package org.radargun.stages.cache; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.radargun.DistStageAck; import org.radargun.StageResult; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.config.Stage; import org.radargun.reporting.Report; import org.radargun.stages.AbstractDistStage; import org.radargun.state.SlaveState; import org.radargun.stats.BasicOperationStats; import org.radargun.stats.BasicStatistics; import org.radargun.stats.Request; import org.radargun.stats.Statistics; import org.radargun.traits.BasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.BulkOperations; import org.radargun.traits.CacheInformation; import org.radargun.traits.InjectTrait; import org.radargun.utils.TimeService; import org.radargun.utils.Utils; /** * <p> * Generates random data to fill the cache. The seed used to instantiate the java.util.Random object * can be specified, so that the same data is generated between runs. To specify generating a fixed * amount of data in the cache, specify the valueSize and valueCount parameters. The number of * values will be divided by the return value of <code>getActiveSlaveCount()</code>. To generate * data based on the amount of available RAM, specify the valueSize and ramPercentage parameters. * The amount of free memory on each node will be calculated and then used to determine the number * of values that are written by the node. * </p> * * <p> * To add a precise amount of data to the cache, you need to be aware of the storage overhead. For a * byte array, each value needs an additional 152 bytes. When <code>stringData</code> is enabled, * the values will require 2 * <code>valueSize</code> bytes + the additional 152 bytes. Keep these * values in mind when calculating the <code>valueCount</code>. * </p> * * @author Alan Field <> */ @Stage(doc = "Generates random data to fill the cache.") public class RandomDataStage extends AbstractDistStage { public static final String RANDOMDATA_TOTALBYTES_KEY = "randomDataTotalBytes"; public static final String RANDOMDATA_CLUSTER_WORDCOUNT_KEY = "randomDataClusterWordcount"; @Property(doc = "The seed to use for the java.util.Random object. " + "The default is the return value of Calendar.getInstance().getWeekYear().") public long randomSeed = Calendar.getInstance().getWeekYear(); @Property(doc = "The size of the values to put into the cache. The default size is 1MB (1024 * 1024).") public int valueSize = 1024 * 1024; @Property(doc = "The number of values of valueSize to write to the cache. " + "Either valueCount or ramPercentageDataSize should be specified, but not both.") public long valueCount = -1; @Property(doc = "A double that represents the percentage of the total Java heap " + "used to determine the amount of data to put into the cache. " + "Either valueCount or ramPercentageDataSize should be specified, but not both.") public double ramPercentage = -1; @Property(doc = "The name of the bucket where keys are written. The default is null.") public String bucket = null; @Property(doc = "If true, then String objects with printable characters are written to the cache." + "The default is false") public boolean stringData = false; @Property(doc = "If true, then the time for each put operation is written to the logs. The default is false.") public boolean printWriteStatistics = false; @Property(doc = "If true, then the random word generator selects a word from a pre-defined list. " + "The default is false.") public boolean limitWordCount = false; @Property(doc = "The maximum number of words to generate in the pre-defined list of words used with limitWordCount." + "The default is 100.") public int maxWordCount = 100; @Property(doc = "The maximum number of characters allowed in a word. The default is 20.") public int maxWordLength = 20; @Property(doc = "If false, then each node in the cluster generates a list of maxWordCount words. " + "If true, then each node in the cluster shares the same list of words. The default is false.") public boolean shareWords = false; /* * From and * */ @Property(doc = "The bytes used over the size of the key and value when " + "putting to the cache. By default the stage retrieves the value from cache wrapper automatically.") public int valueByteOverhead = -1; @Property(doc = "The number of bytes to write to