package org.radargun.stages.cache.test; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.config.Stage; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.ByteArrayValueGenerator; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.KeyGenerator; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.StringKeyGenerator; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.ValueGenerator; import org.radargun.stages.helpers.CacheSelector; import org.radargun.stages.test.TransactionMode; import org.radargun.traits.BasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.BulkOperations; import org.radargun.traits.InjectTrait; import org.radargun.traits.Transactional; import org.radargun.utils.Fuzzy; import org.radargun.utils.TimeConverter; import org.radargun.utils.TimeService; import org.radargun.utils.Utils; /** * @author Radim Vansa <> */ @Stage(doc = "Loads data into the cache using specified generators.") public class LoadStage extends org.radargun.stages.test.LoadStage { @Property(doc = "Total number of key-value entries that should be loaded into cache. Default is 100.") protected long numEntries = 100; @Property(doc = "Initial key ID used for numbering the keys. Default is 0.") protected long keyIdOffset = 0; @Property(doc = "Size of the value in bytes. Default is 1000.", converter = Fuzzy.IntegerConverter.class) protected Fuzzy<Integer> entrySize = Fuzzy.uniform(1000); @Property(doc = "Generator of keys (transforms key ID into key object). Default is 'string'.", complexConverter = KeyGenerator.ComplexConverter.class) protected KeyGenerator keyGenerator = new StringKeyGenerator(); @Property(doc = "Generator of values. Default is byte-array.", complexConverter = ValueGenerator.ComplexConverter.class) protected ValueGenerator valueGenerator = new ByteArrayValueGenerator(); @Property(doc = "Selects which caches will be loaded. Default is the default cache.", complexConverter = CacheSelector.ComplexConverter.class) protected CacheSelector cacheSelector = new CacheSelector.Default(); @Property(doc = "This option forces local loading of all keys on all slaves in this group (not only numEntries/numNodes). Default is false.") protected boolean loadAllKeys = false; @Property(doc = "If set to true, the entries are removed instead of being inserted. Default is false.") private boolean remove = false; @Property(doc = "Specifies if the requests should be explicitly wrapped in transactions. " + "Options are NEVER, ALWAYS and IF_TRANSACTIONAL: transactions are used only if " + "the cache configuration is transactional and transactionSize > 0. Default is IF_TRANSACTIONAL.") protected TransactionMode useTransactions = TransactionMode.IF_TRANSACTIONAL; @Property(doc = "Numbers of entries loaded in one transaction. Default is to not use transactions.") protected int transactionSize = 0; @Property(converter = TimeConverter.class, doc = "Target period of put operations - e.g. when this is set to 10 ms" + "the benchmark will try to do one put operation every 10 ms. By default the requests are executed at maximum speed.") protected long requestPeriod = 0; @Property(doc = "Size of batch to be loaded into cache (using putAll). If <= 0, put() operation is used sequentially.") protected int batchSize = 0; @Property(doc = "Controls whether batch insertion is performed in asychronous way. Default is false (prefer synchronous operations).") protected boolean useAsyncBatchLoading = false; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) protected BasicOperations basicOperations; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.OPTIONAL) protected BulkOperations bulkOperations; @InjectTrait protected Transactional transactional; @Override protected void prepare() { if (useTransactions == TransactionMode.ALWAYS) { if (transactional == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Service does not support transactions"); } else if (transactionSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Transaction size was not configured"); } } slaveState.put(KeyGenerator.KEY_GENERATOR, keyGenerator); slaveState.put(ValueGenerator.VALUE_GENERATOR, valueGenerator); slaveState.put(CacheSelector.CACHE_SELECTOR, cacheSelector); } protected Loader createLoader(int threadBase, int threadIndex) { String cacheName = cacheSelector.getCacheName(threadBase + threadIndex); boolean useTransactions = this.useTransactions.use(transactional, cacheName, transactionSize); int totalThreads = (loadAllKeys ? 