package org.springframework.roo.felix; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Delegates to commands provided via Felix's Shell API. * <p> * Also monitors the Roo Shell to determine when it wishes to shutdown. This * shutdown request is then passed through to Felix for processing. * * @author Ben Alex */ @Component(immediate = true) @Service public class FelixDelegator implements CommandMarker, ShellStatusListener { private ComponentContext context; @Reference private Shell rooShell; @Reference private ShellService shellService; @Reference private StaticFieldConverter staticFieldConverter; protected void activate(final ComponentContext context) { this.context = context; rooShell.addShellStatusListener(this); staticFieldConverter.add(LogLevel.class); staticFieldConverter.add(PsOptions.class); } protected void deactivate(final ComponentContext context) { this.context = null; rooShell.removeShellStatusListener(this); staticFieldConverter.remove(LogLevel.class); staticFieldConverter.remove(PsOptions.class); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi find", help = "Finds bundles by name") public void find( @CliOption(key = "bundleSymbolicName", mandatory = true, help = "A bundle symbolic name to find") final BundleSymbolicName bsn) throws Exception { perform("find " + bsn.getKey()); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi headers", help = "Display headers for a specific bundle") public void headers( @CliOption(key = "bundleSymbolicName", mandatory = false, help = "Limit results to a specific bundle symbolic name") final BundleSymbolicName bsn) throws Exception { if (bsn == null) { perform("headers"); } else { perform("headers " + bsn.findBundleIdWithoutFail(context.getBundleContext())); } } @CliCommand(value = "osgi install", help = "Installs a bundle JAR from a given URL") public void install( @CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = true, help = "The URL to obtain the bundle from") final String url) throws Exception { perform("install " + url); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi log", help = "Displays the OSGi log information") public void log( @CliOption(key = "maximumEntries", mandatory = false, help = "The maximum number of log messages to display") final Integer maximumEntries, @CliOption(key = "level", mandatory = false, help = "The minimum level of messages to display") final LogLevel logLevel) throws Exception { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("log"); if (maximumEntries != null) { sb.append(" ").append(maximumEntries); } if (logLevel != null) { sb.append(" ").append(logLevel.getFelixCode()); } perform(sb.toString()); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi ps", help = "Displays OSGi bundle information") public void log( @CliOption(key = "format", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "BUNDLE_NAME", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "BUNDLE_NAME", help = "The format of bundle information") final PsOptions format) throws Exception { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ps"); if (format != null) { sb.append(format.getFelixCode()); } perform(sb.toString()); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi obr deploy", help = "Deploys a specific OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) bundle") public void obrDeploy( @CliOption(key = "bundleSymbolicName", mandatory = true, optionContext = "obr", help = "The specific bundle to deploy") final BundleSymbolicName bsn) throws Exception { perform("obr deploy " + bsn.getKey()); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi obr info", help = "Displays information on a specific OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) bundle") public void obrInfo( @CliOption(key = "bundleSymbolicName", mandatory = true, optionContext = "obr", help = "The specific bundle to display information for") final BundleSymbolicName bsn) throws Exception { perform("obr info " + bsn.getKey()); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi obr list", help = "Lists all available bundles from the OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) system") public void obrList( @CliOption(key = "keywords", mandatory = false, help = "Keywords to locate") final String keywords) throws Exception { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("obr list -v"); if (keywords != null) { sb.append(" ").append(keywords); } perform(sb.toString()); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi obr start", help = "Starts a specific OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) bundle") public void obrStart( @CliOption(key = "bundleSymbolicName", mandatory = true, optionContext = "obr", help = "The specific bundle to start") final BundleSymbolicName bsn) throws Exception { perform("obr start " + bsn.getKey()); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi obr url add", help = "Adds a new OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) repository file URL") public void obrUrlAdd( @CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = true, help = "The URL to add (eg") final String url) throws Exception { perform("obr add-url " + url); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi obr url list", help = "Lists the currently-configured OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) repository file URLs") public void obrUrlList() throws Exception { perform("obr list-url"); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi obr url refresh", help = "Refreshes an existing OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) repository file URL") public void