell commands for {@link MavenOperations} and also to launch native mvn * commands. * * @author Ben Alex * @since 1.0 */ @Component @Service public class MavenCommands implements CommandMarker { private static final String DEPENDENCY_ADD_COMMAND = "dependency add"; private static final String DEPENDENCY_REMOVE_COMMAND = "dependency remove"; private static final String MODULE_CREATE_COMMAND = "module create"; private static final String MODULE_FOCUS_COMMAND = "module focus"; private static final String PERFORM_ASSEMBLY_COMMAND = "perform assembly"; private static final String PERFORM_CLEAN_COMMAND = "perform clean"; private static final String PERFORM_COMMAND_COMMAND = "perform command"; private static final String PERFORM_ECLIPSE_COMMAND = "perform eclipse"; private static final String PERFORM_PACKAGE_COMMAND = "perform package"; private static final String PERFORM_TESTS_COMMAND = "perform tests"; private static final String PROJECT_COMMAND = "project"; private static final String REPOSITORY_ADD_COMMAND = "maven repository add"; private static final String REPOSITORY_REMOVE_COMMAND = "maven repository remove"; @Reference private MavenOperations mavenOperations; @CliCommand(value = DEPENDENCY_ADD_COMMAND, help = "Adds a new dependency to the Maven project object model (POM)") public void addDependency( @CliOption(key = "groupId", mandatory = true, help = "The group ID of the dependency") final String groupId, @CliOption(key = "artifactId", mandatory = true, help = "The artifact ID of the dependency") final String artifactId, @CliOption(key = "version", mandatory = true, help = "The version of the dependency") final String version, @CliOption(key = "classifier", help = "The classifier of the dependency") final String classifier, @CliOption(key = "scope", help = "The scope of the dependency") final DependencyScope scope) { mavenOperations.addDependency(mavenOperations.getFocusedModuleName(), groupId, artifactId, version, scope, classifier); } @CliCommand(value = REPOSITORY_ADD_COMMAND, help = "Adds a new repository to the Maven project object model (POM)") public void addRepository( @CliOption(key = "id", mandatory = true, help = "The ID of the repository") final String id, @CliOption(key = "name", mandatory = false, help = "The name of the repository") final String name, @CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = true, help = "The URL of the repository") final String url) { mavenOperations.addRepository(mavenOperations.getFocusedModuleName(), new Repository(id, name, url)); } @CliCommand(value = MODULE_CREATE_COMMAND, help = "Creates a new Maven module") public void createModule( @CliOption(key = "moduleName", mandatory = true, help = "The name of the module") final String moduleName, @CliOption(key = "topLevelPackage", mandatory = true, optionContext = "update", help = "The uppermost package name (this becomes the <groupId> in Maven and also the '~' value when using Roo's shell)") final JavaPackage topLevelPackage, @CliOption(key = "java", help = "Forces a particular major version of Java to be used (will be auto-detected if unspecified; specify 6 or 7 only)") final Integer majorJavaVersion, @CliOption(key = "parent", help = "The Maven coordinates of the parent POM, in the form \"groupId:artifactId:version\"") final GAV parentPom, @CliOption(key = "packaging", help = "The Maven packaging of this module", unspecifiedDefaultValue = JarPackaging.NAME) final PackagingProvider packaging, @CliOption(key = "artifactId", help = "The artifact ID of this module (defaults to moduleName if not specified)") final String artifactId) { mavenOperations.createModule(topLevelPackage, parentPom, moduleName, packaging, majorJavaVersion, artifactId); } @CliCommand(value = PROJECT_COMMAND, help = "Creates a new Maven project") public void createProject( @CliOption(key = { "", "topLevelPackage" }, mandatory = true, optionContext = "update", help = "The uppermost package name (this becomes the <groupId> in Maven and also the '~' value when using Roo's shell)") final JavaPackage topLevelPackage, @CliOption(key = "projectName", help = "The name of the project (last segment of package name used as default)") final String projectName, @CliOption(key = "java", help = "Forces a particular major version of Java to