package org.radargun.service; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.JChannel; import org.jgroups.Message; import org.jgroups.ReceiverAdapter; import org.jgroups.View; import org.jgroups.blocks.MethodCall; import org.jgroups.blocks.MethodLookup; import org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions; import org.jgroups.blocks.ResponseMode; import org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.util.RspList; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.radargun.Service; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.traits.BasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.Clustered; import org.radargun.traits.Lifecycle; import org.radargun.traits.ProvidesTrait; /** * Plugin measuring the costs of remote gets and puts with JGroups, with regular arguments passed by RadarGun. * However, a GET returns a <em>prefabricated</em> value (no cache handling) and a PUT simply invokes the remote call, * but doesn't add anything to a hashmap.<p/> * The point of this plugin is to measure the overhead of Infinispan's cache handling; it is a base line to the * Infinispan plugin. The Infinispan plugin should be slower than the JGroups plugin, but the difference should always * be constant, regardless of the cluster size.<p/> * Properties, such as the size of the layload for gets, and the number of owners of a key, can be * defined in * @author Bela Ban */ @Service(doc = "JGroups faking cache operations") public class JGroupsService extends ReceiverAdapter implements Lifecycle, Clustered, BasicOperations.Cache { protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JGroupsService.class); private static final Method[] METHODS = new Method[6]; protected static final short GET = 0; protected static final short CONTAINS_KEY = 1; protected static final short PUT = 2; protected static final short GET_AND_PUT = 3; protected static final short REMOVE = 4; protected static final short GET_AND_REMOVE = 5; protected JChannel ch; protected RpcDispatcher disp; protected volatile boolean started = false; protected volatile Address localAddr; protected volatile List<Address> members = Collections.emptyList(); protected List<Membership> membershipHistory = new ArrayList<Membership>(); public enum SelfRequests { execute, exclude, noop } @Property(doc = "Number of nodes where the writes will be replicated.") private int numOwners = 2; @Property(doc = "What to do with requests directed on ourselves. Variants are 'execute', 'exclude' and 'noop'. Default is execute.") private SelfRequests selfRequests = SelfRequests.execute; @Property(doc = "Controls use of the DONT_BUNDLE flag. Default is false.") private boolean bundle; @Property(doc = "Controls use of the FC flag. Default is false.") private boolean flowControl; @Property(doc = "If true, reads are executed on all owners using ResponseMode GET_FIRST. Otherwise it just randomly picks one node for reading. Default is false.") private boolean getFirst; @Property(doc = "Controls use of the OOB flag. Default is false.") private boolean oob; @Property(doc = "Controls use of anycasting flag in RequestOptions. Default is false.") private boolean anycasting; @Property(name = "file", doc = "Configuration file for JGroups.", deprecatedName = "config") protected String configFile; private boolean excludeSelfRequests; private boolean noopSelfRequests; private volatile Object lastValue = null; static { try { METHODS[GET] = JGroupsService.class.getMethod("getFromRemote", Object.class); METHODS[CONTAINS_KEY] = JGroupsService.class.getMethod("containsKeyFromRemote", Object.class); METHODS[PUT] = JGroupsService.class.getMethod("putFromRemote", Object.class, Object.class); METHODS[GET_AND_PUT] = JGroupsService.class.getMethod("getAndPutFromRemote", Object.class, Object.class); METHODS[REMOVE] = JGroupsService.class.getMethod("removeFromRemote", Object.class); METHODS[GET_AND_REMOVE] = JGroupsService.class.getMethod("getAndRemoveFromRemote", Object.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @ProvidesTrait public JGroupsService getSelf() { return this; } @ProvidesTrait public BasicOperations createOperations() { return new BasicOperations() { @Override public <K, V> Cache<K, V> getCache(String cacheName) { return JGroupsService.this; } }; } @Override public void start() { excludeSelfRequests = selfRequests == SelfRequests.exclude; noopSelfRequests = selfRequests == SelfRequests.noop; log.debug("numOwners=" + numOwners + ", selfRequests=" + selfRequests + ", config=" + configFile); if (!started) {"Loading JGroups form: " + org.jgroups.Version.