package org.radargun.stages.mapreduce; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.radargun.DistStageAck; import org.radargun.StageResult; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.config.Stage; import org.radargun.reporting.Report; import org.radargun.stages.AbstractDistStage; import org.radargun.stages.cache.RandomDataStage; import org.radargun.state.SlaveState; import org.radargun.stats.BasicStatistics; import org.radargun.stats.DataOperationStats; import org.radargun.stats.Request; import org.radargun.stats.Statistics; import org.radargun.traits.InjectTrait; import org.radargun.traits.MapReducer; import org.radargun.traits.MapReducer.Task; import org.radargun.utils.KeyValueProperty; import org.radargun.utils.TimeConverter; import org.radargun.utils.Utils; /** * Executes a MapReduce Task against the cache. * * @author Alan Field <> */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Stage(doc = "Stage which executes a MapReduce Task against all keys in the cache.") public class MapReduceStage<KOut, VOut, R> extends AbstractDistStage { public static final String MAPREDUCE_RESULT_KEY = MapReduceStage.class.getName() + " " + "mapreduceResult"; @Property(doc = "Name of the source to execute map-reduce task on. Default value is implementation specific.") public String sourceName; @Property(optional = false, doc = "Fully qualified class name of the " + "mapper implementation to execute.") public String mapperFqn; @Property(optional = true, doc = "A list of key-value pairs in the form of " + "'methodName:methodParameter' that allows" + " invoking a method on the Mapper Object. The method" + " must be public and take a String parameter. The default is null.", complexConverter = KeyValueProperty.KeyValuePairListConverter.class) public List<KeyValueProperty> mapperParams = null; @Property(optional = false, doc = "Fully qualified class name of the " + "org.infinispan.distexec.mapreduce.Reducer implementation to execute.") public String reducerFqn; @Property(optional = true, doc = "A list of key-value pairs in the form of " + "'methodName:methodParameter' that allows" + " invoking a method on the Reducer Object. The method" + " must be public and take a String parameter. The default is null.", complexConverter = KeyValueProperty.KeyValuePairListConverter.class) public List<KeyValueProperty> reducerParams = null; @Property(optional = true, doc = "Fully qualified class name of the " + "org.infinispan.distexec.mapreduce.Reducer implementation to use as a combiner.") public String combinerFqn; @Property(optional = true, doc = "A list of key-value pairs in the form of " + "'methodName:methodParameter' that allows" + " invoking a method on the Reducer Object used as a combiner. The method" + " must be public and take a String parameter. The default is null.", complexConverter = KeyValueProperty.KeyValuePairListConverter.class) public List<KeyValueProperty> combinerParams = null; @Property(optional = true, doc = "Fully qualified class name of the " + "org.infinispan.distexec.mapreduce.Collator implementation to execute. The default is null.") public String collatorFqn = null; @Property(optional = true, doc = "A list of key-value pairs in the form of " + "'methodName:methodParameter' that allows" + " invoking a method on the Collator Object. The method" + " must be public and take a String parameter. The default is null.", complexConverter = KeyValueProperty.KeyValuePairListConverter.class) public List<KeyValueProperty> collatorParams = null; @Property(optional = true, doc = "Boolean value that determines if the " + "final results of the MapReduceTask are stored in the slave state. " + "The default is false.") public boolean storeResult = false; @Property(optional = true, doc = "Boolean value that determines if the " + "final results of the MapReduceTask are written to the log of the " + "first slave node. The default is false.") public boolean printResult = false; @Property(doc = "A timeout value for the remote communication that happens " + "during a Map/Reduce task. The default is zero which means to wait forever.", converter = TimeConverter.class) public long timeout = 0; @Property(doc = "The number of times to execute the Map/Reduce task. The default is 10.") public int numExecutions = 10; @Property(doc = "Compare results of previous executions on entry-by-entry basis. WARNING: This can be lengthy operation " + "on data sets with many distinct keys. On false, only result sizes are checked. The default is true.") private boolean deepComparePreviousExecutions = true; @Property(doc = "The name of the key in the MasterState object that returns the total number of " + "bytes processed by the Map/Reduce task. The default is RandomDataStage.RANDOMDATA_TOTALBYTES_KEY.") public String totalBytesKey = RandomDataStage.RANDOMDATA_TOTALBYTES_KEY; private Map<KOut, VOut> payloadMap = null; private R payloadObject = null; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) private MapReducer<KOut, VOut, R> mapReducer; @Override public StageResult processAckOnMaster(List<DistStageAck> acks) { StageResult result = super.processAckOnMaster(acks); if (result.isError()) return result; Report report = masterState.getReport(); Report.Test test = report.createTest("Map_Reduce_Stage", null, true); int testIteration = test.getIterations().size(); Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> numberOfResultKeysResult = new HashMap<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>(); Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> durationsResult = new HashMap<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>(); for (MapReduceAck ack : instancesOf(acks, MapReduceAck.class)) { if (ack.stats != null) { DataOperationStats opStats = (DataOperationStats) ack.stats.getOperationStats(; if (opStats == null) { opStats = (DataOperationStats) ack.stats.getOperationStats(; } opStats.setTotalBytes((Long) masterState.get(totalBytesKey)); test.addStatistics(testIteration, ack.getSlaveIndex(), Collections.singletonList(ack.stats)); durationsResult.put(ack.getSlaveIndex(), new