/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Package /////////////////////////////////////// package org.apache.jena.vocabulary; // Imports /////////////////////////////////////// import org.apache.jena.ontology.* ; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ; /** * Vocabulary definitions from file:vocabularies/ont-event.rdf */ public class OntEventsVocab { /** <p>The ontology model that holds the vocabulary terms</p> */ private static final OntModel m_model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM, null ); /** <p>The namespace of the vocabulary as a string ({@value})</p> */ public static final String NS = "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#"; /** <p>The namespace of the vocabulary as a string</p> * @see #NS */ public static String getURI() {return NS;} /** <p>The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource</p> */ public static final Resource NAMESPACE = m_model.createResource( NS ); // Vocabulary properties /////////////////////////// // Vocabulary classes /////////////////////////// /** <p>A class representing observable events in an ontology model</p> */ public static final OntClass OntEvent = m_model.createClass( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#OntEvent" ); // Vocabulary individuals /////////////////////////// /** <p>Event representing the declaration of one ontology individual being related * to another by some named predicate.</p> */ public static final Individual related = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#related", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as having a given class, * datatype or datarange as the range</p> */ public static final Individual range = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#range", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a resource as an ontology Class.</p> */ public static final Individual classDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#classDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration that a restriction applies to a given property</p> */ public static final Individual onProperty = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#onProperty", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of that a qualified restriction has the * given class or datatype for the qualification restriction</p> */ public static final Individual hasClassQ = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#hasClassQ", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of one class being the sub-class of another.</p> */ public static final Individual subClassOf = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#subClassOf", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a class expression being composed of * a finite enumeration of identified individuals.</p> */ public static final Individual oneOf = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#oneOf", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as being the inverse of another * property</p> */ public static final Individual inverseOf = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#inverseOf", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a resource of type owl:Ontology, * representing meta-data about the ontology.</p> */ public static final Individual ontologyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#ontologyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as being functional.</p> */ public static final Individual functionalPropertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#functionalPropertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration that a restriction constrains the property * to have a given value</p> */ public static final Individual hasValue = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#hasValue", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of that a restriction has the given minimum * cardinality on the restricted property</p> */ public static final Individual minCardinality = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#minCardinality", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing a label on an ontology element</p> */ public static final Individual label = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#label", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a class as being deprecated.</p> */ public static final Individual DeprecatedClass = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#DeprecatedClass", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as having a given class, * datatype or datarange as the domain</p> */ public static final Individual domain = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#domain", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of one class expression being disjoint * with another.</p> */ public static final Individual disjointWith = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#disjointWith", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration that a restriction constrains at least * one value of the property to have some class or datatype</p> */ public static final Individual someValuesFrom = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#someValuesFrom", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration that one ontology is imported into another * ontology.</p> */ public static final Individual imports = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#imports", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a class expression being a union of * class descriptions.</p> */ public static final Individual unionOf = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#unionOf", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of an ontology property.</p> */ public static final Individual ontologyPropertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#ontologyPropertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as being deprecated.</p> */ public static final Individual DeprecatedProperty = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#DeprecatedProperty", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a resource being a Restriction</p> */ public static final Individual restrictionDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#restrictionDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as being symmetric</p> */ public static final Individual symmetricPropertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#symmetricPropertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of that a restriction has the given maximum * cardinality on the restricted property</p> */ public static final Individual maxCardinality = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#maxCardinality", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of one ontology individual being distinct * from another</p> */ public static final Individual differentFrom = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#differentFrom", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing a comment on an ontology element</p> */ public static final Individual comment = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#comment", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of one class expression being equivalent * to another.</p> */ public static final Individual equivalentClass = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#equivalentClass", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing a catch-all category of user-specified data, ie triples * in the graph that relate to the use of ontology terms on instances, rather * than the definition of ontology terms.</p> */ public static final Individual userData = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#userData", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a class expression being an intersection * of class descriptions.</p> */ public static final Individual intersectionOf = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#intersectionOf", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of that a restriction has the given cardinality * on the restricted property</p> */ public static final Individual cardinality = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#cardinality", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a resource as a Datarange.</p> */ public static final Individual datarangeDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#datarangeDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a prior version of a given ontology, * which the ontology is compatible with.</p> */ public static final Individual backwardCompatibleWith = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#backwardCompatibleWith", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a prior version of a given ontology, * which the ontology is not compatible with.</p> */ public static final Individual incompatibleWith = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#incompatibleWith", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of one ontology individual being the same * as another</p> */ public static final Individual sameIndividualAs = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#sameIndividualAs", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a set of individuals being pairwise * distinct.</p> */ public static final Individual allDifferentDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#allDifferentDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a resource as an annotation property.</p> */ public static final Individual annotationPropertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#annotationPropertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the identification of a set of individuals that are in * the scope of an AllDifferent declaration.</p> */ public static final Individual distinctMembers = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#distinctMembers", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of an ontology individual</p> */ public static final Individual individualDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#individualDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of version information on an ontology resource.</p> */ public static final Individual versionInfo = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#versionInfo", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a resource as a plain property.</p> */ public static final Individual propertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#propertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of that a qualified restriction has the * given cardinality on the restricted property</p> */ public static final Individual cardinalityQ = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#cardinalityQ", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a resource as an object property.</p> */ public static final Individual objectPropertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#objectPropertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a prior version of a given ontology.</p> */ public static final Individual priorVersion = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#priorVersion", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as being equivalent to another * property</p> */ public static final Individual equivalentProperty = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#equivalentProperty", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of that a qualified restriction has the * given minimum cardinality on the restricted property</p> */ public static final Individual minCardinalityQ = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#minCardinalityQ", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as being the sub-property * of another property</p> */ public static final Individual subPropertyOf = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#subPropertyOf", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a class expression being the complement * of another class description.</p> */ public static final Individual complementOf = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#complementOf", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing a declaration that one resource is the same as another.</p> */ public static final Individual sameAs = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#sameAs", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration that a restriction constrains all values * of the property to have some class or datatype</p> */ public static final Individual allValuesFrom = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#allValuesFrom", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as being inverse functional.</p> */ public static final Individual inverseFunctionalPropertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#inverseFunctionalPropertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a property as being transitive.</p> */ public static final Individual transitivePropertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#transitivePropertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of a resource as a datatype property.</p> */ public static final Individual datatypePropertyDeclaration = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#datatypePropertyDeclaration", OntEvent ); /** <p>Event representing the declaration of that a qualified restriction has the * given maximum cardinality on the restricted property</p> */ public static final Individual maxCardinalityQ = m_model.createIndividual( "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/schemas/2003/03/ont-event#maxCardinalityQ", OntEvent ); }