be used (will be auto-detected if unspecified; specify 5 or 6 or 7 only)") final Integer majorJavaVersion, @CliOption(key = "parent", help = "The Maven coordinates of the parent POM, in the form \"groupId:artifactId:version\"") final GAV parentPom, @CliOption(key = "packaging", help = "The Maven packaging of this project", unspecifiedDefaultValue = JarPackaging.NAME) final PackagingProvider packaging) { mavenOperations.createProject(topLevelPackage, projectName, majorJavaVersion, parentPom, packaging); } @CliCommand(value = MODULE_FOCUS_COMMAND, help = "Changes focus to a different project module") public void focusModule( @CliOption(key = "moduleName", mandatory = true, help = "The module to focus on") final Pom module) { mavenOperations.setModule(module); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator(PROJECT_COMMAND) public boolean isCreateProjectAvailable() { return mavenOperations.isCreateProjectAvailable(); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ DEPENDENCY_ADD_COMMAND, DEPENDENCY_REMOVE_COMMAND }) public boolean isDependencyModificationAllowed() { return mavenOperations.isFocusedProjectAvailable(); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator(MODULE_CREATE_COMMAND) public boolean isModuleCreationAllowed() { return mavenOperations.isModuleCreationAllowed(); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator(MODULE_FOCUS_COMMAND) public boolean isModuleFocusAllowed() { return mavenOperations.isModuleFocusAllowed(); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ PERFORM_PACKAGE_COMMAND, PERFORM_ECLIPSE_COMMAND, PERFORM_TESTS_COMMAND, PERFORM_CLEAN_COMMAND, PERFORM_ASSEMBLY_COMMAND, PERFORM_COMMAND_COMMAND }) public boolean isPerformCommandAllowed() { return mavenOperations.isFocusedProjectAvailable(); } @CliCommand(value = { PERFORM_COMMAND_COMMAND }, help = "Executes a user-specified Maven command") public void mvn( @CliOption(key = "mavenCommand", mandatory = true, help = "User-specified Maven command (eg test:test)") final String command) throws IOException { mavenOperations.executeMvnCommand(command); } @CliCommand(value = DEPENDENCY_REMOVE_COMMAND, help = "Removes an existing dependency from the Maven project object model (POM)") public void removeDependency( @CliOption(key = "groupId", mandatory = true, help = "The group ID of the dependency") final String groupId, @CliOption(key = "artifactId", mandatory = true, help = "The artifact ID of the dependency") final String artifactId, @CliOption(key = "version", mandatory = true, help = "The version of the dependency") final String version, @CliOption(key = "classifier", help = "The classifier of the dependency") final String classifier) { mavenOperations.removeDependency( mavenOperations.getFocusedModuleName(), groupId, artifactId, version, classifier); } @CliCommand(value = REPOSITORY_REMOVE_COMMAND, help = "Removes an existing repository from the Maven project object model (POM)") public void removeRepository( @CliOption(key = "id", mandatory = true, help = "The ID of the repository") final String id, @CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = true, help = "The URL of the repository") final String url) { mavenOperations.removeRepository( mavenOperations.getFocusedModuleName(), new Repository(id, null, url)); } @CliCommand(value = { PERFORM_ASSEMBLY_COMMAND }, help = "Executes the assembly goal via Maven") public void runAssembly() throws IOException { mvn("assembly:assembly"); } @CliCommand(value = { PERFORM_CLEAN_COMMAND }, help = "Executes a full clean (including Eclipse files) via Maven") public void runClean() throws IOException { mvn("clean"); } @CliCommand(value = { PERFORM_ECLIPSE_COMMAND }, help = "Sets up Eclipse configuration via Maven (only necessary if you have not installed the m2eclipse plugin in Eclipse)") public void runEclipse() throws IOException { mvn("eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse"); } @CliCommand(value = { PERFORM_PACKAGE_COMMAND }, help = "Packages the application using Maven, but does not execute any tests") public void runPackage() throws IOException { mvn("-DskipTests=true package"); } @CliCommand(value = { PERFORM_TESTS_COMMAND }, help = "Executes the tests via Maven") public void runTest() throws IOException { mvn("test"); } }