package org.radargun.stats; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.radargun.config.DefinitionElement; import org.radargun.stats.representation.DefaultOutcome; import org.radargun.stats.representation.Histogram; import org.radargun.stats.representation.MeanAndDev; import org.radargun.stats.representation.OperationThroughput; import org.radargun.stats.representation.Percentile; /** * This class remembers all requests as these came, storing them in memory. * * @author Radim Vansa <> */ @DefinitionElement(name = "all", doc = "Operation statistics recording all requests' response times.") public class AllRecordingOperationStats implements OperationStats { private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = (1 << 10); protected static final int MAX_CAPACITY = (1 << 20); // max 8MB /* We don't use ArrayList because it would box all the longs */ protected long[] responseTimes = new long[INITIAL_CAPACITY]; protected int pos = 0; protected boolean full = false; protected long errors; /** * * Factory method to use in the copy method * * @return a new AllRecordingOperationStats instance */ @Override public AllRecordingOperationStats newInstance() { return new AllRecordingOperationStats(); } @Override public void record(Request request) { ensureCapacity(); responseTimes[pos++] = request.duration(); if (!request.isSuccessful()) { errors++; } } @Override public void record(Message message) { if (message.isValid()) { ensureCapacity(); responseTimes[pos++] = message.totalTime(); } else { errors++; } } @Override public void record(RequestSet requestSet) { ensureCapacity(); responseTimes[pos++] = requestSet.sumDurations(); if (!requestSet.isSuccessful()) { errors++; } } public void ensureCapacity() { if (pos >= responseTimes.length) { int newCapacity = Math.min(responseTimes.length << 1, MAX_CAPACITY); if (newCapacity <= responseTimes.length) { pos = 0; full = true; } long[] temp = new long[newCapacity]; System.arraycopy(responseTimes, 0, temp, 0, responseTimes.length); responseTimes = temp; } } @Override public void merge(OperationStats o) { if (!(o instanceof AllRecordingOperationStats)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); AllRecordingOperationStats other = (AllRecordingOperationStats) o; int mySize = full ? responseTimes.length : pos; int otherSize = other.full ? other.responseTimes.length : other.pos; if (mySize + otherSize > responseTimes.length) { // when merging, ignore the capacity limit long[] temp = new long[mySize + otherSize]; System.arraycopy(responseTimes, 0, temp, 0, mySize); responseTimes = temp; } System.arraycopy(other.responseTimes, 0, responseTimes, mySize, otherSize); pos = mySize + otherSize; full = responseTimes.length > MAX_CAPACITY; } @Override public OperationStats copy() { AllRecordingOperationStats copy = this.newInstance(); copy.responseTimes = Arrays.copyOf(responseTimes, responseTimes.length); copy.full = full; copy.pos = pos; return copy; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T getRepresentation(Class<T> clazz, Statistics ownerStatistics, Object... args) { long requests = full ? responseTimes.length : pos; if (clazz == DefaultOutcome.class) { return (T) new DefaultOutcome(requests, errors, getMeanDuration(), getMaxDuration()); } else if (clazz == OperationThroughput.class) { return (T) OperationThroughput.compute(requests, errors, ownerStatistics); } else if (clazz == Percentile.class) { double percentile = Percentile.getPercentile(args); int size = full ? responseTimes.length : pos; Arrays.sort(responseTimes, 0, size); return (T) new Percentile(responseTimes[Math.min((int) Math.ceil(percentile / 100d * size), size - 1)]); } else if (clazz == Histogram.class) { return (T) getHistogram(args); } else if (clazz == MeanAndDev.class) { double temp = 0; double mean = getMeanDuration(); for (int i = 0; i < requests; ++i) { temp += ((mean - responseTimes[i]) * (mean - responseTimes[i])); } if (requests < 2) { return (T) new MeanAndDev(mean, 0); } else { return (T) new MeanAndDev(mean, Math.sqrt(temp / (requests - 1))); } } else { return null; } } private <T> Histogram getHistogram(Object[] args) { int size = full ? responseTimes.length : pos; Arrays.sort(responseTimes, 0, size); if (args.length == 0) { long[] ranges = new long[size + 1]; System.arraycopy(responseTimes, 0, ranges, 0, size); ranges[size] = responseTimes[size - 1]; long[] counts = new long[size]; Arrays.fill(counts, 1L); return new Histogram(ranges, counts); } else { ArrayList<Long> ranges = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Long> counts = new ArrayList<>(); int buckets = Histogram.getBuckets(args); double percentile = Histogram.getPercentile(args); int end = (int) Math.ceil(size * percentile / 100); long min = size == 0 ? 1 : responseTimes[0]; long max = size == 0 ? 1 : responseTimes[end]; double exponent = Math.pow((double) max / (double) min, 1d / buckets); double current = min * exponent; long accCount, lastCount = 0; for (accCount = 0; accCount < end; ) { long responseTime = responseTimes[(int) accCount]; accCount++; if (responseTime >= current) { ranges.add(responseTime); counts.add(accCount - lastCount); lastCount = accCount; current = current * exponent; } } if (accCount > 0) { ranges.add(max); counts.add(accCount - lastCount); } return new Histogram( -> l).toArray(), -> l).toArray()); } } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return pos == 0 && !full; } protected long getMaxDuration() { long max = Long.MIN_VALUE; long requests = full ? responseTimes.length : pos; if (requests == 0) { return 0; } else { for (int i = 0; i < requests; ++i) { max = Math.max(max, responseTimes[i]); } return max; } } protected long getMinDuration() { long min = Long.MAX_VALUE; long requests = full ? responseTimes.length : pos; if (requests == 0) { return 0; } else { for (int i = 0; i < requests; ++i) { min = Math.min(min, responseTimes[i]); } return min; } } protected double getMeanDuration() { long durationSum = 0; long requests = full ? responseTimes.length : pos; if (requests == 0) { return 0; } else { for (int i = 0; i < requests; ++i) { durationSum += responseTimes[i]; } return durationSum / requests; } } }