package org.radargun.stages.query; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.logging.Log; import org.radargun.logging.LogFactory; import org.radargun.reporting.Report; import org.radargun.traits.InternalsExposition; import org.radargun.traits.Query; import org.radargun.traits.Queryable; import org.radargun.utils.MinMax; /** * Logic for creating the query builders and retrieving query results. * * @author Radim Vansa <> */ public class QueryBase { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(QueryBase.class); @Property(doc = "Check whether all invocations got the same result, and fail if not. Default is false.") private boolean checkSameResult = false; @Property(doc = "Number of queries generated. Makes sense only when the conditions contain random data. Default is 1.") private int numQueries = 1; @Property(doc = "Full names of the attribute queried from InternalsExposition. Expecting values parse-able as long values. Default are none.") private List<String> exposedAttributes = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; protected Query.Builder[] builders; private AtomicInteger minResultSize = new AtomicInteger(-1); private AtomicInteger maxResultSize = new AtomicInteger(-1); public void init(Queryable queryable, QueryConfiguration query) { if (queryable == null) { return; // called from master, ignore } builders = new Query.Builder[numQueries]; for (int i = 0; i < numQueries; ++i) { builders[i] = constructBuilder(queryable, query); } } public static Query.Builder constructBuilder(Queryable queryable, QueryConfiguration query) { Class<?> clazz; try { clazz = Class.forName(query.clazz); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot load class " + query.clazz, e); } Query.Builder builder = queryable.getBuilder(null, clazz); if (query.conditions != null) { for (Condition condition : query.conditions) { condition.apply(builder); } } if (query.orderBy != null) { for (OrderBy ob : query.orderBy) { builder.orderBy(new Query.SelectExpression(ob.attribute, ob.asc)); } } else if (query.orderByAggregatedColumns != null) { for (Condition.OrderedSelectExpressionElement orderByAggregatedColumn : query.orderByAggregatedColumns) { builder.orderBy(orderByAggregatedColumn.toSelectExpression()); } } if (query.projection != null) { Query.SelectExpression[] projections = new Query.SelectExpression[query.projection.length]; for (int i = 0; i < query.projection.length; i++) { projections[i] = new Query.SelectExpression(query.projection[i]); } builder.projection(projections); } else if (query.projectionAggregated != null && !query.projectionAggregated.isEmpty()) { Query.SelectExpression[] projections = new Query.SelectExpression[query.projectionAggregated.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < query.projectionAggregated.size(); i++) { projections[i] = query.projectionAggregated.get(i).toSelectExpression(); } builder.projection(projections); } if (query.groupBy != null) { builder.groupBy(query.groupBy); if (query.having != null) { for (Condition condition : query.having) { condition.apply(builder); } } } if (query.offset >= 0) { builder.offset(query.offset); } if (query.limit >= 0) { builder.limit(query.limit); } return builder; } public QueryBase.Data createQueryData(InternalsExposition internalsExposition) { Map<String, String> exposedAttributeValues = new HashMap<>(); if (internalsExposition != null) { for (String attribute : exposedAttributes) { internalsExposition.getCustomStatistics(attribute); } } return new QueryBase.Data(minResultSize.get(), maxResultSize.get(), exposedAttributeValues); } private long parse(String str) { if (str == null) return 0; return Long.parseLong(str); } public void checkAndRecordResults(Map<Integer, Data> results, Report.Test test, int iteration) { MinMax.Int totalResultSize = new MinMax.Int(); Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> slaveResultSizes = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>> exposedResults = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, MinMax.Long> exposedAggregations = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, QueryBase.Data> entry : results.entrySet()) { int slaveIndex = entry.getKey(); QueryBase.Data data = entry.getValue(); if (totalResultSize.isSet() && (totalResultSize.min() != data.minResultSize || totalResultSize.max() != data.maxResultSize)) { String message = String.format("The size got from %d -> %d .. %d is not the same as from other slaves -> %d .. %d ", slaveIndex, data.minResultSize, data.maxResultSize, totalResultSize.min(), totalResultSize.max()); if (checkSameResult) { throw new IllegalStateException(message); } else {; } } for (String attribute : exposedAttributes) { String value = data.exposedAttributeValues.get(attribute); if (value == null) continue; Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> slaveResult = exposedResults.get(attribute); if (slaveResult == null) { exposedResults.put(attribute, slaveResult = new HashMap<>()); } slaveResult.put(slaveIndex, new Report.SlaveResult(value, false)); MinMax.Long aggreg = exposedAggregations.get(attribute); if (aggreg == null) { exposedAggregations.put(attribute, aggreg = new MinMax.Long()); } try { aggreg.add(parse(value)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { aggreg.add(0); } } } if (test != null) { test.addResult(iteration, new Report.TestResult("Query result size", slaveResultSizes, totalResultSize.toString(), false)); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>> entry : exposedResults.entrySet()) { test.addResult(iteration, new Report.TestResult("Exposed: " + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), exposedAggregations.get(entry.getKey()).toString(), false)); } } else {"No test name - results are not recorded"); } } public int getMinResultSize() { return minResultSize.get(); } public void updateMinResultSize(int size) { int min = minResultSize.get(); while ((min < 0 || min > size) && !minResultSize.compareAndSet(min, size)) { min = minResultSize.get(); } } public int getMaxResultSize() { return maxResultSize.get(); } public void updateMaxResultSize(int size) { int max = maxResultSize.get(); while ((max < 0 || max < size) && !maxResultSize.compareAndSet(max, size)) { max = maxResultSize.get(); } } public boolean isCheckSameResult() { return checkSameResult; } public int getNumQueries() { return numQueries; } public Query buildQuery(int queryNumber) { return builders[queryNumber].build(); } public static class Data implements Serializable { public final int minResultSize; public final int maxResultSize; public final Map<String, String> exposedAttributeValues; public Data(int minResultSize, int maxResultSize, Map<String, String> exposedAttributeValues) { this.minResultSize = minResultSize; this.maxResultSize = maxResultSize; this.exposedAttributeValues = exposedAttributeValues; } } }