package org.radargun.stages.cache; import java.util.Random; import org.radargun.DistStageAck; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.config.Stage; import org.radargun.stages.AbstractDistStage; import org.radargun.stages.cache.background.BackgroundOpsManager; import org.radargun.traits.BasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.CacheInformation; import org.radargun.traits.InjectTrait; import org.radargun.traits.LocalBasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.Transactional; import org.radargun.utils.Utils; /** * Distributed stage that will clear the content of the cache wrapper on each slave. * * @author Mircea Markus <> */ @Stage(doc = "Removes all data from the cache", deprecatedName = "clear-cache") public class ClearStage extends AbstractDistStage { @Property(doc = "Execute local variant of clear on each slave. Default is null - local clear is performed, only if it is provided by the service." + " True enforces local clear - if given service does not provide the feature, exception is thrown.") private Boolean local = null; @Property(doc = "Execute the clear inside explicit transaction.") private boolean useTransaction = false; @Property(doc = "Name of the cache to be cleared. Default is the default cache.") private String cacheName; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) private BasicOperations basicOperations; @InjectTrait private LocalBasicOperations localBasicOperations; @InjectTrait private Transactional transactional; @InjectTrait private CacheInformation cacheInformation; public DistStageAck executeOnSlave() { BackgroundOpsManager.beforeCacheClear(slaveState); if (!isServiceRunning()) {"This slave is dead, cannot clear cache."); return successfulResponse(); } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(local) && localBasicOperations == null) { return errorResponse("This cache does not support local clear", null); } if (useTransaction && transactional == null) { return errorResponse("This cache does not support transactions", null); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { try {"Before executing clear, memory looks like this: \n" + Utils.getMemoryInfo()); if (shouldExecute()) { DistStageAck response = executeClear(); if (response != null) return response; if (cacheInformation == null) return successfulResponse(); } else { if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(local) || localBasicOperations == null) { long size; for (int count = new Random().nextInt(20) + 10; count > 0 && (size = cacheInformation.getCache(cacheName).getLocallyStoredSize()) > 0; --count) { log.debug("Waiting until the cache gets empty (contains " + size + " entries)"); Thread.sleep(1000); } if ((size = cacheInformation.getCache(cacheName).getLocallyStoredSize()) > 0) { log.error("The cache was not cleared from another node (contains " + size + " entries), clearing locally"); DistStageAck response = executeClear(); if (response != null) return response; if (cacheInformation == null) return successfulResponse(); } } } return successfulResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to clear cache(s)", e); } finally { System.gc();"After executing clear, memory looks like this: \n" + Utils.getMemoryInfo()); } } return errorResponse("Failed to clear the cache.", null); } protected DistStageAck executeClear() { BasicOperations.Cache cache; if (!Boolean.FALSE.equals(local) && localBasicOperations != null) { cache = localBasicOperations.getLocalCache(cacheName); } else { cache = basicOperations.getCache(cacheName); } if (cache == null) { return errorResponse("There is no cache '" + cacheName + "'", null); } Transactional.Transaction tx = null; try { if (useTransaction) { if (transactional.getConfiguration(cacheName) == Transactional.Configuration.NON_TRANSACTIONAL) { return errorResponse("No transactions for '" + cacheName + "'", null); } tx = transactional.getTransaction(); cache = tx.wrap(cache); tx.begin(); } cache.clear(); if (useTransaction) { tx.commit(); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (tx != null) { try { tx.rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { log.error("Cannot roll back", e2); } } throw e; } return null; } }