package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.preferences.PreferencesService; import; import org.springframework.uaa.client.TransmissionAwareUaaService; import org.springframework.uaa.client.TransmissionEventListener; import org.springframework.uaa.client.UaaService; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.AppCloudClient; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.CloudApplication; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.CloudService; import com.vmware.appcloud.client.ServiceConfiguration; @Component @Service public class CloudFoundrySessionImpl implements CloudFoundrySession, TransmissionEventListener { private static final Logger LOGGER = HandlerUtils .getLogger(CloudFoundryOperationsImpl.class); @Reference AppCloudClientFactory appCloudClientFactory; private final List<String> appNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private final Map<String, List<String>> boundUrlMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); private UaaAwareAppCloudClient client; private final List<Integer> memoryOptions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); CloudPreferences preferences; @Reference private PreferencesService preferencesService; private final List<String> provisionedServices = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> serviceTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); @Reference private UaaService uaaService; protected void activate(final ComponentContext context) { preferences = new CloudPreferences(preferencesService); if (uaaService instanceof TransmissionAwareUaaService) { ((TransmissionAwareUaaService) uaaService) .addTransmissionEventListener(this); } } public void afterTransmission(final TransmissionType type, final boolean successful) { if (client != null) { client.afterTransmission(type, successful); } } public void beforeTransmission(final TransmissionType type) { if (client != null) { client.beforeTransmission(type); } } public void clearStoredLoginDetails() { preferences.clearStoredLoginDetails(); } protected void deactivate(final ComponentContext cc) { if (uaaService instanceof TransmissionAwareUaaService) { ((TransmissionAwareUaaService) uaaService) .removeTransmissionEventListener(this); } if (client != null) { client.deactivate(); } preferences.flush(); } public List<Integer> getApplicationMemoryOptions() { updateMemoryOptions(); return memoryOptions; } public List<String> getApplicationNames() { updateApplicationNames(); return appNames; } public Map<String, List<String>> getBoundUrlMap() { updateUrlMap(); return boundUrlMap; } public AppCloudClient getClient() { return client; } /** * Returns the credentials for logging into the cloud. * * @param cloudControllerUrl the URL provided by the user (can be blank) * @param email the email address provided by the user (can be blank) * @param password the password provided by the user (can be blank) * @return <code>null</code> if a complete set of credentials could not be * obtained from either the provided or stored values */ private CloudCredentials getLoginCredentials(String cloudControllerUrl, String email, String password) { cloudControllerUrl = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(cloudControllerUrl, UaaAwareAppCloudClient.CLOUD_FOUNDRY_URL); if (StringUtils.isBlank(email)) { email = getStoredEmailAddress(cloudControllerUrl); if (StringUtils.isBlank(email)) { return null; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(password)) { password = preferences.getStoredPassword(cloudControllerUrl, email); } final CloudCredentials loginCredentials = new CloudCredentials(email, password, cloudControllerUrl); if (loginCredentials.isValid()) { return loginCredentials; } return null; } public CloudService getProvisionedService( final String provisionedServiceName) { return client.getService(provisionedServiceName); } public List<String> getProvisionedServices() { updateProvisionedServices(); return provisionedServices; } public ServiceConfiguration getService(final String serviceVendor) { for (final ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration : client .getServiceConfigurations()) { if (serviceConfiguration.getVendor().equals(serviceVendor)) { return serviceConfiguration; } } return null; } public List<String> getServiceTypes() { updateServiceTypes(); return serviceTypes; } /** * Returns the email address for the stored credentials with the given URL * * @param cloudControllerUrl * @return <code>null</code> if there are not exactly one such set of * credentials */ private String getStoredEmailAddress(final String cloudControllerUrl) { final Collection<String> storedEmails = preferences .getStoredEmails(cloudControllerUrl); switch (storedEmails.size()) { case 1: return storedEmails.iterator().next(); case 0: LOGGER.warning("An email address is required."); return null; default: LOGGER.warning("Multiple email addresses are stored for the cloud controller URL '" + cloudControllerUrl + "'. Please specify an email address."); return null; } } public List<String> getStoredEmails() { return preferences.getStoredEmails(); } public List<String> getStoredUrls() { return preferences.getStoredUrls(); } /** * Logs the user in with the given credentials * * @param credentials the credentials to use (must be valid) */ private void login(final CloudCredentials credentials) { Validate.isTrue(credentials.isValid(), "Invalid credentials " + credentials); if (client != null) { client.deactivate(); } client = appCloudClientFactory.getUaaAwareInstance(credentials); client.loginIfNeeded(); } public void login(final String email, final String password, final String cloudControllerUrl) { final CloudCredentials credentials = getLoginCredentials( cloudControllerUrl, email, password); if (credentials == null) {"Login failed"); return; } login(credentials); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(email) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) { // The user provided fresh credentials preferences.storeCredentials(credentials);"Credentials saved."); }"Logged in successfully with email address '" + credentials.getEmail() + "'"); } private void updateApplicationNames() { appNames.clear(); for (final CloudApplication app : client.getApplications()) { appNames.add(app.getName()); } } private void updateMemoryOptions() { memoryOptions.clear(); for (final int memoryOption : client.getApplicationMemoryChoices()) { memoryOptions.add(memoryOption); } Collections.sort(memoryOptions); } private void updateProvisionedServices() { provisionedServices.clear(); for (final CloudService provisionedService : client.getServices()) { provisionedServices.add(provisionedService.getName()); } } private void updateServiceTypes() { serviceTypes.clear(); for (final ServiceConfiguration serviceType : client .getServiceConfigurations()) { serviceTypes.add(serviceType.getVendor()); } } private void updateUrlMap() { boundUrlMap.clear(); for (final CloudApplication app : client.getApplications()) { boundUrlMap.put(app.getName(), app.getUris()); } } }