package __TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE__.__SEGMENT_PACKAGE__; import __TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE__.client.managed.activity.*; import __TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE__.client.managed.request.ApplicationRequestFactory; import __TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE__.client.managed.ui.ApplicationListPlaceRenderer; import __TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE__.client.scaffold.activity.IsScaffoldMobileActivity; import*; import __TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE__.client.scaffold.gae.GaeHelper; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; __GAE_IMPORT__ /** * Mobile application for browsing entities. */ public class ScaffoldMobileApp extends ScaffoldApp { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Scaffold.class.getName()); public static final Place ROOT_PLACE = new Place() {}; /** * The root activity that shows all entities. */ private static class DefaultActivity extends AbstractActivity implements IsScaffoldMobileActivity { private final Widget widget; public DefaultActivity(Widget widget) { this.widget = widget; } @Override public void start(AcceptsOneWidget panel, EventBus eventBus) { panel.setWidget(widget); } public Place getBackButtonPlace() { return null; } public String getBackButtonText() { return null; } public Place getEditButtonPlace() { return null; } public String getTitleText() { return "All Entities"; } public boolean hasEditButton() { return false; } } private static MobileListResources res = GWT.create(MobileListResources.class); /** * Get the list resources used for mobile. */ public static MobileListResources getMobileListResources() { if (res == null) { res = GWT.create(MobileListResources.class); res.cellListStyle().ensureInjected(); } return res; } private IsScaffoldMobileActivity lastActivity; private final ScaffoldMobileShell shell; private final ScaffoldMobileActivities scaffoldMobileActivities; private final ApplicationRequestFactory requestFactory; private final EventBus eventBus; private final PlaceController placeController; private final PlaceHistoryFactory placeHistoryFactory; @Inject public ScaffoldMobileApp(ScaffoldMobileShell shell, ApplicationRequestFactory requestFactory, EventBus eventBus, PlaceController placeController, ScaffoldMobileActivities scaffoldMobileActivities, PlaceHistoryFactory placeHistoryFactory, GaeHelper gaeHelper) { = shell; this.requestFactory = requestFactory; this.eventBus = eventBus; this.placeController = placeController; this.scaffoldMobileActivities = scaffoldMobileActivities; this.placeHistoryFactory = placeHistoryFactory; } @Override public void run() { isMobile = true; /* Add handlers, setup activities */ init(); /* Hide the loading message */ Element loading = Document.get().getElementById("loading"); loading.getParentElement().removeChild(loading); /* And show the user the shell */ // TODO (jlabanca): Use RootLayoutPanel when we switch to DockLayoutPanel. RootPanel.get().add(shell); } private void init() { GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } }); if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled()) { /* Add remote logging handler */ RequestFactoryLogHandler.LoggingRequestProvider provider = new RequestFactoryLogHandler.LoggingRequestProvider() { public LoggingRequest getLoggingRequest() { return requestFactory.loggingRequest(); } }; Logger.getLogger("").addHandler(new RequestFactoryLogHandler(provider, Level.WARNING, new ArrayList<String>())); } /* Left side lets us pick from all the types of entities */ final Renderer<ProxyListPlace> placePickerRenderer = new ApplicationListPlaceRenderer(); Cell<ProxyListPlace> placePickerCell = new AbstractCell<ProxyListPlace>() { @Override public void render(Context context, ProxyListPlace value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { sb.appendEscaped(placePickerRenderer.render(value)); } }; CellList<ProxyListPlace> placePickerList = new CellList<ProxyListPlace>(placePickerCell, getMobileListResources()); placePickerList.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED); final ValuePicker<ProxyListPlace> placePickerView = new ValuePicker<ProxyListPlace>(placePickerList); Activity defaultActivity = new DefaultActivity(placePickerView); ProxyPlaceToListPlace proxyPlaceToListPlace = new ProxyPlaceToListPlace(); ProxyListPlacePicker proxyListPlacePicker = new ProxyListPlacePicker(placeController, proxyPlaceToListPlace); placePickerView.setAcceptableValues(getTopPlaces()); proxyListPlacePicker.register(eventBus, placePickerView); /* * Wrap the scaffoldMobileActivities so we can intercept activity requests * and remember the last activity (for back button support). */ scaffoldMobileActivities.setRootActivity(defaultActivity); ActivityMapper activityMapper = new ActivityMapper() { public Activity getActivity(Place place) { // Defer to scaffoldMobileActivities. Activity nextActivity = scaffoldMobileActivities.getActivity(place); // Clear the value of the placePicker so we can select a new top level // value. placePickerView.setValue(null, false); // Update the title, back and edit buttons. Button backButton = shell.getBackButton(); if (nextActivity instanceof IsScaffoldMobileActivity) { lastActivity = (IsScaffoldMobileActivity) nextActivity; // Update the title. shell.setTitleText(lastActivity.getTitleText()); // Update the back button. String backButtonText = lastActivity.getBackButtonText(); if (backButtonText == null || backButtonText.length() == 0) { shell.setBackButtonVisible(false); } else { shell.setBackButtonVisible(true); backButton.setText(backButtonText); } // Update the edit button. shell.setEditButtonVisible(lastActivity.hasEditButton()); } else { lastActivity = null; shell.setTitleText(""); shell.setBackButtonVisible(false); shell.setEditButtonVisible(false); } // Return the activity. return nextActivity; } }; /* * The body is run by an ActivityManager that listens for PlaceChange events * and finds the corresponding Activity to run */ final ActivityManager activityManager = new ActivityManager(activityMapper, eventBus); activityManager.setDisplay(shell.getBody()); /* Browser history integration */ ScaffoldPlaceHistoryMapper mapper = GWT.create(ScaffoldPlaceHistoryMapper.class); mapper.setFactory(placeHistoryFactory); PlaceHistoryHandler placeHistoryHandler = new PlaceHistoryHandler(mapper); placeHistoryHandler.register(placeController, eventBus, ROOT_PLACE); placeHistoryHandler.handleCurrentHistory(); shell.getBackButton().addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (lastActivity != null) { Place backPlace = lastActivity.getBackButtonPlace(); if (backPlace != null) { placeController.goTo(backPlace); } } } }); shell.getEditButton().addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (lastActivity != null) { Place editPlace = lastActivity.getEditButtonPlace(); if (editPlace != null) { placeController.goTo(editPlace); } } } }); } }