package org.springframework.roo.classpath.converters; import static org.springframework.roo.classpath.converters.JavaPackageConverter.TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_SYMBOL; import static org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath.MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR; import static; import static; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.PhysicalTypeIdentifier; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.TypeLocationService; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaPackage; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import org.springframework.roo.process.manager.FileManager; import org.springframework.roo.project.ProjectOperations; import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom; import; import; import; /** * Provides conversion to and from {@link JavaType}, with full support for using * {@value JavaPackageConverter#TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_SYMBOL} as denoting the user's * top-level package. * * @author Ben Alex * @since 1.0 */ @Component @Service public class JavaTypeConverter implements Converter<JavaType> { /** * The value that converts to the most recently used {@link JavaType}. */ static final String LAST_USED_INDICATOR = "*"; private static final List<String> NUMBER_PRIMITIVES = Arrays.asList("byte", "short", "int", "long", "float", "double"); /** * If this String appears in an option context, this converter will return * {@link JavaType}s appearing in any module of the user's project. */ public static final String PROJECT = "project"; /** * If this String appears in an option context, this converter will update * the last used type and the focused module as applicable. */ public static final String UPDATE = "update"; @Reference FileManager fileManager; @Reference LastUsed lastUsed; @Reference ProjectOperations projectOperations; @Reference TypeLocationService typeLocationService; private void addCompletionsForOtherModuleNames( final List<Completion> completions, final Pom targetModule) { for (final String moduleName : projectOperations.getModuleNames()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(moduleName) && !moduleName.equals(targetModule.getModuleName())) { completions.add(new Completion(moduleName + MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR, decorate(moduleName + MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR, FG_CYAN), "Modules", 0)); } } } private void addCompletionsForTypesInTargetModule( final List<Completion> completions, final Pom targetModule, final String heading, final String prefix, final String formattedPrefix, final String topLevelPackage, final String basePackage) { final Collection<JavaType> typesInModule = typeLocationService .getTypesForModule(targetModule); if (typesInModule.isEmpty()) { completions.add(new Completion(prefix + targetModule.getGroupId(), formattedPrefix + targetModule.getGroupId(), heading, 1)); } else { completions.add(new Completion(prefix + topLevelPackage, formattedPrefix + topLevelPackage, heading, 1)); for (final JavaType javaType : typesInModule) { String type = javaType.getFullyQualifiedTypeName(); if (type.startsWith(basePackage)) { type = StringUtils.replace(type, topLevelPackage, TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_SYMBOL, 1); completions.add(new Completion(prefix + type, formattedPrefix + type, heading, 1)); } } } } /** * Adds common "java." types to the completions. For now we just provide * them statically. */ private void completeJavaSpecificPaths(final List<Completion> completions, final String existingData, String optionContext) { final SortedSet<String> types = new TreeSet<String>(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(optionContext)) { optionContext = "java-all"; } if (optionContext.contains("java-all") || optionContext.contains("java-lang")) { // lang - other types.add(Boolean.class.getName()); types.add(String.class.getName()); } if (optionContext.contains("java-all") || optionContext.contains("java-lang") || optionContext.contains("java-number")) { // lang - numeric types.add(Number.class.getName()); types.add(Short.class.getName()); types.add(Byte.class.getName()); types.add(Integer.class.getName()); types.add(Long.class.getName()); types.add(Float.class.getName()); types.add(Double.class.getName()); types.add(Byte.TYPE.getName()); types.add(Short.TYPE.getName()); types.add(Integer.TYPE.getName()); types.add(Long.TYPE.getName()); types.add(Float.TYPE.getName()); types.add(Double.TYPE.getName()); } if (optionContext.contains("java-all") || optionContext.contains("java-number")) { // misc types.add(BigDecimal.class.getName()); types.add(BigInteger.class.getName()); } if (optionContext.contains("java-all") || optionContext.contains("java-util") || optionContext.contains("java-collections")) { // util types.add(Collection.class.getName()); types.add(List.class.getName()); types.add(Queue.class.getName()); types.add(Set.class.getName()); types.add(SortedSet.class.getName()); types.add(Map.class.getName()); } if (optionContext.contains("java-all") || optionContext.contains("java-util") || optionContext.contains("java-date")) { // util types.add(Date.class.getName()); types.add(Calendar.class.getName()); } for (final String type : types) { if (type.startsWith(existingData) || existingData.startsWith(type)) { completions.add(new Completion(type)); } } } private void completeProjectSpecificPaths( final List<Completion> completions, final String existingData) { if (!projectOperations.isFocusedProjectAvailable()) { return; } final Pom targetModule; final String heading; final String prefix; final String formattedPrefix; final String typeName; if (existingData.contains(MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR)) { // Looking for a type in another module final String targetModuleName = existingData.substring(0, existingData.indexOf(MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR)); targetModule = projectOperations .getPomFromModuleName(targetModuleName); heading = ""; prefix = targetModuleName + MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR; formattedPrefix = decorate( targetModuleName + MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR, FG_CYAN); typeName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(existingData, MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR); } else { // Looking for a type in the currently focused module targetModule = projectOperations.getFocusedModule(); heading = targetModule.getModuleName(); prefix = ""; formattedPrefix = ""; typeName = existingData; } final String topLevelPackage = typeLocationService .getTopLevelPackageForModule(targetModule); final String basePackage = resolveTopLevelPackageSymbol(typeName, topLevelPackage); addCompletionsForOtherModuleNames(completions, targetModule); if (!"pom".equals(targetModule.getPackaging())) { addCompletionsForTypesInTargetModule(completions, targetModule, heading, prefix, formattedPrefix, topLevelPackage, basePackage); } } public JavaType convertFromText(String value, final Class<?