the cache when the valueByteOverhead, " + "stringData, and valueSize are taken into account. The code assumes this is an " + "even multiple of valueSize plus valueByteOverhead. If stringData is true, then " + "the code assumes this is an even multiple of (2 * valueSize) plus valueByteOverhead.") public long targetMemoryUse = -1; @Property(doc = "The number of times to retry a put if it fails. Default is 10.") public int putRetryCount = 10; @Property(doc = "The maximum number of seconds to sleep before retrying a failed put command. The default is 5.") public int maxSleepInterval = 5; @Property(doc = "Size of batch to be loaded into cache (using putAll). If <= 0, put() operation is used sequentially. Default is 0.") public int batchSize = 0; @Property(doc = "Controls whether batch insertion is performed in asychronous way. Default is false (prefer synchronous operations).") public boolean useAsyncBatchLoading = false; @Property(name = "statistics", doc = "Type of gathered statistics. Default are the 'default' statistics " + "(fixed size memory footprint for each operation).", complexConverter = Statistics.Converter.class) private Statistics statisticsPrototype = new BasicStatistics(new BasicOperationStats()); @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) protected BasicOperations basicOperations; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.OPTIONAL) protected BulkOperations bulkOperations; @InjectTrait protected CacheInformation cacheInformation; private Random random; private String[][] words = null; private Runtime runtime = null; private int newlinePunctuationModulo = 10; private long nodePutCount; private long countOfWordsInData = 0; private HashMap<String, Integer> wordCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); /** * * Fills a multi-dimensional array with randomly generated words. The first dimension of the * array is based on the length of the word in characters, and runs from 1 to maxWordLength. * Dividing the wordCount by maxWordLength determines how many words of each length are * generated. * * @param wordCount * the total number of words to generate * @param maxWordLength * the maximum size in characters for a word */ private void fillWordArray(int wordCount, int maxWordLength) { int wordsPerLength = wordCount / maxWordLength; words = new String[maxWordLength][wordsPerLength]; for (int i = 1; i <= maxWordLength; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < wordsPerLength; j++) { /* * Intern the string to reduce memory usage since these words will be used multiple * times */ words[i - 1][j] = new String(generateRandomUniqueWord(i, false)).intern(); } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.tracef("Slave %d words array = %s", slaveState.getSlaveIndex(), Arrays.deepToString(words)); } } @Override public void initOnSlave(SlaveState slaveState) { super.initOnSlave(slaveState); if (shareWords && limitWordCount) { random = new Random(randomSeed); } else { /* * Add the slaveIndex to the seed to guarantee that each node generates a different word * list */ random = new Random(randomSeed + slaveState.getSlaveIndex()); } fillWordArray(maxWordCount, maxWordLength); } @Override public DistStageAck executeOnSlave() { random = new Random(randomSeed + slaveState.getSlaveIndex()); if (ramPercentage > 0 && valueCount > 0) { return errorResponse("Either valueCount or ramPercentageDataSize should be specified, but not both"); } if (shareWords && !limitWordCount) { return errorResponse("The shareWords property can only be true when limitWordCount is also true."); } if (limitWordCount && !stringData) { return errorResponse("The limitWordCount property can only be true when stringData is also true."); } if (valueByteOverhead == -1 && cacheInformation == null) { return errorResponse("The valueByteOverhead property must be supplied for this cache."); } if (batchSize > 0 && bulkOperations == null) { return errorResponse("Batch loading was enabled, however service doesn't provide " + BulkOperations.class + " implementation"); } /* * If valueByteOverhead is not specified, then try to retrieve the byte overhead from the * CacheWrapper */ if (valueByteOverhead == -1 && cacheInformation != null) { valueByteOverhead = cacheInformation.getCache(null).getEntryOverhead(); } runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); int valueSizeWithOverhead = valueByteOverhead; /* * String data is twice the size of a byte array */ if (stringData) { valueSizeWithOverhead += (valueSize * 2); } else { valueSizeWithOverhead += valueSize; } if (ramPercentage > 0) { System.gc(); targetMemoryUse = (long) (runtime.maxMemory() * ramPercentage); log.trace("targetMemoryUse: " + Utils.kbString(targetMemoryUse)); nodePutCount = (long) Math.ceil(targetMemoryUse / valueSizeWithOverhead); } else { long totalPutCount = valueCount; if (targetMemoryUse > 0) { if (targetMemoryUse % valueSizeWithOverhead != 0) { log.warn("The supplied value for targetMemoryUse (" + targetMemoryUse + ") is not evenly divisible by the value size plus byte overhead (" + valueSizeWithOverhead + ")"); } totalPutCount = targetMemoryUse / valueSizeWithOverhead; } nodePutCount = (long) Math.ceil(totalPutCount / slaveState.getClusterSize()); /* * Add one to the nodeCount on each slave with an index less than the remainder so that the * correct number of values are written to the cache */ if ((totalPutCount % slaveState.getClusterSize() != 0) && slaveState.getSlaveIndex() < (totalPutCount % slaveState.getClusterSize())) { nodePutCount++; } } long putCount = nodePutCount; boolean useBatchLoading = batchSize > 0; long bytesWritten = 0; int numOperationsToPerform = 0; BulkOperations.Cache<String, Object> bulkOperationsCache = null; BasicOperations.Cache<String, Object> basicOperationsCache = null; if (useBatchLoading) { bulkOperationsCache = bulkOperations.getCache(bucket, useAsyncBatchLoading); numOperationsToPerform = batchSize; } else { basicOperationsCache = basicOperations.getCache(bucket); numOperationsToPerform = 1; } try { byte[] buffer = new byte[valueSize]; Statistics stats = statisticsPrototype.copy(); stats.begin(); int counter = 0; Map map = new HashMap(numOperationsToPerform); while (putCount > 0) { String key = Integer.toString(slaveState.getSlaveIndex()) + "-" + putCount + ":" + TimeService.nanoTime(); String cacheData = null; if (stringData) { cacheData = generateRandomStringData(valueSize); if (useBatchLoading) { map.put(key, cacheData); } } else { random.nextBytes(buffer); if (useBatchLoading) { map.put(key, buffer); } } // putCount == 1 -> last iteration if (counter == numOperationsToPerform - 1 || putCount == 1) { Request request; boolean success = false; for (int i = 0; i < putRetryCount; ++i) { try { if (stringData) { if (putCount % 5000 == 0) { + ": Writing string length " + valueSize + " to cache key: " + key); } request = stats.startRequest(); if (batchSize > 0) { bulkOperationsCache.putAll(map); } else { basicOperationsCache.put(key, cacheData); } } else { if (putCount % 5000 == 0) { + ": Writing " + valueSize + " bytes to cache key: " + key); } request = stats.startRequest(); if (batchSize > 0) { bulkOperationsCache.putAll(map); } else { basicOperationsCache.put(key, buffer); } } request.succeeded(BasicOperations.PUT); if (printWriteStatistics) {"Put on slave" + slaveState.getSlaveIndex() + " took " + Utils.prettyPrintTime(request.duration(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)); } success = true; counter = -1; map.clear(); break; } catch (Exception e) { // If the put fails, sleep to see if staggering the put will succeed Thread.sleep(maxSleepInterval * 1000); } } if (!success) { return errorResponse("Failed to insert entry into cache", new RuntimeException(String.format("Failed to insert entry %d times.", putRetryCount))); } } if (stringData) { bytesWritten += (valueSize * 2); } else { bytesWritten += valueSize; } putCount--; counter++; } stats.end(); System.gc();"Memory - free: " + Utils.kbString(runtime.freeMemory()) + " - max: " + Utils.kbString(runtime.maxMemory()) + "- total: " + Utils.kbString(runtime.totalMemory())); log.debug("nodePutCount = " + nodePutCount + "; bytesWritten = " + bytesWritten + "; targetMemoryUse = " + targetMemoryUse + "; countOfWordsInData = " + countOfWordsInData); return new DataInsertAck(slaveState, nodePutCount, cacheInformation.getCache(null).getLocallyStoredSize(), bytesWritten, targetMemoryUse, countOfWordsInData, wordCount, stats); } catch (Exception e) { return errorResponse("An exception occurred", e); } finally { // Log the word counts for this