package org.radargun.reporting.csv; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import org.radargun.config.Cluster; import org.radargun.config.Converter; import org.radargun.config.MasterConfig; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.logging.Log; import org.radargun.logging.LogFactory; import org.radargun.reporting.Report; import org.radargun.reporting.Reporter; import org.radargun.reporting.Timeline; import org.radargun.stats.Statistics; import org.radargun.stats.representation.DataThroughput; import org.radargun.stats.representation.DefaultOutcome; import org.radargun.stats.representation.MeanAndDev; import org.radargun.stats.representation.OperationThroughput; import org.radargun.stats.representation.Percentile; import org.radargun.utils.Utils; /** * Reporter producing CSV files. * * @author Radim Vansa <> */ public class CsvReporter implements Reporter { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CsvReporter.class); protected static final String SLAVE_INDEX = "SlaveIndex"; protected static final String ITERATION = "Iteration"; protected static final String PERIOD = "Period"; protected static final String THREAD_COUNT = "ThreadCount"; @Property(doc = "Directory into which will be report files written.") private String targetDir = "results" + File.separator + "csv"; @Property(doc = "Slaves whose results will be ignored.") private Set<Integer> ignore; @Property(doc = "Separator of columns in the CSV file. Default is ','") private String separator = ","; @Property(doc = "Compute aggregated statistics from all nodes. Default is true.") private boolean computeTotal = true; @Property(doc = "Compute response times at certain percentiles. Default is 95% and 99%.") protected double[] percentiles = new double[] {95d, 99d}; @Property(doc = "List od comma separated column name regex patterns which should be reordered to the left side, use '\\' to escape the commas if needed", converter = RegexConverter.class) protected List<String> columnOrder = Arrays.asList(".*[Put|Get]\\.Throughput", ".*[Put|Get]\\.ResponseTimeMean", ".*Get.*"); @Override public void run(MasterConfig masterConfig, Collection<Report> reports) { for (Report report : reports) { for (Report.Test test : report.getTests()) { reportTest(report, test); } reportTimelines(report); } } private void reportTest(Report report, Report.Test test) { FileWriter fileWriter = null; try { fileWriter = prepareOutputFile(report,, ""); int it = 0; Set<String> columns = new TreeSet<String>(); ArrayList<Map<String, String>> rows = new ArrayList<>(); for (Report.TestIteration iteration : test.getIterations()) { Statistics aggregated = null; for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Statistics>> slaveStats : iteration.getStatistics()) { if (ignore != null && ignore.contains(slaveStats.getKey())) { continue; } if (slaveStats.getValue().size() <= 0) { continue; } Statistics nodeSummary = processRow(it, columns, rows, slaveStats); if (computeTotal) { if (aggregated == null) aggregated = nodeSummary.copy(); else aggregated.merge(nodeSummary); } } if (computeTotal && aggregated != null) { Map<String, String> rowData = new HashMap<String, String>(); rows.add(rowData); for (String operation : aggregated.getOperations()) { addRepresentations(aggregated, rowData, aggregated, operation); } columns.addAll(rowData.keySet()); rowData.put(SLAVE_INDEX, "TOTAL"); rowData.put(ITERATION, String.valueOf(it)); rowData.put(PERIOD, String.valueOf(aggregated.getEnd() - aggregated.getBegin())); rowData.put(THREAD_COUNT, String.valueOf(iteration.getThreadCount())); } ++it; } writeFile(fileWriter, columns, rows); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to create report for test " +, e); } finally { if (fileWriter != null) { try { fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to close", e); } } } } private FileWriter prepareOutputFile(Report report, String prefix, String suffix) throws IOException { File parentDir = new File(targetDir); if (!parentDir.exists()) { if (!parentDir.mkdirs()) { log.warn("Issues creating parent dir " + parentDir); } } else { if (!parentDir.