package org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.jsp; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.jsp.i18n.I18n; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import org.springframework.roo.project.Path; import org.springframework.roo.project.PathResolver; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Commands for Web-related add-on to be used by the Roo shell. * * @author Stefan Schmidt * @since 1.0 */ @Component @Service public class JspCommands implements CommandMarker { private static Logger LOGGER = HandlerUtils.getLogger(JspCommands.class); @Reference private JspOperations jspOperations; @Reference private PathResolver pathResolver; @Deprecated @CliCommand(value = "web mvc install view", help = "Create a new static view.") public void installView( @CliOption(key = "path", mandatory = true, help = "The path the static view to create in (required, ie '/foo/blah')") final String path, @CliOption(key = "viewName", mandatory = true, help = "The view name the mapping this view should adopt (required, ie 'index')") final String viewName, @CliOption(key = "title", mandatory = true, help = "The title of the view") final String title) { LOGGER.warning("This command has been deprecated and will be disabled soon! Please use 'web mvc setup' followed by 'web mvc install view' instead."); view(path, viewName, title); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "web mvc controller", "controller class", "web mvc install view", "web mvc view", "web mvc update tags" }) public boolean isControllerClassAvailable() { return jspOperations.isControllerAvailable(); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "web mvc install language", "web mvc language" }) public boolean isInstallLanguageAvailable() { return jspOperations.isInstallLanguageCommandAvailable(); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "web mvc setup" }) public boolean isProjectAvailable() { return jspOperations.isMvcInstallationPossible(); } @Deprecated @CliCommand(value = "web mvc install language", help = "Install new internationalization bundle for MVC scaffolded UI.") public void lang( @CliOption(key = { "", "code" }, mandatory = true, help = "The language code for the desired bundle") final I18n i18n) { if (i18n == null) { LOGGER.warning("Could not parse language code"); return; } jspOperations.installI18n(i18n, pathResolver.getFocusedPath(Path.SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP)); } @CliCommand(value = "web mvc language", help = "Install new internationalization bundle for MVC scaffolded UI.") public void language( @CliOption(key = { "", "code" }, mandatory = true, help = "The language code for the desired bundle") final I18n i18n) { if (i18n == null) { LOGGER.warning("Could not parse language code"); return; } jspOperations.installI18n(i18n, pathResolver.getFocusedPath(Path.SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP)); } @Deprecated @CliCommand(value = "controller class", help = "Create a new manual Controller (ie where you write the methods) - deprecated, use 'web mvc controller' instead") public void newController( @CliOption(key = { "class", "" }, mandatory = true, help = "The path and name of the controller object to be created") final JavaType controller, @CliOption(key = "preferredMapping", mandatory = false, help = "Indicates a specific request mapping path for this controller (eg /foo/)") final String preferredMapping) { newMvcArtifact(controller, preferredMapping); } @CliCommand(value = "web mvc controller", help = "Create a new manual Controller (ie where you write the methods)") public void newMvcArtifact( @CliOption(key = { "class", "" }, mandatory = true, help = "The path and name of the controller object to be created") final JavaType controller, @CliOption(key = "preferredMapping", mandatory = false, help = "Indicates a specific request mapping path for this controller (eg /foo/)") final String preferredMapping) { jspOperations.createManualController(controller, preferredMapping, pathResolver.getFocusedPath(Path.SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP)); } @CliCommand(value = "web mvc update tags", help = "Replace an existing application tagx library with the latest version (use --backup option to backup your application first)") public void update( @CliOption(key = "backup", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Backup your application before replacing your existing tag library") final boolean backup) { jspOperations.updateTags(backup, pathResolver.getFocusedPath(Path.SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP)); } @CliCommand(value = "web mvc view", help = "Create a new static view.") public void view( @CliOption(key = "path", mandatory = true, help = "The path the static view to create in (required, ie '/foo/blah')") final String path, @CliOption(key = "viewName", mandatory = true, help = "The view name the mapping this view should adopt (required, ie 'index')") final String viewName, @CliOption(key = "title", mandatory = true, help = "The title of the view") final String title) { jspOperations.installView(path, viewName, title, "View", pathResolver.getFocusedPath(Path.SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP)); } @CliCommand(value = "web mvc setup", help = "Setup a basic project structure for a Spring MVC / JSP application") public void webMvcSetup() { jspOperations.installCommonViewArtefacts(); } }