node if (stringData && !wordCount.isEmpty() && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Word counts for node" + slaveState.getSlaveIndex()); log.debug("--------------------"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : wordCount.entrySet()) { log.debug("key: " + entry.getKey() + "; value: " + entry.getValue()); } log.debug("--------------------"); } } } private String generateRandomStringData(int dataSize) { /* * Generate a random string of "words" using random single and multi-byte characters that are * separated by punctuation marks and whitespace. */ String punctuationChars = "!,.;?"; int wordLength = maxWordLength; CharBuffer data = CharBuffer.allocate(dataSize); while (data.remaining() > 0) { String word; if (limitWordCount) { word = pickRandomWord(wordLength); } else { word = generateRandomUniqueWord(wordLength, true); } data = data.put(word); countOfWordsInData++; if (wordCount.containsKey(word)) { wordCount.put(word, wordCount.get(word) + 1); } else { wordCount.put(word, 1); } if (data.remaining() >= 2 && random.nextInt() % newlinePunctuationModulo == 0) { data.put(punctuationChars.charAt(random.nextInt(punctuationChars.length() - 1))); data.put('\n'); } else { if (data.remaining() >= 1) { data.put(' '); } } if (data.remaining() < wordLength) { wordLength = data.remaining(); } } return data.rewind().toString(); } /** * * Randomly selects a random length word based on the words array defined above * * @param maxLength * the maximum length of the word * @return the word as a String whose length may be less than <code>maxLength</code> */ private String pickRandomWord(int maxLength) { String word = ""; String[] pickWords = {}; int pick = 0; int wordLength = maxLength; // Random.nextInt(0) generates an error if (maxLength - 1 > 0) { wordLength = random.nextInt(maxLength - 1) + 1; } pickWords = words[wordLength - 1]; if (pickWords.length - 1 > 0) { pick = random.nextInt(pickWords.length - 1); } word = pickWords[pick]; return word; } /** * * Generates a random length "word" by randomly selecting single and multi-byte characters * * @param maxLength * the maximum length of the word * @param randomLength * if <code>true</code>, use a random length with a max value of <code>maxLength</code> * @return the word as a String whose length may be less than <code>maxLength</code> */ private String generateRandomUniqueWord(int maxLength, boolean randomLength) { String singleByteChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; String multiByteChars = "ÅÄÇÉÑÖÕÜàäâáãçëèêéîïìíñôöòóüûùúÿ"; StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); int wordLength = maxLength; if (randomLength && maxLength - 1 > 0) { wordLength = random.nextInt(maxLength - 1) + 1; } for (int i = wordLength; i > 0; i--) { // If wordLength == 1, then only use singleByteChars if (wordLength > 1 && random.nextBoolean()) { data.append(multiByteChars.charAt(random.nextInt(multiByteChars.length() - 1))); } else { data.append(singleByteChars.charAt(random.nextInt(singleByteChars.length() - 1))); } } return data.toString(); } @Override public StageResult processAckOnMaster(List<DistStageAck> acks) { StageResult result = super.processAckOnMaster(acks); if (result.isError()) return result;"--------------------"); if (ramPercentage > 0) { if (stringData) {"Filled cache with String objects totaling " + Math.round(ramPercentage * 100) + "% of the Java heap"); } else {"Filled cache with byte arrays totaling " + Math.round(ramPercentage * 100) + "% of the Java heap"); } } if (ramPercentage < 0 && targetMemoryUse > 0) { if (stringData) {"Filled cache with String objects totaling " + Utils.kbString(targetMemoryUse)); } else {"Filled cache with byte arrays totaling " + Utils.kbString(targetMemoryUse)); } } if (valueCount > 0) { if (stringData) {"Filled cache with " + Utils.kbString((valueSize * 2) * valueCount) + " of " + valueSize + " character String objects"); } else {"Filled cache with " + Utils.kbString(valueSize * valueCount) + " of " + Utils.kbString(valueSize) + " byte arrays"); } } Report report = masterState.getReport(); Report.Test test = report.createTest("Random_Data_Stage", null, true); int testIteration = test.getIterations().size(); Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> nodeKeyCountsResult = new