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation());"JGroups version: " + org.jgroups.Version.printDescription()); try { ch = new JChannel(configFile); disp = new RpcDispatcher(ch, null, this, this); disp.setMethodLookup(new MethodLookup() { public Method findMethod(short id) { return METHODS[id]; } }); ch.connect("x"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } localAddr = ch.getAddress(); started = true; } } @Override public void stop() { Util.close(ch); synchronized (this) { membershipHistory.add(Membership.empty()); } started = false; } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return ch != null && ch.isConnected(); } public Object getFromRemote(Object key) { return lastValue; } public boolean containsKeyFromRemote(Object key) { return true; } public void putFromRemote(Object key, Object value) { lastValue = value; } public Object getAndPutFromRemote(Object key, Object value) { Object last = lastValue; lastValue = value; return last; } public boolean removeFromRemote(Object key) { return true; } public Object getAndRemoveFromRemote(Object key) { return lastValue; } private Object read(MethodCall methodCall) { RequestOptions getOptions = new RequestOptions(getFirst ? ResponseMode.GET_FIRST : ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 20000, false, null); if (oob) { getOptions.setFlags(Message.Flag.OOB); } if (!bundle) { getOptions.setFlags(Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE); } if (!flowControl) { getOptions.setFlags(Message.Flag.NO_FC); } getOptions.setAnycasting(anycasting); try { if (getFirst) { List<Address> targets = pickReadTargets(); if (targets == null) { return lastValue; } RspList<Object> responses = disp.callRemoteMethods(targets, methodCall, getOptions); return responses.getFirst(); } else { Address target = pickReadTarget(); // we're simulating picking ourselves, which returns the data directly from the local cache - no RPC involved if (target == null) { return lastValue; } return disp.callRemoteMethod(target, methodCall, getOptions); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public Object write(MethodCall methodCall) { RequestOptions putOptions = new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 20000, true, null); // uses anycasting if (oob) { putOptions.setFlags(Message.Flag.OOB); } if (!bundle) { putOptions.setFlags(Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE); } if (!flowControl) { putOptions.setFlags(Message.Flag.NO_FC); } Collection<Address> targets = pickWriteTargets(); try { return disp.callRemoteMethods(targets, methodCall, putOptions).getFirst(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public Object get(Object key) { return read(new MethodCall(GET, new Object[] {key})); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return (Boolean) read(new MethodCall(CONTAINS_KEY, new Object[] {key})); } @Override public void put(Object key, Object value) { write(new MethodCall(PUT, new Object[] {key, value})); } @Override public Object getAndPut(Object key, Object value) { return write(new MethodCall(GET_AND_PUT, new Object[] {key, value})); } @Override public boolean remove(Object key) { return (Boolean) write(new MethodCall(REMOVE, new Object[] {key})); } @Override public Object getAndRemove(Object key) { return write(new MethodCall(GET_AND_REMOVE, new Object[] {key})); } public void clear() { lastValue = null; } public void viewAccepted(View newView) { ArrayList<Address> members = new ArrayList<Address>(newView.getMembers()); // put the local address at the end of the list Collections.rotate(members, members.size() - members.indexOf(ch.getAddress())); this.members = members; ArrayList<Member> mbrs = new ArrayList<>(newView.getMembers().size()); boolean coord = true; for (Address address : newView.getMembers()) { mbrs.add(new Member(address.toString(), ch.getAddress().equals(address), coord)); coord = false; } synchronized (this) { membershipHistory.add(Membership.create(mbrs)); } } @Override public boolean isCoordinator() { View view = ch.getView(); if (view == null || view.getMembers() == null || view.getMembers().isEmpty()) return true; return ch.getAddress().equals(view.getMembers().get(0)); } @Override public synchronized Collection<Member> getMembers() { if (membershipHistory.isEmpty()) return null; return membershipHistory.get(membershipHistory.size() - 1).members; } @Override public synchronized List<Membership> getMembershipHistory() { return new ArrayList<>(membershipHistory); } private Address pickReadTarget() { List<Address> members = this.members; // grab reference int size = excludeSelfRequests ? members.size() - 1 : members.size(); int index = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(size); // self also has the keys for the previous numOwners - 1 nodes if (noopSelfRequests && index >= members.size() - numOwners) return null; return members.get(index); } private List<Address> pickReadTargets() { List<Address> members = this.members; int size = excludeSelfRequests ? members.size() - 1 : members.size(); int startIndex = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(size); // self also has the keys for the previous numOwners - 1 nodes if (noopSelfRequests && startIndex >= members.size() - numOwners) return null; int numTargets = Math.min(numOwners, excludeSelfRequests ? members.size() - 1 : members.size()); List<Address> targets = new ArrayList<Address>(numTargets); for (int i = 0; i < numTargets; ++i) { targets.add(members.get((startIndex + i) % size)); } return targets; } private Collection<Address> pickWriteTargets() { List<Address> members = this.members; int size = excludeSelfRequests ? members.size() - 1 : members.size(); int startIndex = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(size); Collection<Address> targets = new ArrayList<Address>(numOwners); for (int i = 0; i < numOwners; i++) { int newIndex = (startIndex + i) % size; if (noopSelfRequests && newIndex == members.size() - 1) continue; targets.add(members.get(newIndex)); } return targets; } }