package org.springframework.roo.project; import static; import; import java.util.Collection; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import org.springframework.roo.file.monitor.event.FileDetails; import; import; /** * Convenient superclass for {@link PathResolvingStrategy} implementations. * * @author Andrew Swan * @since 1.2.0 */ @Component(componentAbstract = true) public abstract class AbstractPathResolvingStrategy implements PathResolvingStrategy { protected static final String ROOT_MODULE = ""; private String rootPath; // ------------ OSGi component methods ---------------- protected void activate(final ComponentContext context) { final File projectDirectory = new File(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty( OSGiUtils.getRooWorkingDirectory(context), CURRENT_DIRECTORY)); rootPath = FileUtils.getCanonicalPath(projectDirectory); } // ------------ PathResolvingStrategy methods ---------------- protected abstract PhysicalPath getApplicablePhysicalPath(String identifier); public String getFriendlyName(final String identifier) { Validate.notNull(identifier, "Identifier required"); final LogicalPath p = getPath(identifier); if (p == null) { return identifier; } return p.getName() + getRelativeSegment(identifier); } public LogicalPath getPath(final String identifier) { final PhysicalPath parent = getApplicablePhysicalPath(identifier); if (parent == null) { return null; } return parent.getLogicalPath(); } public Collection<LogicalPath> getPaths() { return getPaths(false); } /** * Obtains the {@link Path}s. * * @param requireSource <code>true</code> to return only paths containing * Java source code, or <code>false</code> to return all paths * @return the matching paths (never <code>null</code>) */ protected abstract Collection<LogicalPath> getPaths(boolean sourceOnly); public String getRelativeSegment(final String identifier) { final PhysicalPath parent = getApplicablePhysicalPath(identifier); if (parent == null) { return null; } final FileDetails parentFile = new FileDetails(parent.getLocation(), null); return parentFile.getRelativeSegment(identifier); } public String getRoot() { return rootPath; } public Collection<LogicalPath> getSourcePaths() { return getPaths(true); } }