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalStateException(targetDir + " is not a directory"); } } StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(prefix).append('_').append(report.getConfiguration().name); for (Cluster.Group group : report.getCluster().getGroups()) { fileName.append('_').append('_').append(group.size); } fileName.append(suffix).append(".csv"); File outputFile = Utils.createOrReplaceFile(parentDir, fileName.toString()); return new FileWriter(outputFile); } private Statistics processRow(int it, Set<String> columns, List<Map<String, String>> rows, Map.Entry<Integer, List<Statistics>> slaveStats) { // this reporter is merging statistics from all threads on each node Statistics summary = slaveStats.getValue().stream().filter(o -> o != null).reduce(Statistics.MERGE) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No statistics!")); Map<String, String> rowData = new HashMap<String, String>(); rows.add(rowData); for (String operation : summary.getOperations()) { addRepresentations(summary, rowData, summary, operation); } columns.addAll(rowData.keySet()); rowData.put(SLAVE_INDEX, String.valueOf(slaveStats.getKey())); rowData.put(ITERATION, String.valueOf(it)); rowData.put(PERIOD, String.valueOf(summary.getEnd() - summary.getBegin())); rowData.put(THREAD_COUNT, String.valueOf(slaveStats.getValue().size())); return summary; } private void addRepresentations(Statistics summary, Map<String, String> rowData, Statistics statistics, String operationName) { DefaultOutcome defaultOutcome = statistics.getRepresentation(operationName, DefaultOutcome.class); if (defaultOutcome != null) { if (defaultOutcome.requests == 0) return; rowData.put(operationName + ".Requests", String.valueOf(defaultOutcome.requests)); rowData.put(operationName + ".Errors", String.valueOf(defaultOutcome.errors)); rowData.put(operationName + ".ResponseTimeMax", String.valueOf(defaultOutcome.responseTimeMax)); rowData.put(operationName + ".ResponseTimeMean", String.valueOf(round(defaultOutcome.responseTimeMean, 2))); } OperationThroughput throughput = statistics.getRepresentation(operationName, OperationThroughput.class); if (throughput != null) { rowData.put(operationName + ".ThroughputWithErrors", String.valueOf(round(throughput.gross, 1))); rowData.put(operationName + ".Throughput", String.valueOf(round(, 1))); } for (double percentile : percentiles) { Percentile result = statistics.getRepresentation(operationName, Percentile.class, percentile); if (result != null) { rowData.put(operationName + ".RTM_" + percentile, String.valueOf(round(result.responseTimeMax, 2))); } } MeanAndDev meanAndDev = statistics.getRepresentation(operationName, MeanAndDev.class); if (meanAndDev != null) { rowData.put(operationName + ".ResponseTimeMean", String.valueOf(round(meanAndDev.mean, 2))); rowData.put(operationName + ".ResponseTimeDeviation", String.valueOf(round(, 2))); } DataThroughput dataThroughput = statistics.getRepresentation(operationName, DataThroughput.class); if (dataThroughput != null) { rowData.put(operationName + ".DataThrouputMin", String.valueOf(round(dataThroughput.minThroughput, 1))); rowData.put(operationName + ".DataThrouputMax", String.valueOf(round(dataThroughput.maxThroughput, 1))); rowData.put(operationName + ".DataThrouputMean", String.valueOf(round(dataThroughput.meanThroughput, 1))); rowData.put(operationName + ".DataThrouputStdDeviation", String.valueOf(round(dataThroughput.deviation, 2))); rowData.put(operationName + ".TotalBytes", String.valueOf(dataThroughput.totalBytes)); rowData.put(operationName + ".ResponseTimes", Arrays.toString(dataThroughput.responseTimes).replace(",", "")); } } private void writeFile(FileWriter fileWriter, Set<String> columns, List<Map<String, String>> rows) throws IOException { List<String> indexColumns = Arrays.asList(ITERATION, SLAVE_INDEX, PERIOD, THREAD_COUNT); List<String> orderedColumns = new ArrayList<String>(indexColumns); orderedColumns.addAll(columns); List<String> columnOrderList = new ArrayList<String>(indexColumns); columnOrderList.addAll(columnOrder); // sorts columns into correct order orderedColumns.sort(new ColumnComparator(columnOrderList)); // sorts rows into correct order rows.sort(new RowComparator(Arrays.asList(SLAVE_INDEX, ITERATION, PERIOD, THREAD_COUNT))); for (String column : orderedColumns) { fileWriter.write(column); fileWriter.write(separator); } fileWriter.write("\n"); for (Map<String, String> row : rows) { for (String