package org.radargun.stages.query; import java.util.List; import org.radargun.config.Property; /** * * The conditions field are the standard conditions that you would expect in a WHERE clause. * Having refers to the conditions which follow the GROUP BY clause, and can make use * of aggregations. Projection and orderBy have both alternative versions * (projectionAggregated, orderByAggregatedColumns) which can use aggregations, too. * * @author Radim Vansa <> */ public class QueryConfiguration { @Property(name = "class", deprecatedName = "queryObjectClass", optional = false, doc = "Full class name of the object that should be queried. Mandatory.") public String clazz; @Property(optional = false, doc = "Conditions used in the query", complexConverter = Condition.ConditionConverter.class) public List<Condition> conditions; @Property(doc = "Conditions applied to groups when using group-by, can use aggregations.", complexConverter = Condition.ConditionConverter.class) protected List<Condition> having; @Property(doc = "Use projection instead of returning full object. Default is without projection.") public String[] projection; @Property(doc = "Projection, possibly with aggregations.", complexConverter = Condition.ProjectionConverter.class) protected List<Condition.SelectExpressionElement> projectionAggregated; @Property(doc = "Use sorting order, in form [attribute[:(ASC|DESC)]][,attribute[:(ASC|DESC)]]*. " + "Without specifying ASC or DESC the sort order defaults to ASC. Default is unordereded.", converter = OrderBy.ListConverter.class) public List<OrderBy> orderBy; @Property(doc = "Sorting, possibly by aggregated columns.", complexConverter = Condition.AggregatedSortConverter.class) protected List<Condition.OrderedSelectExpressionElement> orderByAggregatedColumns; @Property(doc = "Use grouping, in form [attribute][,attribute]*. Default is without grouping.") protected String[] groupBy; @Property(doc = "Offset in the results. Default is none.") public long offset = -1; @Property(doc = "Maximum number of the results. Default is none.") public long limit = -1; }