package org.radargun.stages.cache.background; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.radargun.logging.Log; import org.radargun.logging.LogFactory; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.KeyGenerator; import org.radargun.traits.BasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.Debugable; import org.radargun.utils.TimeService; import org.radargun.utils.Utils; /** * Log checkers control that all operations executed by stressors are persisted in the log values. * Each node checks all writes from all stressors, but there's not a one-to-one stressor-checker * relation. Instead, each node starts a set of of checker threads, which share a data structure * {@link StressorRecordPool} with records about each stressor, * represented by {@link org.radargun.stages.cache.background.StressorRecord} class. * All records are iterated through in a round-robin fashion by the checker threads. * * When the checkers are dead on particular node, this node cannot check the stressors. For some * scenarios this is limiting - therefore, stressors may be configured to unwind the log values * even if the old records are not checked. Then, it has to notify the checker about this action * via ignored_* key, to prevent it from failing the test. * * @see org.radargun.stages.cache.background.AbstractLogLogic * @see org.radargun.stages.cache.background.Stressor * * @author Radim Vansa <> */ public abstract class LogChecker extends Thread { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LogChecker.class); protected static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); protected static final long UNSUCCESSFUL_CHECK_MIN_DELAY_MS = 10; protected static final String LAST_OPERATION_PREFIX = "stressor_"; protected static final ThreadLocal<DateFormat> FORMATTER = new ThreadLocal<DateFormat>() { @Override protected DateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss,S"); } }; protected final KeyGenerator keyGenerator; protected final int slaveIndex; protected final LogLogicConfiguration logLogicConfiguration; protected final StressorRecordPool stressorRecordPool; protected final FailureManager failureManager; protected final BasicOperations.Cache basicCache; protected final Debugable.Cache debugableCache; protected volatile boolean terminate = false; public LogChecker(String name, BackgroundOpsManager manager) { super(name); this.keyGenerator = manager.getKeyGenerator(); this.slaveIndex = manager.getSlaveState().getIndexInGroup(); this.logLogicConfiguration = manager.getLogLogicConfiguration(); this.stressorRecordPool = manager.getStressorRecordPool(); this.failureManager = manager.getFailureManager(); this.basicCache = manager.getBasicCache(); this.debugableCache = manager.getDebugableCache(); } public static String checkerKey(int checkerSlaveId, int slaveAndThreadId) { return String.format("checker_%d_%d", checkerSlaveId, slaveAndThreadId); } public static String ignoredKey(int checkerSlaveId, int slaveAndThreadId) { return String.format("ignored_%d_%d", checkerSlaveId, slaveAndThreadId); } public static String lastOperationKey(int slaveAndThreadId) { return String.format(LAST_OPERATION_PREFIX + "%d", slaveAndThreadId); } public void requestTerminate() { terminate = true; } @Override public void run() { int delayedKeys = 0; while (!terminate && !isInterrupted()) { StressorRecord record = null; try { if (delayedKeys > stressorRecordPool.getTotalThreads()) { Thread.sleep(UNSUCCESSFUL_CHECK_MIN_DELAY_MS); } record = stressorRecordPool.take(); log.trace("Checking record: " + record.getStatus()); if (TimeService.currentTimeMillis() < record.getLastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp() + UNSUCCESSFUL_CHECK_MIN_DELAY_MS) { log.trace("Last unsuccessful check was performed too recently, delaying"); delayedKeys++; continue; } delayedKeys = 0; if (record.getLastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp() > Long.MIN_VALUE) { // the last check was unsuccessful -> grab lastOperation BEFORE the value to check if we've lost that Object last = basicCache.get(lastOperationKey(record.getThreadId())); if (last != null) { LastOperation lastOperation = (LastOperation) last; record.addConfirmation(lastOperation.getOperationId(), lastOperation.getTimestamp()); } } if (record.getOperationId() == 0) { Object last = basicCache.get(checkerKey(slaveIndex, record.getThreadId())); if (last != null) { LastOperation lastCheck = (LastOperation) last; record = newRecord(record, lastCheck.getOperationId(), lastCheck.getSeed()); } checkIgnoreRecord(record); if (record.getOperationId() != 0) { log.tracef("Check for thread %d continues from operation %d", record.getThreadId(), record.getOperationId()); } } if (trace) { log.tracef("Checking operation %d for thread %d on key %d (%s)", record.getOperationId(), record.getThreadId(), record.getKeyId(), keyGenerator.generateKey(record.getKeyId())); } boolean notification = record.hasNotification(record.getOperationId()); Object value = findValue(record); boolean contains = containsOperation(value, record); if (notification && contains) { if (trace) { log.tracef("Found operation %d for thread %d", record.getOperationId(), record.getThreadId()); } if (record.getOperationId() % logLogicConfiguration.getCounterUpdatePeriod() == 0) { basicCache.put(checkerKey(slaveIndex, record.getThreadId()), new LastOperation(record.getOperationId(), Utils.getRandomSeed(record.getRand()))); }; record.setLastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp(Long.MIN_VALUE); record.setLastSuccessfulCheckTimestamp(TimeService.currentTimeMillis()); } else { long confirmationTimestamp = record.getCurrentConfirmationTimestamp(); if (confirmationTimestamp >= 0) { log.debug("Detected stale read, keyId: " + keyGenerator.generateKey(record.getKeyId())); } if (confirmationTimestamp >= 0 && (logLogicConfiguration.writeApplyMaxDelay <= 0 || TimeService.currentTimeMillis() > confirmationTimestamp + logLogicConfiguration.writeApplyMaxDelay)) { // Verify whether record should not be ignored if (checkIgnoreRecord(record)) { continue; } if (!notification) { log.errorf("Missing notification for operation %d for thread %d on key %d (%s), required for %d, notified for %s", record.getOperationId(), record.getThreadId(), record.getKeyId(), keyGenerator.generateKey(record.getKeyId()), record.getRequireNotify(), record.getNotifiedOps()); failureManager.reportMissingNotification(); debugFailure(record); record.setLastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp(TimeService.currentTimeMillis()); } if (!contains) { log.errorf("Missing operation %d for thread %d on key %d (%s) %s", record.getOperationId(), record.getThreadId(), record.getKeyId(), keyGenerator.generateKey(record.getKeyId()), value == null ? " - entry was completely lost" : ""); log.errorf("Not found in %s", value); failureManager.reportMissingOperation(); debugFailure(record); record.setLastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp(TimeService.currentTimeMillis()); }; } else { long lastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp = TimeService.currentTimeMillis(); log.debugf("Check of record %s unsuccessful, setting timestamp to %d", record.getStatus(), lastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp); record.setLastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp(lastUnsuccessfulCheckTimestamp); } } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = record == null ? "Error while performing check, record is null" : "Cannot check value for key " + keyGenerator.generateKey(record.getKeyId()); log.error(errorMessage, e); if (e instanceof InterruptedException) { interrupt(); } } finally { if (record == null) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupt(); } } else { stressorRecordPool.add(record); } } } } protected boolean checkIgnoreRecord(StressorRecord record) { if (logLogicConfiguration.ignoreDeadCheckers) { Long ignored = (Long) basicCache.get(ignoredKey(slaveIndex, record.getThreadId())); if (ignored != null && record.getOperationId() <= ignored) { log.tracef("Operations %d - %d for thread %d are ignored", record.getOperationId(), ignored, record.getThreadId()); while (record.getOperationId() <= ignored) {; } return true; } } return false; } private void debugFailure(StressorRecord record) { if (logLogicConfiguration.isDebugFailures() && debugableCache != null) { debugableCache.debugInfo(); debugableCache.debugKey(keyGenerator.generateKey(record.getKeyId())); debugableCache.debugKey(keyGenerator.generateKey(~record.getKeyId())); } } protected abstract StressorRecord newRecord(StressorRecord record, long operationId, long seed); protected abstract Object findValue(StressorRecord record) throws Exception; protected abstract boolean containsOperation(Object value, StressorRecord record); public static class LastOperation implements Serializable { private final long operationId; private final long seed; private final long timestamp; public LastOperation(long operationId, long seed) { this.operationId = operationId; this.seed = seed; this.timestamp = TimeService.currentTimeMillis(); } public long getOperationId() { return operationId; } public long getSeed() { return seed; } public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("LastOperation{operationId=%d, seed=%016X, timestamp=%s}", operationId, seed, FORMATTER.get().format(new Date(timestamp))); } } }