column : orderedColumns) { String value = row.get(column); if (value != null) fileWriter.write(value); fileWriter.write(separator); } fileWriter.write("\n"); } } private static class ValueAndSlave implements Comparable<ValueAndSlave> { Timeline.Value value; int slaveIndex; private ValueAndSlave(Timeline.Value value, int slaveIndex) { this.value = value; this.slaveIndex = slaveIndex; } @Override public int compareTo(ValueAndSlave o) { int c =, o.value.timestamp); return c == 0 ?, o.slaveIndex) : c; } } private void reportTimelines(Report report) { Set<Timeline.Category> allCategories = new HashSet<>(); int maxSlaveIndex = 0; for (Timeline t : report.getTimelines()) { allCategories.addAll(t.getValueCategories()); maxSlaveIndex = Math.max(maxSlaveIndex, t.slaveIndex); } for (Timeline.Category valueCategory : allCategories) { FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = prepareOutputFile(report, "timeline", "_" + valueCategory.getName()); writer.write("Timestamp"); writer.write(separator); for (int i = 0; i <= maxSlaveIndex; ++i) { writer.write(String.format("Slave %d%s", i, separator)); } writer.write('\n'); List<ValueAndSlave> values = new ArrayList<ValueAndSlave>(); for (Timeline t : report.getTimelines()) { List<Timeline.Value> list = t.getValues(valueCategory); if (list == null) continue; for (Timeline.Value v : list) { values.add(new ValueAndSlave(v, t.slaveIndex)); } } Collections.sort(values); long currTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE; int nextIndex = -1; for (ValueAndSlave vas : values) { if (currTimestamp != vas.value.timestamp) { if (nextIndex >= 0) { for (int i = nextIndex; i <= maxSlaveIndex; ++i) { writer.write(separator); } writer.write('\n'); } nextIndex = 0; writer.write(String.format("%d%s", vas.value.timestamp, separator)); } for (int i = nextIndex; i < vas.slaveIndex; ++i) { writer.write(separator); } writer.write(vas.value.value.toString()); writer.write(separator); currTimestamp = vas.value.timestamp; nextIndex = vas.slaveIndex + 1; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to create timeline report for category " + valueCategory.getName(), e); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to close", e); } } } } } private double round(double number, int places) { BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(number).setScale(places, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); return bigDecimal.doubleValue(); } /** * Comparator for sorting rows based on column value * * @author zhostasa * */ private class RowComparator implements Comparator<Map<String, String>> { private List<String> comparePriority; /** * Instantiates comparator * * @param comparePriority * List of columns names to sort by, priority is defined by * order in list */ public RowComparator(List<String> comparePriority) { this.comparePriority = comparePriority; } public int compare(Map<String, String> o1, Map<String, String> o2) { for (String compareColumn : comparePriority) { int comp = o1.get(compareColumn).compareTo(o2.get(compareColumn)); if (comp != 0) return comp; } return 0; } } /** * Comparator for sorting columns by matching regex * * @author zhostasa * */ private class ColumnComparator implements Comparator<String> { private List<String> compareRegex; /** * Instantiates comparator * * @param compareRegex * List of regular expressions to sort by, priority is * determined by order in list */ public ColumnComparator(List<String> compareRegex) { this.compareRegex = compareRegex; } public int compare(String o1, String o2) { for (String regex : compareRegex) { boolean o1Matches = o1.matches(regex); boolean o2Matches = o2.matches(regex); if (o1Matches && !o2Matches) return -1; if (!o1Matches && o2Matches) return 1; } return 0; } } /** * A converter for a comma separated list of regular expression arguments, * '\\' is used to escape the commas * * @author zhostasa * */ public static class RegexConverter implements Converter<List<String>> { public List<String> convert(String string, Type type) { List<String> newList = Arrays.asList(string.split("(?<!\\\\),")); return newList; } public String convertToString(List<String> value) { return -> n.replace(",", "\\,")).collect(Collectors.joining(",")); } public String allowedPattern(Type type) { return ".*"; } } }