package org.radargun.stages.cache; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.radargun.DistStageAck; import org.radargun.StageResult; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.config.Stage; import org.radargun.stages.AbstractDistStage; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.KeyGenerator; import org.radargun.stages.cache.generators.ValueGenerator; import org.radargun.stages.helpers.CacheSelector; import org.radargun.stages.helpers.Range; import org.radargun.state.SlaveState; import org.radargun.traits.BasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.CacheInformation; import org.radargun.traits.Debugable; import org.radargun.traits.InMemoryBasicOperations; import org.radargun.traits.InjectTrait; /** * @author Radim Vansa <> */ @Stage(doc = "Stage for checking presence or absence of data entered in other stages.") public class CheckCacheDataStage extends AbstractDistStage { @Property(optional = false, doc = "Number of entries with key in form specified by the last used key generator, in the cache.") public long numEntries; @Property(doc = "Index of key of the first entry. This number will be multiplied by slaveIndex. Default is 0. Has precedence over 'first-entry-offset'.") public long firstEntryOffsetSlaveIndex = 0; @Property(doc = "Index of key of the first entry.") public long firstEntryOffset = 0; @Property(doc = "Number of entries that will be checked in each step. Default is 1.") public long checkEntryCount = 1; @Property(doc = "Number of entries stepped in each step. Default is 1.") public long stepEntryCount = 1; @Property(optional = false, doc = "Number of bytes carried in single entry.") public int entrySize; @Property(doc = "Entries that do not have the expected form but occur in the cluster. This string specifies " + "a polynomial in number of slaves: 1,2,3 with 4 slaves would result in 1 + 2*4 + 3*4*4 = 57 extra entries." + "Defaults to 0.") public String extraEntries; @Property(doc = "Number of thread per node which check data validity. Default is 1.") public int checkThreads = 1; @Property(doc = "Usually the test checks that sum of local nodes = numOwners * numEntries + extraEntries." + "This option disables such behaviour. Default is false.") public boolean ignoreSum = false; @Property(doc = "If true, the entries are not retrieved, this stage only checks that the sum of entries from local nodes is correct. Default is false.") public boolean sizeOnly = false; @Property(doc = "Hint how many slaves are currently alive - if set to > 0 then the query for number of entries in " + "this cache is postponed until the cache appears to be fully replicated. By default this is disabled.") public int liveSlavesHint = -1; @Property(doc = "If set to true, we are checking that the data are NOT in the cluster anymore. Default is false.") public boolean deleted = false; @Property(doc = "Number of queries after which a DEBUG log message is printed. Default is 10000.") public int logChecksCount = 10000; @Property(doc = "If the GET request results in null response, call wrapper-specific functions to show debug info. " + "Default is false.") public boolean debugNull = false; @Property(doc = "If entry is null, fail immediately. Default is false.") public boolean failOnNull = false; @Property(doc = "If the cache wrapper supports persistent storage and this is set to true, the check " + "will be executed only against in-memory data. Default is false.") public boolean memoryOnly = false; @Property(doc = "Generator of keys (transforms key ID into key object). By default the generator is retrieved from slave state.", complexConverter = KeyGenerator.ComplexConverter.class) public KeyGenerator keyGenerator = null; @Property(doc = "Generator of values. By default the generator is retrieved from slave state.", complexConverter = ValueGenerator.ComplexConverter.class) public ValueGenerator valueGenerator = null; // TODO: better names, even when these are kind of hacks @Property(doc = "Check whether the sum of subparts sizes is the same as local size. Default is false.") public boolean checkSubpartsSumLocal = false; @Property(doc = "Check whether the same subparts from each cache have the same size. Default is false.") public boolean checkSubpartsEqual = false; @Property(doc = "Check that number of non-zero subparts is equal to number of replicas. Default is false.") public boolean checkSubpartsAreReplicas = false; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) protected BasicOperations basicOperations; @InjectTrait protected InMemoryBasicOperations inMemoryBasicOperations; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) protected CacheInformation cacheInformation; @InjectTrait protected Debugable debugable; protected BasicOperations.Cache basicCache; protected Debugable.Cache debugableCache; @Override public DistStageAck executeOnSlave() { if (!isServiceRunning()) { // this slave is dead and does not participate on check return successfulResponse(); } if (!sizeOnly) { if (keyGenerator == null) { keyGenerator = (KeyGenerator) slaveState.get(KeyGenerator.KEY_GENERATOR); if (keyGenerator == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Key generator was not specified and no key generator was used before."); } } if (valueGenerator == null) { valueGenerator = (ValueGenerator) slaveState.get(ValueGenerator.VALUE_GENERATOR); if (valueGenerator == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Value generator was not specified and no key generator was used before."); } } CheckResult result = new CheckResult(); if (memoryOnly && inMemoryBasicOperations != null) { basicCache = inMemoryBasicOperations.getMemoryOnlyCache(getCacheName()); } else { basicCache = basicOperations.getCache(getCacheName()); } if (debugable != null) { debugableCache = debugable.getCache(getCacheName()); } try { if (checkThreads <= 1) { long entriesToCheck = numEntries; long initValue = firstEntryOffsetSlaveIndex > 0 ? firstEntryOffsetSlaveIndex * slaveState.getSlaveIndex() : firstEntryOffset; for (long i = initValue; entriesToCheck > 0; i += stepEntryCount) { long checkAmount = Math.min(checkEntryCount, entriesToCheck); for (long j = 0; j < checkAmount; ++j) { if (!checkKey(basicCache, debugableCache, i + j, result, valueGenerator)) { entriesToCheck = 0; break; } } entriesToCheck -= checkAmount; } } else { ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(checkThreads); List<Callable<CheckResult>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<CheckResult>>(); for (int i = 0; i < checkThreads; ++i) { Range range = Range.divideRange(numEntries, checkThreads, i); tasks.add(new CheckRangeTask(range.getStart(), range.getEnd())); } for (Future<CheckResult> future : executor.invokeAll(tasks)) { CheckResult value = future.get(); result.merge(value); } executor.shutdown(); } } catch (Exception e) { return errorResponse("Failed to check entries", e); } if (!isDeleted()) { if (result.found != getExpectedNumEntries()) { return new InfoAck(slaveState, result).error("Found " + result.found + " entries while " + getExpectedNumEntries() + " should be loaded."); } } else { if (result.found > 0) { return new InfoAck(slaveState, result).error("Found " + result.found + " entries while these should be deleted."); } } } CacheInformation.Cache info = cacheInformation.getCache(getCacheName()); if (liveSlavesHint > 0) { // try to wait until data are properly replicated long extraEntries = getExtraEntries(); long commonEntries = isDeleted() ? 0 : numEntries; long myExpectedOwnedSize = (commonEntries + extraEntries) / liveSlavesHint; int numOwners = info.getNumReplicas(); long myExpectedLocalSize = myExpectedOwnedSize * (numOwners < 0 ? -numOwners * slaveState.getClusterSize() : numOwners); for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 5; ++attempt) { long owned = info.getOwnedSize(); long local = info.getLocallyStoredSize(); double ratioOwned = (double) owned / (double) myExpectedOwnedSize; double ratioLocal = (double) local / (double) myExpectedLocalSize; if (ratioOwned < 0.9 || ratioOwned > 1.1) { log.warn("Owned size (" + owned + ") differs substantially from expected size (" + myExpectedOwnedSize + "), waiting 30s to let it replicate"); } else if (ratioLocal < 0.9 || ratioLocal > 1.1) { log.warn("Locally stored size (" + local + ") differs substantially from expected size (" + myExpectedLocalSize + "), waiting 30s to let it replicate"); } else { break; } try { Thread.sleep(30000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } } } return