package org.radargun.stages.cache.background; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.radargun.logging.Log; import org.radargun.logging.LogFactory; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.KeyGenerator; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.StringKeyGenerator; import org.radargun.stages.helpers.Range; import org.radargun.state.ServiceListener; import org.radargun.state.SlaveState; import org.radargun.traits.BasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.CacheInformation; import org.radargun.traits.CacheListeners; import org.radargun.traits.ConditionalOperations; import org.radargun.traits.Debugable; import org.radargun.traits.Lifecycle; import org.radargun.traits.Transactional; import org.radargun.utils.TimeService; /** * Manages background stressors and log checkers (start/stop/check for errors). * * //TODO: more polishing to make this class agnostic to implemented logic (just pass configuration) * * @author Michal Linhard <> * @author Radim Vansa <> */ public class BackgroundOpsManager implements ServiceListener { /** * Key to SlaveState to retrieve BackgroundOpsManager instance and to MasterState to retrieve results. */ private static final String PREFIX = "BackgroundOps."; public static final String DEFAULT = "Default"; public static final String ALL = PREFIX + "All"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BackgroundOpsManager.class); private GeneralConfiguration generalConfiguration; private BackgroundStressorLogicConfiguration backgroundStressorLogicConfiguration; private LogLogicConfiguration logLogicConfiguration; private String name; private SlaveState slaveState; private boolean loaded = false; private StressorRecordPool stressorRecordPool; private FailureManager failureManager; private ThreadManager threadManager; private Lifecycle lifecycle; private CacheListeners listeners; private volatile BasicOperations.Cache basicCache; private volatile Debugable.Cache debugableCache; private volatile Transactional transactional; private volatile ConditionalOperations.Cache conditionalCache; private volatile CacheInformation.Cache cacheInfo; private BackgroundOpsManager() { } public static BackgroundOpsManager getInstance(SlaveState slaveState, String name) { return (BackgroundOpsManager) slaveState.get(PREFIX + name); } public static BackgroundOpsManager getOrCreateInstance(SlaveState slaveState, String name) { BackgroundOpsManager instance = getInstance(slaveState, name); if (instance == null) { instance = new BackgroundOpsManager(); = name; instance.slaveState = slaveState; instance.failureManager = new FailureManager(instance); instance.threadManager = new ThreadManager(instance); slaveState.put(PREFIX + name, instance); slaveState.addListener(instance); List<BackgroundOpsManager> list = (List<BackgroundOpsManager>) slaveState.get(ALL); if (list == null) { slaveState.put(ALL, list = new ArrayList<>()); } list.add(instance); } return instance; } public static BackgroundOpsManager getOrCreateInstance(SlaveState slaveState, String name, GeneralConfiguration generalConfiguration, BackgroundStressorLogicConfiguration backgroundStressorLogicConfiguration, LogLogicConfiguration logLogicConfiguration) { BackgroundOpsManager instance = getOrCreateInstance(slaveState, name); instance.generalConfiguration = generalConfiguration; instance.backgroundStressorLogicConfiguration = backgroundStressorLogicConfiguration; instance.logLogicConfiguration = logLogicConfiguration; instance.threadManager.initConfiguration(); instance.lifecycle = slaveState.getTrait(Lifecycle.class); instance.listeners = slaveState.getTrait(CacheListeners.class); instance.loadCaches(); return instance; } public static List<BackgroundOpsManager> getAllInstances(SlaveState slaveState) { List<BackgroundOpsManager> instances = (List<BackgroundOpsManager>) slaveState.get(ALL); return instances != null ? instances : Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } private void loadCaches() { if (lifecycle != null && !lifecycle.isRunning()) { log.warn("Can't load caches, service is not running"); return; } basicCache = slaveState.getTrait(BasicOperations.class).getCache(generalConfiguration.cacheName); ConditionalOperations conditionalOperations = slaveState.getTrait(ConditionalOperations.class); conditionalCache = conditionalOperations == null ? null : conditionalOperations.getCache(generalConfiguration.cacheName); Debugable debugable = slaveState.getTrait(Debugable.class); debugableCache = debugable == null ? null : debugable.getCache(generalConfiguration.cacheName); if (generalConfiguration.transactionSize > 0) { transactional = slaveState.getTrait(Transactional.class); if (transactional == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transactions are set on but the service does not provide transactions"); } else if (transactional.getConfiguration(generalConfiguration.cacheName) == Transactional.Configuration.NON_TRANSACTIONAL) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transactions are set on but the cache is not configured as transactional"); } } CacheInformation cacheInformation = slaveState.getTrait(CacheInformation.class); cacheInfo = cacheInformation == null ? null : cacheInformation.getCache(generalConfiguration.cacheName); } private void unloadCaches() { basicCache = null; conditionalCache = null; debugableCache = null; cacheInfo = null; } public Logic createLogic(int index) { int numThreads = generalConfiguration.numThreads; if (generalConfiguration.sharedKeys) { if (logLogicConfiguration.enabled) { return new SharedLogLogic(this, new Range(generalConfiguration.keyIdOffset, generalConfiguration.keyIdOffset + generalConfiguration.numEntries)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The logic cannot use shared keys"); } } else { // TODO: we may have broken totalThreads for logic with dead slaves preloading int totalThreads = numThreads * slaveState.getGroupSize(); Range range = Range.divideRange(generalConfiguration.numEntries, totalThreads, numThreads * slaveState.getIndexInGroup() + index).shift(generalConfiguration.keyIdOffset); if (logLogicConfiguration.enabled) { int threadId = numThreads * slaveState.getIndexInGroup() + index; log.tracef("Stressor %d has range %s", threadId, range); return new PrivateLogLogic(this, range); } else { // TODO: remove preloading from background stressors at all, use load-data instead List<Integer> deadSlaves = backgroundStressorLogicConfiguration.loadDataForDeadSlaves; List<List<Range>> rangesForThreads = null; int liveId = slaveState.getSlaveIndex(); if (!loaded && deadSlaves != null && !deadSlaves.isEmpty()) { List<Range> deadSlavesKeyRanges = new ArrayList<Range>(deadSlaves.size() * numThreads); for (int deadSlave : deadSlaves) { // key ranges for the current dead slave for (int deadThread = 0; deadThread < numThreads; ++deadThread) { deadSlavesKeyRanges.add(Range.divideRange(generalConfiguration.numEntries, totalThreads, deadSlave * numThreads + deadThread)); } if (deadSlave < slaveState.getSlaveIndex()) liveId--; } rangesForThreads = Range.balance(deadSlavesKeyRanges, (slaveState.getClusterSize() - deadSlaves.size()) * numThreads); } List<Range> deadRanges = rangesForThreads == null ? null : rangesForThreads.get(index + numThreads * liveId); return new BackgroundStressorLogic(this, range, deadRanges, loaded); } } } public synchronized void createStressorRecordPool() { if (stressorRecordPool != null) { log.debug("Checker pool already exists, not creating another."); // When service has been stopped for a longer period of time than LogLogicConfiguration.noProgressTimeout, this can lead // to no progress timeouts causing test failures. Avoid this by re-setting records' lastSuccessfulCheck timestamps. // When checkers truly show no progress, it will be reliably detected by ThreadManager.waitUntilChecked combined with // ThreadManager.waitForProgress. if (logLogicConfiguration.ignoreDeadCheckers) { for (StressorRecord stressorRecord : stressorRecordPool.getAvailableRecords()) { stressorRecord.setLastSuccessfulCheckTimestamp(TimeService.currentTimeMillis()); } } return; } int totalThreads = slaveState.getGroupSize() * generalConfiguration.numThreads; List<StressorRecord> stressorRecords = new ArrayList<>(); // Initialize stressor records if (generalConfiguration.sharedKeys) { for (int threadId = 0; threadId < totalThreads; ++threadId) { Range range = new Range(generalConfiguration.keyIdOffset, generalConfiguration.keyIdOffset + generalConfiguration.numEntries); stressorRecords.add(new StressorRecord(threadId, range)); log.tracef("Record for threadId %d has range %s", threadId, range); } stressorRecordPool = new StressorRecordPool(totalThreads, stressorRecords, this); } else { for (int threadId = 0; threadId < totalThreads; ++threadId) { Range range = Range.divideRange(generalConfiguration.getNumEntries(), totalThreads, threadId).shift(generalConfiguration.keyIdOffset); stressorRecords.add(new