obrUrlRefresh( @CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = true, help = "The URL to refresh (list existing URLs via 'osgi obr url list')") final String url) throws Exception { perform("obr refresh-url " + url); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi obr url remove", help = "Removes an existing OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) repository file URL") public void obrUrlRemove( @CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = true, help = "The URL to remove (list existing URLs via 'osgi obr url list')") final String url) throws Exception { perform("obr remove-url " + url); } public void onShellStatusChange(final ShellStatus oldStatus, final ShellStatus newStatus) { if (newStatus.getStatus().equals(Status.SHUTTING_DOWN)) { try { if (rooShell != null) { if (rooShell.getExitShellRequest() != null) { // ROO-836 System.setProperty("roo.exit", Integer .toString(rooShell.getExitShellRequest() .getExitCode())); } System.setProperty("developmentMode", Boolean.toString(rooShell.isDevelopmentMode())); } perform("shutdown"); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } } private void perform(final String commandLine) throws Exception { final LoggingOutputStream sysOut = new LoggingOutputStream(Level.INFO); final LoggingOutputStream sysErr = new LoggingOutputStream(Level.SEVERE); sysOut.setSourceClassName(FelixDelegator.class.getName()); sysErr.setSourceClassName(FelixDelegator.class.getName()); final PrintStream printStreamOut = new PrintStream(sysOut); final PrintStream printErrOut = new PrintStream(sysErr); try { shellService.executeCommand(commandLine, printStreamOut, printErrOut); } finally { printStreamOut.close(); printErrOut.close(); } } @CliCommand(value = { "exit", "quit" }, help = "Exits the shell") public ExitShellRequest quit() { return ExitShellRequest.NORMAL_EXIT; } @CliCommand(value = "osgi resolve", help = "Resolves a specific bundle ID") public void resolve( @CliOption(key = "bundleSymbolicName", mandatory = true, help = "The specific bundle to resolve") final BundleSymbolicName bsn) throws Exception { perform("resolve " + bsn.findBundleIdWithoutFail(context.getBundleContext())); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi scr config", help = "Lists the current SCR configuration") public void scrConfig() throws Exception { perform("scr config"); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi scr disable", help = "Disables a specific SCR-defined component") public void scrDisable( @CliOption(key = "componentId", mandatory = true, help = "The specific component identifier (use 'osgi scr list' to list component identifiers)") final Integer id) throws Exception { perform("scr disable " + id); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi scr enable", help = "Enables a specific SCR-defined component") public void scrEnable( @CliOption(key = "componentId", mandatory = true, help = "The specific component identifier (use 'osgi scr list' to list component identifiers)") final Integer id) throws Exception { perform("scr enable " + id); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi scr info", help = "Lists information about a specific SCR-defined component") public void scrInfo( @CliOption(key = "componentId", mandatory = true, help = "The specific component identifier (use 'osgi scr list' to list component identifiers)") final Integer id) throws Exception { perform("scr info " + id); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi scr list", help = "Lists all SCR-defined components") public void scrList( @CliOption(key = "bundleId", mandatory = false, help = "Limit results to a specific bundle") final BundleSymbolicName bsn) throws Exception { if (bsn == null) { perform("scr list"); } else { perform("scr list " + bsn.findBundleIdWithoutFail(context.getBundleContext())); } } @CliCommand(value = "osgi framework command", help = "Passes a command directly through to the Felix shell infrastructure") public void shell( @CliOption(key = "", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "help", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "help", help = "The command to pass to Felix (WARNING: no validation or security checks are performed)") final String commandLine) throws Exception { perform(commandLine); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi start", help = "Starts a bundle JAR from a given URL") public void start( @CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = true, help = "The URL to obtain the bundle from") final String url) throws Exception { perform("start " + url); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi uninstall", help = "Uninstalls a specific bundle") public void uninstall( @CliOption(key = "bundleSymbolicName", mandatory = true, help = "The specific bundle to uninstall") final BundleSymbolicName bsn) throws Exception { perform("uninstall " + bsn.findBundleIdWithoutFail(context.getBundleContext())); } @CliCommand(value = "osgi update", help = "Updates a specific bundle") public void update( @CliOption(key = "bundleSymbolicName", mandatory = true, help = "The specific bundle to update ") final BundleSymbolicName bsn, @CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = false, help = "The URL to obtain the updated bundle from") final String url) throws Exception { final Long id = bsn.findBundleIdWithoutFail(context.getBundleContext()); if (url == null) { perform("update " + id); } else { perform("update " + id + " " + url); } } @CliCommand(value = "osgi version", help = "Displays OSGi framework version") public void version() throws Exception { perform("version"); } }