package org.springframework.roo.addon.dbre; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.springframework.roo.addon.dbre.model.Schema; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaPackage; import; import; import; import; /** * Shell commands for {@link DbreOperations}. * * @author Alan Stewart * @since 1.1 */ @Component @Service public class DbreCommands implements CommandMarker { @Reference private DbreOperations dbreOperations; @CliCommand(value = "database introspect", help = "Displays database metadata") public void displayDatabaseMetadata( @CliOption(key = "schema", mandatory = true, optionContext = "schema", help = "The database schema names. Multiple schema names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces") final Set<Schema> schemas, @CliOption(key = "file", mandatory = false, help = "The file to save the metadata to") final File file, @CliOption(key = "enableViews", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Display database views") final boolean view) { dbreOperations.displayDatabaseMetadata(schemas, file, view); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "database introspect", "database reverse engineer" }) public boolean isDbreAvailable() { return dbreOperations.isDbreInstallationPossible(); } @CliCommand(value = "database reverse engineer", help = "Create and update entities based on database metadata") public void serializeDatabaseMetadata( @CliOption(key = "schema", mandatory = true, optionContext = "schema", help = "The database schema names. Multiple schema names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces") final Set<Schema> schemas, @CliOption(key = "package", mandatory = false, help = "The package in which new entities will be placed") final JavaPackage destinationPackage, @CliOption(key = "testAutomatically", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Create automatic integration tests for entities") final boolean testAutomatically, @CliOption(key = "enableViews", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Reverse engineer database views") final boolean view, @CliOption(key = "includeTables", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "", optionContext = "include-tables", help = "The tables to include in reverse engineering. Multiple table names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces") Set<String> includeTables, @CliOption(key = "excludeTables", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "", optionContext = "exclude-tables", help = "The tables to exclude from reverse engineering. Multiple table names must be a double-quoted list separated by spaces") final Set<String> excludeTables, @CliOption(key = "includeNonPortableAttributes", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Include non-portable JPA @Column attributes such as 'columnDefinition'") final boolean includeNonPortableAttributes, @CliOption(key = "activeRecord", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "true", help = "Generate CRUD active record methods for each entity") final boolean activeRecord, @CliOption(key = "tableNameMapper", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "Optional table name mapping rules in property file format") final File tableNameMapper) { if (includeTables != null && includeTables.size() == 1) { String tablename = includeTables.iterator().next(); // if the tablename starts with an @ sign assume it's a file and load the include tables from that file. if (tablename.startsWith("@")) { try { includeTables = new HashSet<String>(FileUtils.readLines(new File(tablename.substring(1)))); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to open file referenced in parameter includeFiles: " + tablename.substring(1)); } } } dbreOperations.reverseEngineerDatabase(schemas, destinationPackage, testAutomatically, view, includeTables, excludeTables, includeNonPortableAttributes, activeRecord, tableNameMapper); } }