Report.SlaveResult(opStats.getResponseTimes(), false)); test.addResult(testIteration, new Report.TestResult("Map/Reduce durations", durationsResult, "", false)); } if (ack.numberOfResultKeys != null) { numberOfResultKeysResult.put(ack.getSlaveIndex(), new Report.SlaveResult(ack.numberOfResultKeys, false)); test.addResult(testIteration, new Report.TestResult("Key count in Map/Reduce result map", numberOfResultKeysResult, "", false)); } } return StageResult.SUCCESS; } @Override public DistStageAck executeOnSlave() { if (!isServiceRunning()) { return errorResponse("Service is not runnning", null); } if (mapperFqn == null || reducerFqn == null) { return errorResponse("Both the mapper and reducer class must be specified.", null); } DistStageAck result = null; Map<KOut, VOut> prevPayloadMap = null; R prevPayloadObject = null; Statistics stats = new BasicStatistics(new DataOperationStats()); Task<KOut, VOut, R> mrTask = configureMapReduceTask(); stats.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < numExecutions; i++) { prevPayloadMap = payloadMap; prevPayloadObject = payloadObject; result = executeMapReduceTask(mrTask, stats); if (prevPayloadMap != null) { boolean resultsEqual = deepComparePreviousExecutions ? prevPayloadMap.equals(payloadMap) : prevPayloadMap.size() == payloadMap.size(); if (resultsEqual) { + ": Got the same results for two Map/Reduce runs"); } else { log.error(i + ": Did not get the same results for two Map/Reduce runs"); break; } } if (prevPayloadObject != null) { if (prevPayloadObject.equals(payloadObject)) { + ": Got the same results for two Map/Reduce runs with collator"); } else { log.error(i + ": Did not get the same results for two Map/Reduce runs with collator"); break; } } if (result.isError() && exitOnFailure) { break; } } stats.end(); if (storeResult) { try { if (collatorFqn == null) { slaveState.put(MAPREDUCE_RESULT_KEY, new MapReduceResult<>(payloadMap)); } else { slaveState.put(MAPREDUCE_RESULT_KEY, new MapReduceResult<>(payloadObject)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to put result object into cache", e); } } return result; } private Task<KOut, VOut, R> configureMapReduceTask() { MapReducer.Builder<KOut, VOut, R> builder = mapReducer.builder() .source(sourceName) .mapper(mapperFqn, mapperParams) .reducer(reducerFqn, reducerParams);"--------------------"); String mapReducerName = mapReducer.getClass().getName(); if (mapReducer.supportsTimeout()) { + " supports MapReducer.setTimeout()"); builder.timeout(timeout); } else { + " does not support MapReducer.setTimeout()"); } if (mapReducer.supportsCombiner()) { + " supports MapReducer.setCombiner()"); if (combinerFqn != null) { builder.combiner(combinerFqn, combinerParams); } } else { + " does not support MapReducer.setCombiner()"); } if (collatorFqn != null) { builder.collator(collatorFqn, collatorParams); } return; } private DistStageAck executeMapReduceTask(Task<KOut, VOut, R> task, Statistics stats) { MapReduceAck ack = new MapReduceAck(slaveState); try { if (collatorFqn != null) { Request request = stats.startRequest(); payloadObject = task.executeWithCollator(); // TODO handle exception request.succeeded(MapReducer.MAPREDUCE_COLLATOR);"MapReduce task with Collator completed in " + Utils.prettyPrintTime(request.duration(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)); ack.setStats(stats); if (printResult) {"MapReduce result: " + payloadObject.toString()); } } else { Request request = stats.startRequest(); payloadMap = task.execute(); // TODO handle exception request.succeeded(MapReducer.MAPREDUCE); if (payloadMap == null) { if (storeResult) {"MapReduce task completed in " + Utils.prettyPrintTime(request.duration(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)); MapReduceResult<KOut, VOut, R> mapReduceResult = (MapReduceResult) slaveState.get(MAPREDUCE_RESULT_KEY); int totalSize = 0; if (mapReduceResult != null) { if (mapReduceResult.payloadMap != null) { totalSize = mapReduceResult.payloadMap.size(); } else if (mapReduceResult.payloadObject != null) { totalSize = 1; } }"Result map contains '" + totalSize + "' keys."); ack.setNumberOfResultKeys(totalSize); ack.setStats(stats); if (printResult && mapReduceResult != null) {"MapReduce result:"); if (mapReduceResult.payloadMap != null) { for (Map.Entry<KOut, VOut> entry : mapReduceResult.payloadMap.entrySet()) {"key: " + entry.getKey() + " value: " + entry.getValue()); } } else if (mapReduceResult.payloadObject != null) {; } } } else { ack.setStats(stats); ack.error("executeMapReduceTask() returned null"); } } else {"MapReduce task completed in " + Utils.prettyPrintTime(request.duration(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS));"Result map contains '" + payloadMap.keySet().size() + "' keys."); ack.setNumberOfResultKeys(payloadMap.keySet().size()); ack.setStats(stats); if (printResult) {"MapReduce result:"); for (Map.Entry<KOut, VOut> entry : payloadMap.entrySet()) {"key: " + entry.getKey() + " value: " + entry.getValue()); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { ack.error("executeMapReduceTask() threw an exception", e); log.error("executeMapReduceTask() returned an exception", e); }"--------------------"); return ack; } private static class MapReduceAck extends DistStageAck { private Statistics stats; private String numberOfResultKeys; private MapReduceAck(SlaveState slaveState) { super(slaveState); } public void setStats(Statistics stats) { this.stats = stats; } public void setNumberOfResultKeys(long numberOfResultKeys) { this.numberOfResultKeys = Long.toString(numberOfResultKeys); } } private static class MapReduceResult<KOut, VOut, R> { private Map<KOut, VOut> payloadMap = null; private R payloadObject = null; private MapReduceResult(Map<KOut, VOut> payloadMap, R payloadObject) { this.payloadMap = payloadMap; this.payloadObject = payloadObject; } public MapReduceResult(Map<KOut, VOut> payloadMap) { this(payloadMap, null); } public MapReduceResult(R payloadObject) { this(null, payloadObject); } } }