> requiredType, final String optionContext) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { return null; } // Check for number primitives if (NUMBER_PRIMITIVES.contains(value)) { return getNumberPrimitiveType(value); } if (LAST_USED_INDICATOR.equals(value)) { final JavaType result = lastUsed.getJavaType(); if (result == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unknown type; please indicate the type as a command option (ie --xxxx)"); } return result; } String topLevelPath; Pom module = projectOperations.getFocusedModule(); if (value.contains(MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR)) { final String moduleName = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR)); module = projectOperations.getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); topLevelPath = typeLocationService .getTopLevelPackageForModule(module); value = value.substring(value.indexOf(MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR) + 1, value.length()).trim(); if (StringUtils.contains(optionContext, UPDATE)) { projectOperations.setModule(module); } } else { topLevelPath = typeLocationService .getTopLevelPackageForModule(projectOperations .getFocusedModule()); } if (value.equals(topLevelPath)) { return null; } String newValue = locateExisting(value, topLevelPath); if (newValue == null) { newValue = locateNew(value, topLevelPath); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(newValue)) { final String physicalTypeIdentifier = typeLocationService .getPhysicalTypeIdentifier(new JavaType(newValue)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(physicalTypeIdentifier)) { module = projectOperations .getPomFromModuleName(PhysicalTypeIdentifier.getPath( physicalTypeIdentifier).getModule()); } } // If the user did not provide a java type name containing a dot, it's // taken as relative to the current package directory if (!newValue.contains(".")) { newValue = (lastUsed.getJavaPackage() == null ? lastUsed .getTopLevelPackage().getFullyQualifiedPackageName() : lastUsed.getJavaPackage().getFullyQualifiedPackageName()) + "." + newValue; } // Automatically capitalise the first letter of the last name segment // (i.e. capitalise the type name, but not the package) final int index = newValue.lastIndexOf("."); if (index > -1 && !newValue.endsWith(".")) { String typeName = newValue.substring(index + 1); typeName = StringUtils.capitalize(typeName); newValue = newValue.substring(0, index).toLowerCase() + "." + typeName; } final JavaType result = new JavaType(newValue); if (StringUtils.contains(optionContext, UPDATE)) { lastUsed.setType(result, module); } return result; } public boolean getAllPossibleValues(final List<Completion> completions, final Class<?> requiredType, String existingData, final String optionContext, final MethodTarget target) { existingData = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(existingData); if (StringUtils.isBlank(optionContext) || optionContext.contains(PROJECT)) { completeProjectSpecificPaths(completions, existingData); } if (StringUtils.contains(optionContext, "java")) { completeJavaSpecificPaths(completions, existingData, optionContext); } return false; } private JavaType getNumberPrimitiveType(final String value) { if ("byte".equals(value)) { return JavaType.BYTE_PRIMITIVE; } else if ("short".equals(value)) { return JavaType.SHORT_PRIMITIVE; } else if ("int".equals(value)) { return JavaType.INT_PRIMITIVE; } else if ("long".equals(value)) { return JavaType.LONG_PRIMITIVE; } else if ("float".equals(value)) { return JavaType.FLOAT_PRIMITIVE; } else if ("double".equals(value)) { return JavaType.DOUBLE_PRIMITIVE; } else { return null; } } private String locateExisting(final String value, String topLevelPath) { String newValue = value; if (value.startsWith(TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_SYMBOL)) { boolean found = false; while (!found) { if (value.length() > 1) { newValue = (value.charAt(1) == '.' ? topLevelPath : topLevelPath + ".") + value.substring(1); } else { newValue = topLevelPath + "."; } final String physicalTypeIdentifier = typeLocationService .getPhysicalTypeIdentifier(new JavaType(newValue)); if (physicalTypeIdentifier != null) { topLevelPath = typeLocationService .getTopLevelPackageForModule(projectOperations .getPomFromModuleName(PhysicalTypeIdentifier .getPath(physicalTypeIdentifier) .getModule())); found = true; } else { final int index = topLevelPath.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index == -1) { break; } topLevelPath = topLevelPath.substring(0, topLevelPath.lastIndexOf('.')); } } if (!found) { return null; } } lastUsed.setTopLevelPackage(new JavaPackage(topLevelPath)); return newValue; } private String locateNew(final String value, final String topLevelPath) { String newValue = value; if (value.startsWith(TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_SYMBOL)) { if (value.length() > 1) { newValue = (value.charAt(1) == '.' ? topLevelPath : topLevelPath + ".") + value.substring(1); } else { newValue = topLevelPath + "."; } } lastUsed.setTopLevelPackage(new JavaPackage(topLevelPath)); return newValue; } private String resolveTopLevelPackageSymbol(final String existingData, final String topLevelPackage) { if (TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_SYMBOL.equals(existingData)) { // existing data = "~" => "" return topLevelPackage + "."; } if (existingData.startsWith(TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_SYMBOL)) { // e.g. turn "~.blah" or "~blah" into "" return topLevelPackage + (existingData.charAt(1) == '.' ? "" : ".") + existingData.substring(1); } return existingData; } public boolean supports(final Class<?> requiredType, final String optionContext) { return JavaType.class.isAssignableFrom(requiredType); } }