/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.tdb.sys; /** Names of things in TDB */ public class Names { public static final String primaryIndexTriples = "SPO" ; public static final String[] tripleIndexes = { primaryIndexTriples, "POS", "OSP" } ; public static final String primaryIndexQuads = "GSPO" ; public static final String[] quadIndexes = { primaryIndexQuads, "GPOS", "GOSP", "POSG", "OSPG", "SPOG"} ; public static final String primaryIndexPrefix = "GPU" ; public static final String[] prefixIndexes = { primaryIndexPrefix } ; /** B+Trees - nodes file and records file */ public static final String bptExtTree = "idn" ; public static final String bptExtRecords = "dat" ; /** BTrees - single file per tree */ public static final String btExt = "idx" ; /** ExtHash - dictionary file*/ public static final String extHashExt = "exh" ; public static final String extHashBucketExt = "dat" ; public static final String datasetConfig = "config-tdb" ; // name of the TDB configuration file. /** Node file */ public static final String extNodeData = "dat" ; // Extension of node files public static final String extJournal = "jrnl" ; // Extension of node files. public static final String journalFileBase = "journal" ; public static final String journalFile = journalFileBase+"."+extJournal ; public static final String indexId2Node = "nodes" ; // Node table public static final String indexNode2Id = "node2id"; // Node hash to id table //public static final String indexId2Node = "id2node"; // Would be the Index for node(hash) to id /** Prefixes file */ public static final String prefixId2Node = "prefixes" ; // Prefix node table public static final String prefixNode2Id = "prefix2id"; // Prefix node table for index Node/hash->id public static final String indexPrefix = "prefixIdx"; // Prefix index name /** Optimizer / stats */ public static final String optStats = "stats.opt" ; public static final String optFixed = "fixed.opt" ; public static final String optNone = "none.opt" ; public static final String optDefault = optFixed ; public static final String extMeta = "info" ; public static final String directoryMetafile = "this" ; // Root name of the directory for a metafile. /** Name to indicate in-memory */ public static final String memName = "--mem--" ; public static boolean isMem(String name) { return memName.equals(name) ; } // ---- Names for Java properties in metadata files public static String makeKey(String root, String...elements) { return makeName(root, elements) ; } public static String makeName(String root, String...elements) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; sb.append(root) ; for ( String s : elements ) { if ( ! s.startsWith(".") ) sb.append(".") ; sb.append(s) ; } return sb.toString() ; } // Component elements. public static final String elNode = "node" ; public static final String elBPlusTree = "bptree" ; public static final String elIndex = "index" ; public static final String elObject = "object" ; public static final String elType = "type" ; public static final String elLayout = "layout" ; public static final String elVersion = "version" ; public static final String elTimestamp = "timestamp" ; public static final String elCreated = "created" ; // Root names. public static final String keyNS = "tdb" ; public static final String keyNSNode = makeName(keyNS, elNode) ; public static final String keyNSBPlusTree = makeName(keyNS, elBPlusTree) ; // Location metadata - in the directory wide metadata file. public static final String kVersion = makeName(keyNS, elVersion) ; public static final String kCreatedDate = makeName(keyNS, elTimestamp) ; // Node table metadata public static final String kNodeTableType = makeName(keyNS, elNode, elType) ; public static final String kNodeTableLayout = makeName(keyNS, elNode, elLayout) ; // // Object file // public static final String kObjectTableType = makeName(keyNS, elObject, elType) ; // // // Default index metadata - in the index metadata file. // // public static final String kIndexType = makeName(keyNS, elIndex, elType) ; // public static final String kIndexFileLayout = makeName(keyNS, elIndex, elLayout) ; // See also BPlusTreeParams for keyNSBPlusTree derived names. // // Current values // public static final String currentIndexType = IndexType.BPlusTree.getName() ; // public static final String currentIndexFileVersion = "v1" ; // Property strings - Setup public static final String pNode2NodeIdCacheSize = "tdb.cache.node2nodeid.size" ; public static final String pNodeId2NodeCacheSize = "tdb.cache.nodeid2node.size" ; public static final String pNodeMissesCacheSize = "tdb.cache.nodeMiss.size" ; public static final String pBlockWriteCacheSize = "tdb.cache.blockwrite.size" ; public static final String pBlockReadCacheSize = "tdb.cache.blockread.size" ; public static final String pSyncTick = "tdb.synctick" ; }