package org.springframework.roo.addon.roobot.client; import; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import org.springframework.roo.addon.roobot.client.model.Rating; import org.springframework.roo.felix.BundleSymbolicName; import; import; import org.springframework.roo.uaa.UaaRegistrationService; import; /** * Implementation of {@link AddOnFeedbackOperations}. * * @author Stefan Schmidt * @author Ben Alex * @since 1.1 */ @Component @Service public class AddOnFeedbackOperationsImpl implements AddOnFeedbackOperations { private static final Logger LOGGER = HandlerUtils .getLogger(AddOnFeedbackOperationsImpl.class); @Reference private UaaRegistrationService registrationService; @Reference private UrlInputStreamService urlInputStreamService; private BundleContext bundleContext; protected void activate(final ComponentContext context) { bundleContext = context.getBundleContext(); } protected void deactivate(final ComponentContext context) { bundleContext = null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void feedbackBundle(final BundleSymbolicName bsn, final Rating rating, String comment) { Validate.notNull(bsn, "Bundle symbolic name required"); Validate.notNull(rating, "Rating required"); Validate.isTrue(comment == null || comment.length() <= 140, "Comment must be under 140 characters"); if ("".equals(comment)) { comment = null; } // Figure out the HTTP URL we'll get "GET"ing in order to submit the // user's feedback URL httpUrl; try { httpUrl = new URL(UaaRegistrationService.EMPTY_FILE_URL); } catch (final MalformedURLException shouldNeverHappen) { throw new IllegalStateException(shouldNeverHappen); } // Fail early if we're not allowed GET this URL due to UAA restrictions final String failureMessage = urlInputStreamService .getUrlCannotBeOpenedMessage(httpUrl); if (failureMessage != null) { LOGGER.warning(failureMessage); return; } // To get this far, there is no reason we shouldn't be able to store // this user's feedback final JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); o.put("version", UaaRegistrationService.SPRING_ROO.getMajorVersion() + "." + UaaRegistrationService.SPRING_ROO.getMajorVersion() + "." + UaaRegistrationService.SPRING_ROO.getPatchVersion()); o.put("type", "bundle_feedback"); // A BSN shouldn't need escaping, but anyway... o.put("bsn", JSONObject.escape(bsn.getKey())); o.put("rating", rating.getKey()); o.put("comment", comment == null ? "" : JSONObject.escape(comment)); final String customJson = o.toJSONString(); // Register the feedback. Note we record all feedback against the BSN // for the RooBot client add-on to assist simple server-side detection. // We do NOT record feedback against the BSN that is receiving the // feedback (as the BSN receiving the feedback is stored inside the // custom JSON). registrationService.registerBundleSymbolicNameUse(BundleFindingUtils .findFirstBundleForTypeName(bundleContext, AddOnRooBotOperations.class.getName()), customJson); // Push the feedback up to the server now if possible registrationService.requestTransmission();"Thanks for sharing your feedback."); } }