StressorRecord(threadId, range)); log.tracef("Record for threadId %d has range %s", threadId, range); } stressorRecordPool = new StressorRecordPool(totalThreads, stressorRecords, this); } } public synchronized void createFailureManager() { if (failureManager != null) { log.debug("Failure holder already exists, not creating another."); return; } failureManager = new FailureManager(this); } public KeyGenerator getKeyGenerator() { KeyGenerator keyGenerator = (KeyGenerator) slaveState.get(KeyGenerator.KEY_GENERATOR); if (keyGenerator == null) { keyGenerator = new StringKeyGenerator(); slaveState.put(KeyGenerator.KEY_GENERATOR, keyGenerator); } return keyGenerator; } // Starts stressor and checker threads. If ignoreDeadCheckers is specified, ThreadManager.KeepAliveTask is scheduled. public synchronized void startBackgroundThreads() { if (logLogicConfiguration.enabled) { createStressorRecordPool(); createFailureManager(); } threadManager.startBackgroundThreads(); } // Stops stressor and checker threads, including ThreadManager.KeepAliveTask. public synchronized void stopBackgroundThreads() { threadManager.stopBackgroundThreads(); } // Waits until all stressor threads load data. Applies to BackgroundStressorLogic only. public synchronized void waitUntilLoaded() throws InterruptedException { threadManager.waitUntilLoaded(); } // 1. Stop stressor threads. // 2. Wait until checkers check all operations up to last operation written by stressor. // 3. Stop checker threads. public String waitUntilChecked() { return threadManager.waitUntilChecked(); } // Wait until a change in last performed operation of a stressor is detected. public boolean waitForProgress() { return threadManager.waitForProgress(); } // Start stressor and checker threads. public void resumeAfterChecked() { threadManager.resumeAfterChecked(); } // Check whether an error was detected in test run and return it. Otherwise return null. public synchronized String getError(boolean failuresOnly) { return failureManager.getError(failuresOnly); } public boolean isSlaveAlive(int slaveId) { Long keepAliveTimestamp = null; try { keepAliveTimestamp = (Long) basicCache.get("__keepAlive_" + slaveId); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to retrieve the keep alive timestamp", e); return true; } return keepAliveTimestamp != null && keepAliveTimestamp > TimeService.currentTimeMillis() - generalConfiguration.deadSlaveTimeout; } public Transactional.Transaction newTransaction() { return transactional.getTransaction(); } public BasicOperations.Cache getBasicCache() { return basicCache; } public Debugable.Cache getDebugableCache() { return debugableCache; } public ConditionalOperations.Cache getConditionalCache() { return conditionalCache; } public CacheListeners getListeners() { return listeners; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setLoaded(boolean loaded) { this.loaded = loaded; } public SlaveState getSlaveState() { return slaveState; } public GeneralConfiguration getGeneralConfiguration() { return generalConfiguration; } public BackgroundStressorLogicConfiguration getBackgroundStressorLogicConfiguration() { return backgroundStressorLogicConfiguration; } public LogLogicConfiguration getLogLogicConfiguration() { return logLogicConfiguration; } public CacheInformation.Cache getCacheInfo() { return cacheInfo; } public Lifecycle getLifecycle() { return lifecycle; } public StressorRecordPool getStressorRecordPool() { return stressorRecordPool; } public FailureManager getFailureManager() { return failureManager; } public ThreadManager getThreadManager() { return threadManager; } // The following methods handle situation when service is started/stopped. In that case we may need to start/stop // background threads, as they access the cache directly. // TODO: // a) clear listener on the BasicOperations trait // b) deal with the fact that the clear can be executed public static void beforeCacheClear(SlaveState slaveState) { List<BackgroundOpsManager> instances = getAllInstances(slaveState); for (BackgroundOpsManager instance : instances) { instance.setLoaded(false); } } @Override public void afterServiceStart() { setLoaded(true); // don't load data at this stage loadCaches(); // the object returned by a trait may be invalid after restart startBackgroundThreads(); } @Override public void beforeServiceStop(boolean graceful) { stopBackgroundThreads(); unloadCaches(); } @Override public void afterServiceStop(boolean graceful) {} }