package org.radargun.reporting.perfrepo; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import org.perfrepo.client.PerfRepoClient; import org.perfrepo.model.TestExecution; import org.perfrepo.model.builder.TestExecutionBuilder; import org.radargun.config.Configuration; import org.radargun.config.DefinitionElement; import org.radargun.config.Init; import org.radargun.config.MasterConfig; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.config.PropertyHelper; import org.radargun.logging.Log; import org.radargun.logging.LogFactory; import org.radargun.reporting.Report; import org.radargun.reporting.Reporter; import org.radargun.stats.Statistics; import org.radargun.stats.StatsUtils; import org.radargun.stats.representation.RepresentationType; import org.radargun.utils.DateConverter; import org.radargun.utils.KeyValueListConverter; import org.radargun.utils.ReflexiveConverters; import org.radargun.utils.Utils; /** * <p>Reporter providing direct upload of benchmarking results to performance repository using * {@link org.perfrepo.client.PerfRepoClient}.</p> * <p>Currently supported statistics: * <ul> * <li>DefaultOutcome - requests, errors, responseTimeMax, responseTimeMean, throughput.theoretical, throughput.actual</li> * <li>MeanAndDev - mean, dev</li> * <li>Maximum relative difference - enabled by appending '.MRD' to statistics name (e.g. BasicOperations.Get.TX.TheoreticalThroughput.MRD)</li> * </ul></p> * * @author Matej Cimbora */ public class PerfrepoReporter implements Reporter { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PerfrepoReporter.class); @Property(doc = "Perfrepo host (default localhost)") private String perfRepoHost = "localhost"; @Property(doc = "Perfrepo port (default 8080)") private int perfRepoPort = 8080; @Property(doc = "Perfrepo BASIC Authentication string (required)") private String perfRepoAuth = null; @Property(doc = "Perfrepo tags, semicolon separated") private String perfRepoTag = null; @Property(doc = "Perfrepo test uid (required)") private String perfRepoTest = null; @Property(doc = "ID of jenkins build that produced this report (default not <unknown>)") private String jenkinsBuild = "<unknown>"; @Property(doc = "URL of jenkins build that produced this report (default <unknown>)") private String jenkinsBuildUrl = "<unknown>"; @Property(doc = "Date of jenkins build that produced this report (default current date)", converter = DateConverter.class) private Date jenkinsBuildDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); @Property(doc = "Name mapping between radargun statistics names and perfrepo metric names. Only statistics with defined mapping will be uploaded.", complexConverter = MetricNameMappingConverter.class) private List<MetricNameMapping> metricNameMapping = new ArrayList<>(); @Property(doc = "Additional build parameters", converter = KeyValueListConverter.class) private Map<String, String> buildParams = new HashMap<>(); @Property(doc = "File (in java properties format) from which to load additional build parameters") private String buildParamsFile = null; @Property(doc = "Exclude default build parameters from uploaded entity. Parameters specified in 'buildParams' are not excluded. Default is false.") private boolean excludeBuildParams = false; @Property(doc = "Exclude service configurations from uploaded entity. Default is false.") private boolean excludeNormalizedConfigs = false; @Property(doc = "Exclude attachments from uploaded entity. Default is false.") private boolean excludeAttachments = false; @Property(doc = "Create separate test execution for each test iteration. Default is false.") private boolean separateTestIterations = false; @Property(doc = "Which configurations should this reporter report. Default is all configurations. Comma separated.") private List<String> configurations; @Property(doc = "Which tests should this reporter report. Default is all executed tests. Comma separated.") private List<String> tests; private MasterConfig masterConfig; @Init public void validate() { Set<String> mappingTargets = new HashSet<>(); for (MetricNameMapping mapping : metricNameMapping) { if (!mappingTargets.add( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple mappings to " +; } } } @Override public void run(MasterConfig masterConfig, Collection<Report> reports) { this.masterConfig = masterConfig; if (perfRepoAuth == null) { log.error("perfRepoAuth parameter has to be set"); return; } if (perfRepoTest == null) { log.error("perfRepoTest parameter has to be set"); return; } for (Report report : reports) { if (configurations == null || configurations.contains(report.getConfiguration().name)) { reportTests(report); } } } private void reportTests(Report report) { String perfRepoAddress = perfRepoHost + ":" + perfRepoPort; PerfRepoClient perfRepoClient = new PerfRepoClient(perfRepoAddress, "", perfRepoAuth); if (metricNameMapping == null) { log.warn("Metric name mapping was not defined!"); return; } for (Report.Test test : report.getTests()) { if (tests != null && !tests.contains( { log.debugf("Test %s is not reported.",; continue; } else { log.debugf("Reporting test %s",; } if (separateTestIterations) { for (Report.TestIteration iteration : test.getIterations()) { TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder = createTestExecutionBuilder(report, test); addIteration(testExecutionBuilder, iteration); addIterationParameters(testExecutionBuilder, iteration); testExecutionBuilder.tag("iteration_" +; addConfigsAndUpload(testExecutionBuilder, report, test, perfRepoClient); } } else { TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder = createTestExecutionBuilder(report, test); for (Report.TestIteration iteration : test.getIterations()) { addIteration(testExecutionBuilder, iteration); addIterationParameters(testExecutionBuilder, iteration); } addConfigsAndUpload(testExecutionBuilder, report, test, perfRepoClient); } } } private void addIteration(TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder, Report.TestIteration iteration) { // merge statistics & aggregate mrds Map<MetricNameMapping, List<Double>> mrdMapping = new HashMap<>(); for (MetricNameMapping mapping : metricNameMapping) { if (mapping.computeMRD) { mrdMapping.put(mapping, new ArrayList<>()); } } iteration.getStatistics().stream().map(slaveStats -> slaveStats.getValue().stream().reduce(Statistics.MERGE) .map(statistics -> addRepresentationValues(mrdMapping, statistics))) .filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).reduce(Statistics.MERGE).ifPresent(aggregatedStatistics -> { long duration = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(aggregatedStatistics.getEnd() - aggregatedStatistics.getBegin()); String iterationsName = iteration.test.iterationsName == null ? "Iteration" : iteration.test.iterationsName; String iterationValue = iteration.getValue() == null ? String.valueOf( : iteration.getValue(); for (MetricNameMapping mapping : metricNameMapping) { if (mapping.computeMRD) { List<Double> mrds = mrdMapping.get(mapping); if (!mrds.isEmpty()) { testExecutionBuilder.value(, StatsUtils.calculateMrd(mrds), iterationsName, iterationValue); } } else { double value = mapping.representation.getValue(aggregatedStatistics, mapping.operation, duration); testExecutionBuilder.value(, value, iterationsName, iterationValue); } } }); } private Statistics addRepresentationValues(Map<MetricNameMapping, List<Double>> mrdMapping, Statistics statistics) { for (Map.Entry<MetricNameMapping, List<Double>> entry : mrdMapping.entrySet()) { MetricNameMapping mapping = entry.getKey(); long duration = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(statistics.getEnd() - statistics.getBegin()); double value = mapping.representation.getValue(statistics, mapping.operation, duration); entry.getValue().add(value); } return statistics; } private void addConfigsAndUpload(TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder, Report report, Report.Test test, PerfRepoClient perfRepoClient) { // set normalized configs addNormalizedConfigs(report, testExecutionBuilder); // create new test execution TestExecution testExecution =; try { Long executionId = perfRepoClient.createTestExecution(testExecution); if (executionId != null) { // add attachments uploadAttachments(report, perfRepoClient, executionId); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while creating test execution for test " +, e); } } private TestExecutionBuilder createTestExecutionBuilder(Report report, Report.Test test) { String configName = "JDG RG (" + report.getConfiguration().name + ") " + jenkinsBuild; TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder = TestExecution.builder() .name(configName) .testUid(perfRepoTest) .started(jenkinsBuildDate); addTags(testExecutionBuilder, report); testExecutionBuilder.tag(; addBasicParameters(testExecutionBuilder, report); return testExecutionBuilder; } private void addTags(TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder, Report report) { if (perfRepoTag != null) { String[] tags = perfRepoTag.split(";"); for (String tag : tags) { testExecutionBuilder.tag(tag); } } for (Configuration.Setup setup : report.getConfiguration().getSetups()) { testExecutionBuilder.tag(setup.plugin + "." + setup.service); } testExecutionBuilder.tag(report.getConfiguration().name); testExecutionBuilder.tag("size" + report.getCluster().getSize()); } private void addBasicParameters(TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder, Report report) { testExecutionBuilder.parameter("exec.config", report.getConfiguration().name); testExecutionBuilder.parameter("exec.jenkins_build_url", jenkinsBuildUrl); testExecutionBuilder.parameter("exec.jenkins_build_number", jenkinsBuild); if (buildParams != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> buildParam : buildParams.entrySet()) { testExecutionBuilder.parameter(buildParam.getKey(), buildParam.getValue()); } } if (buildParamsFile != null) { Properties paramsFromFile = new Properties(); try (FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(buildParamsFile)) { paramsFromFile.load(fileInputStream); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Error while loading build parameters from file", e); } for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : paramsFromFile.entrySet()) { testExecutionBuilder.parameter((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue()); } } } private void addIterationParameters(TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder, Report.TestIteration iteration) { if (excludeBuildParams) { return; } for (Report.TestResult result : iteration.getResults().values()) { String resultPrefix = "result." + + "." +; testExecutionBuilder.parameter(resultPrefix + ".aggregated", result.aggregatedValue); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> slaveResult : result.slaveResults.entrySet()) { testExecutionBuilder.parameter(resultPrefix + "." + slaveResult.getKey(), slaveResult.getValue().value); } } } private void addNormalizedConfigs(Report report, TestExecutionBuilder testExecutionBuilder) { if (excludeNormalizedConfigs) { return; } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<String, Properties>> normalizedConfig : report.getNormalizedServiceConfigs().entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Properties> configItem : normalizedConfig.getValue().entrySet()) { if (configItem.getValue() != null) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> property : configItem.getValue().entrySet()) { StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(); key.append("slave") .append(normalizedConfig.getKey()) .append("."); key.append(configItem.getKey()) .append(".") .append(property.getKey()); testExecutionBuilder.parameter(key.toString(), property.getValue() == null ? "null" : (String) property.getValue()); } } } } } private void uploadAttachments(Report report, PerfRepoClient perfRepoClient, Long executionId) { if (excludeAttachments) { return; } File file = null; try { file = File.createTempFile("configs", ".zip"); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error while creating a temporary file", e); } try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos)) { if (executionId == null) { log.debug("No execution ID, attachment not uploaded"); return; } boolean contentExists = false; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<String, byte[]>> originalConfig : report.getOriginalServiceConfig().entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> configItem : originalConfig.getValue().entrySet()) { if (configItem.getValue() != null && configItem.getValue().length > 0) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("slave" + originalConfig.getKey() + "_" + configItem.getKey())); zos.write(configItem.getValue()); zos.closeEntry(); contentExists = true; } } } if (masterConfig != null) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("master_config.xml")); zos.write(masterConfig.getMasterConfigBytes()); zos.closeEntry(); contentExists = true; if (masterConfig.getScenarioBytes() != null) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("master_scenario.xml")); zos.write(masterConfig.getScenarioBytes()); zos.closeEntry(); } } zos.finish(); Utils.close(zos, fos); // avoid uploading empty attachments if (contentExists) { perfRepoClient.uploadAttachment(executionId, file, "application/zip", ""); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while uploading attachment", e); } finally { if (file != null) { if (!file.delete()) { file.deleteOnExit(); } } } } @Override public String toString() { return "PerfrepoReporter" + PropertyHelper.toString(this); } @DefinitionElement(name = "map", doc = "Definition of mapping to PerfRepo metric.") private static class MetricNameMapping { @Property(doc = "Operation that should be mapped.", optional = false) protected String operation; @Property(doc = "Which representation should be retrieved", optional = false, converter = RepresentationType.SimpleConverter.class) protected RepresentationType representation; @Property(doc = "Name of the target metric.", optional = false) protected String to; @Property(doc = "Compute mean relative deviation of the representation values.") protected boolean computeMRD = false; } private static class MetricNameMappingConverter extends ReflexiveConverters.ListConverter { public MetricNameMappingConverter() { super(new Class[] {MetricNameMapping.class}); } } }