package org.springframework.roo.classpath.itd; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.ItdTypeDetails; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.scanner.MemberDetailsScanner; import org.springframework.roo.metadata.MetadataIdentificationUtils; import org.springframework.roo.metadata.MetadataItem; /** * Simplifies the development of {@link ItdMetadataProvider}s that wish to * automatically discover new {@link ItdTypeDetails} that become available * elsewhere in the system, even if the {@link ItdMetadataProvider} is not * registered as a downstream dependency. * <p> * This class helps solves the common requirement of not knowing which other * add-ons might be providing metadata you are interested in. While * {@link MemberDetailsScanner} will locate all metadata presently available in * the system, this is a snapshot of metadata at that moment in time. While it's * simple (and normal practice) to register as a downstream dependency of * scanned metadata that you wish to monitor, this approach is insufficient to * discover new metadata that subsequently becomes available (or even discover * metadata that previously was available but did not contain members of * interest at that moment in time and were therefore not registered as a * dependency to monitor). * <p> * The practical solution to these problems is to subclass this class, implement * the abstract {@link #getLocalMidToRequest(ItdTypeDetails)}, and in the * activate method register a generic listener as described in the documentation * for {@link #notifyForGenericListener(String)}. This class will then receive * all generic notifications, determine if they relate to an ITD, extract the * {@link ItdTypeDetails}, and present it to * {@link #getLocalMidToRequest(ItdTypeDetails)}. The latter method allows the * subclass to decide if they want to be formally asked for new metadata, in * which case this class will do so. Importantly the subclass can decide the * exact metadata identification string to request, allowing flexibility in * implementation (eg a subclass could monitor for new ITD metadata related to * types other than simply their normal governor types). * * @author Ben Alex * @since 1.1.1 */ @Component(componentAbstract = true) public abstract class AbstractMemberDiscoveringItdMetadataProvider extends AbstractItdMetadataProvider { /** * Allows a subclass to assess a recently updated {@link ItdTypeDetails} and * decide whether they are interested in a metadata request being made in * response. Subclasses will generally iterate over the passed ITD details * and search for members of interest. If any members of interest are * located, subclasses will return an instance-specific metadata * identification string (MID) consistent with the subclass' * {@link #getProvidesType()} The requested MID will be cleared from the * cache and formally requested. This process allows subclasses to * effectively discover new ITD members that appear over time without * needing to process every request themselves. * * @param itdTypeDetails a valid {@link ItdTypeDetails} from which member * information is available (never null) * @return null if the subclass is not interested in the type, or a MID if * it is */ protected abstract String getLocalMidToRequest(ItdTypeDetails itdTypeDetails); /** * Receives generic notification events arising from our calling of * MetadataDependencyRegistry.addNotificationListener(this). You must still * register in the activate method to receive these events, as described in * the JavaDocs for the superclass method of the same name. * * @see AbstractItdMetadataProvider#notifyForGenericListener(String) */ @Override protected final void notifyForGenericListener( final String upstreamDependency) { if (MetadataIdentificationUtils.isIdentifyingClass(upstreamDependency)) { // It's just a class-specific notification (i.e. no instance), so we // don't care about it return; } // We have an instance-specific identifier; try to get its metadata final MetadataItem metadata = metadataService.get(upstreamDependency); // We don't have to worry about physical type metadata, as we monitor // the relevant .java once the DOD governor is first detected if (!(metadata instanceof ItdTypeDetailsProvidingMetadataItem) || !metadata.isValid()) { // It's not for an ITD, or there's something wrong with it return; } // Get the details of the ITD final ItdTypeDetails itdTypeDetails = ((ItdTypeDetailsProvidingMetadataItem) metadata) .getMemberHoldingTypeDetails(); if (itdTypeDetails == null) { return; } // Ask the subclass if they'd like us to request a MetadataItem in // response final String localMid = getLocalMidToRequest(itdTypeDetails); if (localMid != null) { Validate.isTrue( MetadataIdentificationUtils.isIdentifyingInstance(localMid), "Metadata identification string '" + localMid + "' should identify a specific instance to request"); Validate.isTrue( MetadataIdentificationUtils.getMetadataClass(localMid) .equals(MetadataIdentificationUtils .getMetadataClass(getProvidesType())), "Metadata identication string '" + MetadataIdentificationUtils .getMetadataClass(localMid) + "' is incompatible with this metadata provider's class '" + MetadataIdentificationUtils .getMetadataClass(getProvidesType()) + "'"); metadataService.evictAndGet(localMid); } } }