HashMap<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>(); Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> nodeTargetMemoryUseResult = new HashMap<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>(); Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> nodeCountOfWordsInDataResult = new HashMap<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>(); Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> nodeBytesWritten = new HashMap<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>(); long totalValues = 0; long totalBytes = 0; long totalNodeWordCount = 0; Map<String, Integer> clusterWordCount = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); for (DataInsertAck ack : instancesOf(acks, DataInsertAck.class)) { if (ack.wordCount != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : ack.wordCount.entrySet()) { if (clusterWordCount.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { clusterWordCount.put(entry.getKey(), clusterWordCount.get(entry.getKey()) + entry.getValue()); } else { clusterWordCount.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } nodeKeyCountsResult.put(ack.getSlaveIndex(), new Report.SlaveResult(Long.toString(ack.nodeKeyCount), false)); nodeBytesWritten.put(ack.getSlaveIndex(), new Report.SlaveResult(Long.toString(ack.bytesWritten), false)); test.addStatistics(testIteration, ack.getSlaveIndex(), Collections.singletonList(ack.nodePutStats)); totalValues += ack.nodePutCount; totalBytes += ack.bytesWritten; String logInfo = "Slave " + ack.getSlaveIndex() + " wrote " + ack.nodePutCount + " values to the cache with a total size of " + Utils.kbString(ack.bytesWritten); if (ramPercentage > 0) { logInfo += "; targetMemoryUse = " + Utils.kbString(ack.targetMemoryUse); nodeTargetMemoryUseResult.put(ack.getSlaveIndex(), new Report.SlaveResult(Long.toString(ack.targetMemoryUse), false)); } if (stringData) { logInfo += "; countOfWordsInData = " + ack.countOfWordsInData; nodeCountOfWordsInDataResult.put(ack.getSlaveIndex(), new Report.SlaveResult(Long.toString(ack.countOfWordsInData), false)); }; }"The cache contains " + totalValues + " values with a total size of " + Utils.kbString(totalBytes)); if (limitWordCount) { int totalWordCount = maxWordCount; if (!shareWords) { totalWordCount = maxWordCount * slaveState.getClusterSize(); } + " words were generated with a maximum length of " + maxWordLength + " characters"); } if (!clusterWordCount.isEmpty() && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("--------------------"); log.debug("Cluster wide word count:"); for (String key : clusterWordCount.keySet()) { log.debug("word: " + key + "; count: " + clusterWordCount.get(key)); } //TODO Will this take too much memory? // masterState.put(RANDOMDATA_CLUSTER_WORDCOUNT_KEY, clusterWordCount); }"--------------------"); masterState.put(RANDOMDATA_TOTALBYTES_KEY, totalBytes); test.addResult( testIteration, new Report.TestResult("Kilobytes written per node", nodeBytesWritten, Utils.kbString(totalBytes), false)); test.addResult(testIteration, new Report.TestResult("Key count per node", nodeKeyCountsResult, "", false)); if (!nodeTargetMemoryUseResult.isEmpty()) { test.addResult(testIteration, new Report.TestResult("Target memory use per node", nodeTargetMemoryUseResult, Utils.kbString(totalBytes), false)); } if (!nodeCountOfWordsInDataResult.isEmpty()) { test.addResult(testIteration, new Report.TestResult("Count of words in data per node", nodeCountOfWordsInDataResult, Long.toString(totalNodeWordCount), false)); } return StageResult.SUCCESS; } private static class DataInsertAck extends DistStageAck { final long nodePutCount; final long nodeKeyCount; final long bytesWritten; final long targetMemoryUse; final long countOfWordsInData; final Map<String, Integer> wordCount; final Statistics nodePutStats; private DataInsertAck(SlaveState slaveState, long nodePutCount, long nodeKeyCount, long bytesWritten, long targetMemoryUse, long countOfWordsInData, Map<String, Integer> wordCount, Statistics nodePutStats) { super(slaveState); this.nodePutCount = nodePutCount; this.nodeKeyCount = nodeKeyCount; this.bytesWritten = bytesWritten; this.targetMemoryUse = targetMemoryUse; this.countOfWordsInData = countOfWordsInData; this.wordCount = wordCount; this.nodePutStats = nodePutStats; } } }