new InfoAck(slaveState, info.getOwnedSize(), info.getLocallyStoredSize(), info.getTotalSize(), info.getStructuredSize(), info.getNumReplicas()); } private String getCacheName() { CacheSelector selector = (CacheSelector) slaveState.get(CacheSelector.CACHE_SELECTOR); return selector == null ? null : selector.getCacheName(-1); } private class CheckRangeTask implements Callable<CheckResult> { private long from, to; public CheckRangeTask(long from, long to) { this.from = from; = to; } @Override public CheckResult call() throws Exception { try { CheckResult result = new CheckResult(); long entriesToCheck = to - from; long addend = firstEntryOffsetSlaveIndex > 0 ? firstEntryOffsetSlaveIndex * slaveState.getSlaveIndex() : firstEntryOffset; for (long i = from * (stepEntryCount / checkEntryCount) + addend; entriesToCheck > 0; i += stepEntryCount) { long checkAmount = Math.min(checkEntryCount, entriesToCheck); for (long j = 0; j < checkAmount; ++j) { if (!checkKey(basicCache, debugableCache, i + j, result, valueGenerator)) { entriesToCheck = 0; break; } } entriesToCheck -= checkAmount; } return result; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to check entries", e); return null; } } } protected long getExpectedNumEntries() { return numEntries; } protected boolean checkKey(BasicOperations.Cache basicCache, Debugable.Cache debugableCache, long keyIndex, CheckResult result, ValueGenerator generator) { Object key = keyGenerator.generateKey(keyIndex); try { Object value = basicCache.get(key); if (!isDeleted()) { if (value != null && generator.checkValue(value, key, entrySize)) { result.found++; } else { if (value == null) { result.nullValues++; if (debugNull && debugableCache != null) { debugableCache.debugInfo(); debugableCache.debugKey(key); } if (failOnNull) { return false; } } else { result.invalidValues++; } unexpected(key, value); } } else { if (value != null) { result.found++; shouldBeDeleted(key, value); } else { result.nullValues++; } } } catch (Exception e) { if (result.exceptions == 0) { log.error("Error retrieving value for key " + key, e); } else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Error retrieving value for key " + key, e); } result.exceptions++; } finally { result.checked++; if (result.checked % logChecksCount == 0) { log.debug("Checked so far: " + result); } } return true; } protected void shouldBeDeleted(Object key, Object value) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Key " + key + " still has value " + value); } } protected void unexpected(Object key, Object value) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Key " + key + " has unexpected value " + value); } } @Override public StageResult processAckOnMaster(List<DistStageAck> acks) { StageResult result = super.processAckOnMaster(acks); if (result.isError()) return result; long sumOwnedSize = 0, sumLocalSize = 0; Long totalSize = null; Integer numReplicas = null; Map<Object, Map<Integer, Long>> subparts = new HashMap<>(); for (DistStageAck ack : acks) { if (!(ack instanceof InfoAck)) { continue; } InfoAck info = (InfoAck) ack; log.debugf("Slave %d has owned size %d, local size %d and total size %d", ack.getSlaveIndex(), info.ownedSize, info.localSize, info.totalSize); sumLocalSize += info.localSize; sumOwnedSize += info.ownedSize; if (info.totalSize >= 0) { if (totalSize == null) totalSize = info.totalSize; else if (totalSize != info.totalSize) { log.errorf("Slave %d reports total size %d but other slave reported %d", ack.getSlaveIndex(), info.totalSize, totalSize); result = errorResult(); } } else if (totalSize != null) { log.errorf("Slave %d does not report any total size but other slave reported %d", ack.getSlaveIndex(), totalSize); result = errorResult(); } if (numReplicas == null) numReplicas = info.numReplicas; else if (numReplicas != info.numReplicas) { log.errorf("Slave %d reports %d replicas but other slave reported %d replicas", ack.getSlaveIndex(), info.numReplicas, numReplicas); result = errorResult(); } long sumSubpartSize = 0; for (Map.Entry<?, Long> subpart : info.structuredSize.entrySet()) { log.tracef("Subpart %s = %d", subpart.getKey(), subpart.getValue()); if (subpart.getValue() == 0) continue; sumSubpartSize += subpart.getValue(); Map<Integer, Long> otherSubparts = subparts.get(subpart.getKey()); if (otherSubparts == null) { subparts.put(subpart.getKey(), new HashMap<>(Collections.singletonMap(info.getSlaveIndex(), subpart.getValue()))); } else if (checkSubpartsEqual) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Long> os : otherSubparts.entrySet()) { if (, os.getValue()) != 0) { log.errorf("Slave %d reports %s = %d but slave %d reported size %d", info.getSlaveIndex(), subpart.getKey(), subpart.getValue(), os.getKey(), os.getValue()); result = errorResult(); } } otherSubparts.put(info.getSlaveIndex(), subpart.getValue()); } } if (checkSubpartsSumLocal && sumSubpartSize != info.localSize) { log.errorf("On slave %d sum of subparts sizes (%d) is not the same as local size (%d)", info.getSlaveIndex(), sumSubpartSize, info.localSize); result = errorResult(); } } if (checkSubpartsAreReplicas) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Map<Integer, Long>> subpart : subparts.entrySet()) { if (subpart.getValue().size() != numReplicas) { log.errorf("Subpart %s was found in %s, should have %d replicas.", subpart.getKey(), subpart.getValue().keySet(), numReplicas); result = errorResult(); } } } if (ignoreSum) { log.infof("The sum of owned sizes is %d, sum of local sizes is %d", sumOwnedSize, sumLocalSize); } else { long extraEntries = getExtraEntries(); long commonEntries = isDeleted() ? 0 : numEntries; long expectedOwnedSize = extraEntries + commonEntries; if (sumLocalSize >= 0) { long expectedLocalSize = expectedOwnedSize * (numReplicas < 0 ? -numReplicas * masterState.getClusterSize() : numReplicas); if (expectedLocalSize != sumLocalSize) { log.errorf("The cache should contain %d entries (including backups, %d replicas) but contains %d entries.", expectedLocalSize, numReplicas, sumLocalSize); result = errorResult(); } else { log.tracef("The sum of local sizes is %d entries as expected", sumLocalSize); } } if (sumOwnedSize >= 0) { if (expectedOwnedSize != sumOwnedSize) { log.errorf("The cache should contain %d entries but contains %d entries.", expectedOwnedSize, sumOwnedSize); result = errorResult(); } else { log.tracef("The sum of owned sizes is %d entries as expected", sumOwnedSize); } } if (totalSize != null) { if (expectedOwnedSize != totalSize) { log.errorf("The cache should contain %d entries but total size is %d.", expectedOwnedSize, totalSize); result = errorResult(); } else { log.tracef("The total size is %d as expected", totalSize); } } } return result; } public long getNumEntries() { return this.numEntries; } private long getExtraEntries() { if (extraEntries == null) return 0; long sum = 0; int multiplicator = 1; try { for (String entries : extraEntries.split(",")) { long count = Long.parseLong(entries); sum += count * multiplicator; multiplicator *= slaveState.getClusterSize(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Cannot parse " + extraEntries); } return sum; } public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } protected static class InfoAck extends DistStageAck { final long ownedSize, localSize, totalSize; final Map<?, Long> structuredSize; final int numReplicas; final CheckResult checkResult; public InfoAck(SlaveState slaveState, long ownedSize, long localSize, long totalSize, Map<?, Long> structuredSize, int numReplicas) { super(slaveState); this.ownedSize = ownedSize; this.localSize = localSize; this.totalSize = totalSize; this.structuredSize = structuredSize; this.numReplicas = numReplicas; checkResult = null; } public InfoAck(SlaveState slaveState, CheckResult checkResult) { super(slaveState); this.checkResult = checkResult; ownedSize = localSize = totalSize = -1; structuredSize = null; numReplicas = -1; } } protected static class CheckResult implements Serializable { public long checked; public long found; public long nullValues; public long invalidValues; public long exceptions; public void merge(CheckResult value) { if (value == null) return; checked += value.checked; found += value.found; nullValues += value.nullValues; invalidValues += value.invalidValues; exceptions += value.invalidValues; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("[checked=%d, found=%d, nullValues=%d, invalidValues=%d, exceptions=%d]", checked, found, nullValues, invalidValues, exceptions); } } }