package org.radargun.stages.lifecycle; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.radargun.DistStageAck; import org.radargun.StageResult; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.config.Stage; import org.radargun.state.SlaveState; import org.radargun.traits.ConfigurationProvider; import org.radargun.traits.InjectTrait; import org.radargun.utils.TimeConverter; /** * Stage that starts a CacheWrapper on each slave. * * @author Mircea Markus <> */ @Stage(doc = "Starts services on specified slaves") public class ServiceStartStage extends AbstractServiceStartStage { @Property(doc = "Specifies whether the cluster formation should be checked after cache wrapper startup. Default is true.") private boolean validateCluster = true; @Property(doc = "If set to true, the slaves will not be started in one moment but the startup will be delayed. Default is true.") private boolean staggerSlaveStartup = true; @Property(converter = TimeConverter.class, doc = "Delay (staggering) after first slave's start is initiated. Default is 5s.") private long delayAfterFirstSlaveStarts = 5000; @Property(converter = TimeConverter.class, doc = "Delay between initiating start of i-th and (i+1)-th slave. Default is 500 ms.") private long delayBetweenStartingSlaves = 500; @Property(converter = TimeConverter.class, doc = "Time allowed the cluster to reach `expectNumSlaves` members. Default is 3 minutes.") private long clusterFormationTimeout = 180000; @Property(doc = "Collect configuration files and properties for the service, and pass those to reporters. Default is true.") private boolean dumpConfig = true; @Property(doc = "The number of members that should be up after all services are started. Applicable only with " + "validateCluster=true. Default is all members in the group where this stage will be executed. (If no " + "groups are configured, then this is equal to all members of the cluster.) If multiple groups are" + "specified in the benchmark, then the size of each group will considered separately.") private Integer expectNumSlaves; @Property(doc = "Set of slaves that should be reachable to the newly spawned slaves (see Partitionable feature for details). Default is all slaves.") private Set<Integer> reachable = null; @InjectTrait private ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider; public DistStageAck executeOnSlave() { if (!shouldExecute()) { log.trace("Start request not targeted for this slave, ignoring."); return successfulResponse(); } else if (lifecycle == null) { log.warn("Service " + slaveState.getServiceName() + " does not support lifecycle management."); return successfulResponse(); } else if (lifecycle.isRunning()) {"Service " + slaveState.getServiceName() + " is already running."); return successfulResponse(); } int index = 0; for (Integer slave : getExecutingSlaves()) { if (slave.equals(slaveState.getSlaveIndex())) break; index++; } staggerStartup(index);"Ack master's StartCluster stage. Local address is: " + slaveState.getLocalAddress() + ". This slave's index is: " + slaveState.getSlaveIndex()); // If no value of expectNumSlaves is supplied, then use the slave's group size as the default if (expectNumSlaves == null) { Set<Integer> group = slaveState.getCluster().getSlaves(slaveState.getGroupName()); group.retainAll(getExecutingSlaves()); expectNumSlaves = group.size(); } try { LifecycleHelper.start(slaveState, validateCluster, expectNumSlaves, clusterFormationTimeout, reachable); } catch (RuntimeException e) { return errorResponse("Issues while instantiating/starting cache wrapper", e); }"Successfully started cache service " + slaveState.getServiceName() + " on slave " + slaveState.getSlaveIndex()); if (configurationProvider != null && dumpConfig) { return new ServiceStartAck(slaveState, configurationProvider.getNormalizedConfigs(), configurationProvider.getOriginalConfigs()); } else { return new ServiceStartAck(slaveState, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } } private void staggerStartup(int thisNodeIndex) { if (!staggerSlaveStartup) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Not using slave startup staggering"); } return; } if (thisNodeIndex == 0) {"Startup staggering, this is the slave with index 0, not sleeping"); return; } long toSleep = delayAfterFirstSlaveStarts + thisNodeIndex * delayBetweenStartingSlaves;" Startup staggering, this is the slave with index " + thisNodeIndex + ". Sleeping for " + toSleep + " millis."); try { Thread.sleep(toSleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should never happen"); } } public StageResult processAckOnMaster(List<DistStageAck> acks) { StageResult result = super.processAckOnMaster(acks); if (result.isError()) return result; if (dumpConfig) { for (DistStageAck ack : acks) { if (ack instanceof ServiceStartAck) { ServiceStartAck sAck = (ServiceStartAck) ack; masterState.getReport().addNormalizedServiceConfig(sAck.getSlaveIndex(), sAck.gerNormalizedConfigs()); masterState.getReport().addOriginalServiceConfig(sAck.getSlaveIndex(), sAck.getOriginalConfigs()); } } } return StageResult.SUCCESS; } public static class ServiceStartAck extends DistStageAck { private Map<String, Properties> normalizedConfigs; private Map<String, byte[]> originalConfigs; private ServiceStartAck(SlaveState slaveState, Map<String, Properties> normalizedConfigs, Map<String, byte[]> originalConfigs) { super(slaveState); this.normalizedConfigs = normalizedConfigs; this.originalConfigs = originalConfigs; } public Map<String, Properties> gerNormalizedConfigs() { return normalizedConfigs; } public Map<String, byte[]> getOriginalConfigs() { return originalConfigs; } } }