package org.radargun.stages.distributedtask; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.radargun.DistStageAck; import org.radargun.StageResult; import org.radargun.config.Property; import org.radargun.config.Stage; import org.radargun.reporting.Report; import org.radargun.stages.AbstractDistStage; import org.radargun.stages.cache.RandomDataStage; import org.radargun.state.SlaveState; import org.radargun.stats.BasicStatistics; import org.radargun.stats.DataOperationStats; import org.radargun.stats.Request; import org.radargun.stats.Statistics; import org.radargun.traits.CacheInformation; import org.radargun.traits.Clustered; import org.radargun.traits.DistributedTaskExecutor; import org.radargun.traits.InjectTrait; import org.radargun.utils.KeyValueProperty; import org.radargun.utils.Utils; /** * Executes a Callable or DistributedCallable against the cache using the * DistributedExecutorService. The execution and failover policies can be specified. If the IP * address of a node is specified in <code>nodeAddress</code>, then the Callable is only executed on * that node. Public String Fields on the Callable object can be set using the * <code>distributedExecutionParams</code> property. * * @author Alan Field <> */ @Stage(doc = "Stage which executes a MapReduce Task against all keys in the cache.") public class DistributedTaskStage<K, V, T> extends AbstractDistStage { // TODO: use approach similar to generators @Property(optional = false, doc = "Fully qualified class name of the " + "java.util.concurrent.Callable implementation to execute.") public String callable; @Property(doc = "A list of key-value pairs in the form of " + "'methodName:methodParameter;methodName1:methodParameter1' that allows" + " invoking a method on the callable. The method must be public and take a String parameter. Default is none.", complexConverter = KeyValueProperty.KeyValuePairListConverter.class) public Collection<KeyValueProperty> callableParams; @Property(doc = "The name of the execution policy. The default is default policy of the service.") public String executionPolicy; @Property(doc = "The name of the failover policy. The default is default policy of the service.") public String failoverPolicy; // TODO: specify rather the slave ids/groups - RadarGun identifier. // However, another stage + trait to gather these data would be required. @Property(doc = "The node address where the task will be " + "executed. The default is null, and tasks will be executed against all nodes in the cluster.") public String nodeAddress; @Property(doc = "The number of times to execute the Callable. The default is 1.") public int numExecutions = 1; @Property(doc = "The name of the key in the MasterState object that returns the total number of " + "bytes processed by the Callable. The default is RandomDataStage.RANDOMDATA_TOTALBYTES_KEY.") public String totalBytesKey = RandomDataStage.RANDOMDATA_TOTALBYTES_KEY; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) private DistributedTaskExecutor<T> executor; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) private CacheInformation cacheInformation; @InjectTrait(dependency = InjectTrait.Dependency.MANDATORY) private Clustered clustered; @Override public StageResult processAckOnMaster(List<DistStageAck> acks) { StageResult result = super.processAckOnMaster(acks); Report report = masterState.getReport(); Report.Test test = report.createTest("Distributed_Task_Stage", null, true); int testIteration = test.getIterations().size(); Map<Integer, Report.SlaveResult> durationsResult = new HashMap<Integer, Report.SlaveResult>(); for (DistributedTaskAck ack : instancesOf(acks, DistributedTaskAck.class)) { if (ack.stats != null) { DataOperationStats opStats = (DataOperationStats) ack.stats.getOperationStats(; opStats.setTotalBytes((Long) masterState.get(totalBytesKey)); durationsResult.put(ack.getSlaveIndex(), new Report.SlaveResult(opStats.getResponseTimes(), false)); test.addResult(testIteration, new Report.TestResult("Callable durations", durationsResult, "", false)); test.addStatistics(testIteration, ack.getSlaveIndex(), Collections.singletonList(ack.stats)); } } return result; } @Override public DistStageAck executeOnSlave() { if (!isServiceRunning()) { return errorResponse("Service not running", null); } if (callable == null) { return errorResponse("The distributed task or callable class must be specified.", null); } if (slaveState.getSlaveIndex() == 0) { return executeTask(); } else { return new DistributedTaskAck(slaveState); } } private DistStageAck executeTask() { DistributedTaskAck ack = new DistributedTaskAck(slaveState); Statistics stats = new BasicStatistics(new DataOperationStats()); stats.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < numExecutions; i++) { Callable<T> callable = Utils.instantiate(this.callable); callable = Utils.invokeMethodWithProperties(callable, callableParams); DistributedTaskExecutor.Builder<T> builder = executor.builder(null).callable(callable); if (executionPolicy != null) builder.executionPolicy(executionPolicy); if (failoverPolicy != null) builder.failoverPolicy(failoverPolicy); if (nodeAddress != null) builder.nodeAddress(nodeAddress); DistributedTaskExecutor.Task<T> task =;"--------------------"); List<T> resultList = new ArrayList<T>(); Request request = stats.startRequest(); List<Future<T>> futureList = task.execute(); if (futureList == null) { ack.error("No future objects returned from executing the distributed task."); } else { for (Future<T> future : futureList) { try { resultList.add(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ack.error("The distributed task was interrupted.", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { ack.error("An error occurred executing the distributed task.", e); } } } request.succeeded(DistributedTaskExecutor.EXECUTE);"Distributed Execution task completed in " + Utils.prettyPrintTime(request.duration(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)); log.infof("%d nodes were used. %d entries on this node", clustered.getMembers().size(), cacheInformation .getCache(null).getLocallyStoredSize());"Distributed execution results:");"--------------------"); for (T t : resultList) {; }"--------------------"); } stats.end(); ack.setStats(stats); return ack; } private static class DistributedTaskAck extends DistStageAck { private Statistics stats; public DistributedTaskAck(SlaveState slaveState) { super(slaveState); } public void setStats(Statistics stats) { this.stats = stats; } } }