1 : getExecutingSlaves().size()) * numThreads; int globalThreadIndex = loadAllKeys ? threadIndex : threadBase + threadIndex; LoaderIds loaderIds = new RangeIds(keyIdOffset + numEntries * globalThreadIndex / totalThreads, keyIdOffset + numEntries * (globalThreadIndex + 1) / totalThreads); if (batchSize > 0) { if (batchSize > 0 && bulkOperations == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bulk operations have been enabled, but they are not supported by current service"); } return useTransactions ? new BulkTxLoader(threadIndex, loaderIds) : new BulkNonTxLoader(threadIndex, loaderIds); } else { return useTransactions ? new TxLoader(threadIndex, loaderIds) : new NonTxLoader(threadIndex, loaderIds); } } private interface LoaderIds { /** Return next key ID */ long next(); /** Create a mark we can later return to */ void mark(); /** Resets current index to mark */ void resetToMark(); /* Returns index of the key */ long currentKeyIndex(); } private static class RangeIds implements LoaderIds { private final long start; private long current; private long limit; private long mark; public RangeIds(long from, long to) { start = current = from; limit = to; } @Override public long next() { if (current < limit) { return current++; } else { return -1; } } @Override public void mark() { mark = current; } @Override public void resetToMark() { current = mark; } @Override public long currentKeyIndex() { return current - start; } } private abstract class CacheLoader extends Loader { protected final LoaderIds loaderIds; protected long start; public CacheLoader(int index, LoaderIds loaderIds) { super(index); this.loaderIds = loaderIds; this.start = TimeService.nanoTime(); } } private abstract class CacheTxLoader extends CacheLoader { protected Transactional.Transaction tx; protected int txCurrentSize; protected int txAttempts; protected long txValuesSize; protected long txBeginSeed; public CacheTxLoader(int index, LoaderIds loaderIds) { super(index, loaderIds); } protected void beginTx() { if (tx == null) { tx = transactional.getTransaction(); wrapCache(); txBeginSeed = Utils.getRandomSeed(random); try { tx.begin(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Begin failed"); throw e; } loaderIds.mark(); } } /** * @return true when there are more keys to commit */ protected boolean commitTx(long keyId) { if (txCurrentSize >= transactionSize || keyId < 0) { try { tx.commit(); long entryCountToLog = batchSize > 0 ? txCurrentSize * batchSize : txCurrentSize; logLoaded(entryCountToLog, txValuesSize, remove); txAttempts = 0; txCurrentSize = 0; txValuesSize = 0; tx = null; resetCache(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to commit transaction", e); restartTx(); return true; } if (keyId < 0) {"Finished %s entries", remove ? "removing" : "loading")); return false; } } return true; } protected void restartTx() { loaderIds.resetToMark(); Utils.setRandomSeed(random, txBeginSeed); txCurrentSize = 0; txValuesSize = 0; resetCache(); tx = null; txAttempts++; if (txAttempts >= maxLoadAttempts) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to commit transaction " + maxLoadAttempts + " times"); } } protected abstract void wrapCache(); protected abstract void resetCache(); } private class NonTxLoader extends CacheLoader { private final BasicOperations.Cache<Object, Object> cache; public NonTxLoader(int index, LoaderIds loaderIds) { super(index, loaderIds); String cacheName = cacheSelector.getCacheName(threadIndex); cache = basicOperations.getCache(cacheName); } @Override protected boolean loadDataUnit() { int size =; long currentKeyIndex = loaderIds.currentKeyIndex(); delayRequest(start, TimeService.nanoTime(), currentKeyIndex); long keyId =; if (keyId < 0) {"Finished %s entries", remove ? "removing" : "loading")); return false; } Object key = keyGenerator.generateKey(keyId); Object value = valueGenerator.generateValue(key, size, random); boolean success = false; for (int i = 0; i < maxLoadAttempts; ++i) { try { if (remove) { cache.remove(key); } else { cache.put(key, value); } success = true; break; } catch (Exception e) { log.warnf(e, "Attempt %d/%d to %s cache failed, waiting %d ms before next attempt", i + 1, maxLoadAttempts, remove ? "remove entry from" : "insert entry into", waitOnError); try { Thread.sleep(waitOnError); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { log.warn("Interrupted when waiting after failed operation", e1); } } } if (!success) { String message = String.format("Failed to %s entry key=%s, value=%s %d times.", remove ? "remove" : "insert", key, value, maxLoadAttempts); throw new RuntimeException(message); } logLoaded(1, size, remove); return true; } } private class BulkNonTxLoader extends CacheLoader { private final BulkOperations.Cache<Object, Object> cache; public BulkNonTxLoader(int index, LoaderIds loaderIds) { super(index, loaderIds); String cacheName = cacheSelector.getCacheName(threadIndex); cache = bulkOperations.getCache(cacheName, useAsyncBatchLoading); } @Override protected boolean loadDataUnit() { Map<Object, Object> entryMap = new HashMap<>(batchSize); long keyId = 0; int totalSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) { int size =; totalSize += size; long currentKeyIndex = loaderIds.currentKeyIndex(); delayRequest(start, TimeService.nanoTime(), currentKeyIndex); keyId =; if (keyId < 0) { if (entryMap.isEmpty()) {"Finished %s entries", remove ? "removing" : "loading")); return false; } break; } Object key = keyGenerator.generateKey(keyId); Object value = valueGenerator.generateValue(key, size, random); entryMap.put(key, value); } for (int i = 0; i < maxLoadAttempts; i++) { try { if (remove) { cache.removeAll(entryMap.keySet()); } else { cache.putAll(entryMap); } if (keyId < 0) {"Finished %s entries", remove ? "removing" : "loading")); return false; } return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.warnf(e, "Attempt %d/%d to %s cache failed, waiting %d ms before next attempt", i + 1, maxLoadAttempts, remove ? "remove entry from" : "insert entry into", waitOnError); try { Thread.sleep(waitOnError); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { log.warn("Interrupted when waiting after failed operation", e1); } } } // Reached only when maxLoadAttempts attempts have been attained String message = String.format("Failed to %s batch entries %d times.", remove ? "remove" : "insert", maxLoadAttempts); logLoaded(batchSize, totalSize, remove); throw new RuntimeException(message); } } private class TxLoader extends CacheTxLoader { private final BasicOperations.Cache<Object, Object> nonTxCache; private BasicOperations.Cache cache; public TxLoader(int index, LoaderIds loaderIds) { super(index, loaderIds); String cacheName = cacheSelector.getCacheName(threadIndex); nonTxCache = basicOperations.getCache(cacheName); } @Override protected boolean loadDataUnit() { beginTx(); int size =; long currentKeyIndex = loaderIds.currentKeyIndex(); delayRequest(start, TimeService.nanoTime(), currentKeyIndex); long keyId =; if (keyId >= 0) { Object key = keyGenerator.generateKey(keyId); Object value = valueGenerator.generateValue(key, size, random); try { if (remove) { cache.remove(key); } else { cache.put(key, value); } txCurrentSize++; txValuesSize += size; } catch (Exception e) { log.warnf(e, "Attempt %d/%d to %s cache failed, waiting %d ms before next attempt", txAttempts + 1, maxLoadAttempts, remove ? "remove entry from" : "insert entry into", waitOnError); try { tx.rollback(); } catch (Exception re) { log.error("Failed to rollback transaction", re); } restartTx(); try { Thread.sleep(waitOnError); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { log.warn("Interrupted when waiting after failed operation", e1); } return true; } } else { if (keyId < 0 && txCurrentSize <= 0) {"Finished %s entries", remove ? "removing" : "loading")); return false; } } return commitTx(keyId); } @Override protected void wrapCache() { cache = tx.wrap(nonTxCache); } @Override protected void resetCache() { cache = null; } } private class BulkTxLoader extends CacheTxLoader { private final BulkOperations.Cache<Object, Object> nonTxCache; private BulkOperations.Cache cache; public BulkTxLoader(int index, LoaderIds loaderIds) { super(index, loaderIds); String cacheName = cacheSelector.getCacheName(threadIndex); nonTxCache = bulkOperations.getCache(cacheName, useAsyncBatchLoading); } @Override protected boolean loadDataUnit() { beginTx(); Map<Object, Object> entryMap = new HashMap<>(batchSize); long keyId = 0; long totalSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) { int size =; totalSize += size; long currentKeyIndex = loaderIds.currentKeyIndex(); delayRequest(start, TimeService.nanoTime(), currentKeyIndex); keyId =; if (keyId >= 0) { Object key = keyGenerator.generateKey(keyId); Object value = valueGenerator.generateValue(key, size, random); entryMap.put(key, value); } else { if (entryMap.isEmpty()) {"Finished %s entries", remove ? "removing" : "loading")); // Ongoing uncommitted TX? return txCurrentSize > 0 ? commitTx(keyId) : false; } break; } } try { if (remove) { cache.removeAll(entryMap.keySet()); } else { cache.putAll(entryMap); } txCurrentSize++; txValuesSize += totalSize; } catch (Exception e) { log.warnf(e, "Attempt %d/%d to %s cache failed, waiting %d ms before next attempt", txAttempts + 1, maxLoadAttempts, remove ? "remove entry from" : "insert entry into", waitOnError); try { tx.rollback(); } catch (Exception re) { log.error("Failed to rollback transaction", re); } restartTx(); try { Thread.sleep(waitOnError); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { log.warn("Interrupted when waiting after failed operation", e1); } return true; } return commitTx(keyId); } @Override protected void wrapCache() { cache = tx.wrap(nonTxCache); } @Override protected void resetCache() { cache = null; } } private void delayRequest(long start, long currentTime, long keyIndex) { if (requestPeriod > 0) { long nanoDelay = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(requestPeriod); long timeToWait = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(start + keyIndex * nanoDelay - currentTime); if (timeToWait > 0) { Utils.sleep(timeToWait); } } } }