package org.radargun.stats; import org.radargun.stats.representation.DataThroughput; import org.radargun.stats.representation.Histogram; /** * Underlying statistical data gathered for data processing operations. * * @author Alan Field <> */ public class DataOperationStats extends AllRecordingOperationStats { protected long totalBytes = 0; @Override public DataOperationStats newInstance() { return new DataOperationStats(); } /** * * Set the amount of data processed in the operation to calculate DataThrouput * * @param totalBytes * data size in bytes */ public void setTotalBytes(Long totalBytes) { if (totalBytes != null) { this.totalBytes = totalBytes.longValue(); } } public String getResponseTimes() { String result = ""; long requests = full ? responseTimes.length : pos; for (int i = 0; i < requests; ++i) { if (result.length() == 0) { result += responseTimes[i]; } else { result += "," + responseTimes[i]; } } return result; } @Override public void merge(OperationStats o) { super.merge(o); DataOperationStats other = (DataOperationStats) o; this.totalBytes = other.totalBytes; } @Override public OperationStats copy() { DataOperationStats copy = (DataOperationStats) super.copy(); copy.totalBytes = totalBytes; return copy; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T getRepresentation(Class<T> clazz, Statistics ownerStatistics, Object... args) { if (clazz == DataThroughput.class) { return (T) DataThroughput.compute(totalBytes, responseTimes, full ? responseTimes.length : pos); } else if (clazz == Histogram.class) { //TODO: Find out why this causes an "IllegalArgumentException: Range(double, double): require lower <= upper" error return null; } else { return super.getRepresentation(clazz, ownerStatistics, args); } } }