/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.util; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.*; import org.apache.jena.JenaRuntime ; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ; import org.apache.jena.shared.JenaException ; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.LocationMappingVocab ; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Alternative locations for URIs. Maintains two maps: * single item alternatives and alternative prefixes. * To suggest an alternative location, first check the single items, * then check the prefixes. * * A LocationMapper can be configured by an RDF file. The default for this * is "etc/location-mapping.n3". * * There is a default LocationMapper which is used by the global @link{FileManager}. * * @see FileManager */ public class LocationMapper { static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LocationMapper.class) ; /** The default path for searching for the location mapper */ public static final String DEFAULT_PATH = "file:location-mapping.rdf;file:location-mapping.n3;file:location-mapping.ttl;"+ "file:etc/location-mapping.rdf;file:etc/location-mapping.n3;"+ "file:etc/location-mapping.ttl" ; public static final String GlobalMapperSystemProperty1 = "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2004/08/LocationMap" ; public static final String GlobalMapperSystemProperty2 = "LocationMap" ; static String s_globalMapperPath = null ; Map<String, String> altLocations = new HashMap<>() ; Map<String, String> altPrefixes = new HashMap<>() ; static LocationMapper theMapper = null ; /** Get the global LocationMapper */ public static LocationMapper get() { if ( theMapper == null ) { theMapper = new LocationMapper() ; if ( getGlobalConfigPath() != null ) theMapper.initFromPath(getGlobalConfigPath(), false) ; } return theMapper ; } /** Set the global lcoation mapper. (as returned by get()) * If called before any call to get(), then the usual default global location mapper is not created * @param globalLocationMapper */ public static void setGlobalLocationMapper(LocationMapper globalLocationMapper) { theMapper = globalLocationMapper ; } /** Make a location mapper from the path settings */ static public LocationMapper makeGlobal() { LocationMapper lMap = new LocationMapper() ; if ( getGlobalConfigPath() != null ) lMap.initFromPath(getGlobalConfigPath(), false) ; return lMap ; } /** Create a LocationMapper with no mapping yet */ public LocationMapper() { } /** Create a LocationMapper made like another one * This is a deep copy of the location and prefix maps..*/ public LocationMapper(LocationMapper locMapper) { altLocations.putAll(locMapper.altLocations) ; altPrefixes.putAll(locMapper.altPrefixes) ; } /** Create a LocationMapper from an existing model * @see org.apache.jena.vocabulary.LocationMappingVocab */ public LocationMapper(Model model) { processConfig(model) ; } /** Create a LocationMapper from a config file */ public LocationMapper(String config) { initFromPath(config, true) ; } private void initFromPath(String configPath, boolean configMustExist) { if ( configPath == null || configPath.length() == 0 ) { log.warn("Null configuration") ; return ; } // Make a file manager to look for the location mapping file FileManager fm = new FileManager() ; fm.addLocatorFile() ; fm.addLocatorClassLoader(fm.getClass().getClassLoader()) ; try { String uriConfig = null ; InputStream in = null ; StringTokenizer pathElems = new StringTokenizer( configPath, FileManager.PATH_DELIMITER ); while (pathElems.hasMoreTokens()) { String uri = pathElems.nextToken(); if ( uri == null || uri.length() == 0 ) break ; in = fm.openNoMap(uri) ; if ( in != null ) { uriConfig = uri ; break ; } } if ( in == null ) { if ( ! configMustExist ) log.debug("Failed to find configuration: "+configPath) ; return ; } String syntax = FileUtils.guessLang(uriConfig) ; Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel() ; model.read(in, uriConfig, syntax) ; processConfig(model) ; } catch (JenaException ex) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(LocationMapper.class).warn("Error in configuration file: "+ex.getMessage()) ; } } public String altMapping(String uri) { return altMapping(uri, uri) ; } /** Apply mappings: first try for an exact alternative location, then * try to remap by prefix, finally, try the special case of filenames * in a specific base directory. * @param uri * @param otherwise * @return The alternative location choosen */ public String altMapping(String uri, String otherwise) { if ( altLocations.containsKey(uri)) return altLocations.get(uri) ; String newStart = null ; String oldStart = null ; for ( String prefix : altPrefixes.keySet() ) { if ( uri.startsWith( prefix ) ) { String s = altPrefixes.get( prefix ); if ( newStart == null || newStart.length() < s.length() ) { oldStart = prefix; newStart = s; } } } if ( newStart != null ) return newStart+uri.substring(oldStart.length()) ; return otherwise ; } public void addAltEntry(String uri, String alt) { altLocations.put(uri, alt) ; } public void addAltPrefix(String uriPrefix, String altPrefix) { altPrefixes.put(uriPrefix, altPrefix) ; } /** Iterate over all the entries registered */ public Iterator<String> listAltEntries() { return altLocations.keySet().iterator() ; } /** Iterate over all the prefixes registered */ public Iterator<String> listAltPrefixes() { return altPrefixes.keySet().iterator() ; } public void removeAltEntry(String uri) { altLocations.remove(uri) ; } public void removeAltPrefix(String uriPrefix) { altPrefixes.remove(uriPrefix) ; } public String getAltEntry(String uri) { return altLocations.get(uri) ; } public String getAltPrefix(String uriPrefix) { return altPrefixes.get(uriPrefix) ; } static private String getGlobalConfigPath() { if ( s_globalMapperPath == null ) s_globalMapperPath = JenaRuntime.getSystemProperty(GlobalMapperSystemProperty1,null) ; if ( s_globalMapperPath == null ) s_globalMapperPath = JenaRuntime.getSystemProperty(GlobalMapperSystemProperty2,null) ; if ( s_globalMapperPath == null ) s_globalMapperPath = DEFAULT_PATH ; return s_globalMapperPath ; } @Override public int hashCode() { int x = 0 ; for ( String k : altLocations.keySet() ) { String v = altLocations.get( k ); x = x ^ k.hashCode() ^ v.hashCode(); } for ( String k : altPrefixes.keySet() ) { String v = altPrefixes.get( k ); x = x ^ k.hashCode() ^ v.hashCode(); } return x ; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if ( ! ( obj instanceof LocationMapper ) ) return false ; LocationMapper other = (LocationMapper)obj ; if ( altLocations.size() != other.altLocations.size() ) return false ; if ( altPrefixes.size() != other.altPrefixes.size() ) return false ; for ( String k : altLocations.keySet() ) { String v = altLocations.get( k ); if ( !other.altLocations.get( k ).equals( v ) ) { return false; } } for ( String k : altPrefixes.keySet() ) { String v = altPrefixes.get( k ); if ( !other.altPrefixes.get( k ).equals( v ) ) { return false; } } return true ; } @Override public String toString() { String s = "" ; for ( String k : altLocations.keySet() ) { String v = altLocations.get( k ); s = s + "(Loc:" + k + "=>" + v + ") "; } for ( String k : altPrefixes.keySet() ) { String v = altPrefixes.get( k ); s = s + "(Prefix:" + k + "=>" + v + ") "; } return s ; } public Model toModel() { Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel() ; m.setNsPrefix("lmap", "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2004/08/location-mapping#") ; toModel(m) ; return m ; } public void toModel(Model model) { for ( String s1 : altLocations.keySet() ) { Resource r = model.createResource(); Resource e = model.createResource(); model.add( r, LocationMappingVocab.mapping, e ); String k = s1; String v = altLocations.get( k ); model.add( e, LocationMappingVocab.name, k ); model.add( e, LocationMappingVocab.altName, v ); } for ( String s : altPrefixes.keySet() ) { Resource r = model.createResource(); Resource e = model.createResource(); model.add( r, LocationMappingVocab.mapping, e ); String k = s; String v = altPrefixes.get( k ); model.add( e, LocationMappingVocab.prefix, k ); model.add( e, LocationMappingVocab.altPrefix, v ); } } public void processConfig(Model m) { StmtIterator mappings = m.listStatements(null, LocationMappingVocab.mapping, (RDFNode)null) ; for (; mappings.hasNext();) { Statement s = mappings.nextStatement() ; Resource mapping = s.getResource() ; if ( mapping.hasProperty(LocationMappingVocab.name) ) { try { String name = mapping.getRequiredProperty(LocationMappingVocab.name) .getString() ; String altName = mapping.getRequiredProperty(LocationMappingVocab.altName) .getString() ; addAltEntry(name, altName) ; log.debug("Mapping: "+name+" => "+altName) ; } catch (JenaException ex) { log.warn("Error processing name mapping: "+ex.getMessage()) ; return ; } } if ( mapping.hasProperty(LocationMappingVocab.prefix) ) { try { String prefix = mapping.getRequiredProperty(LocationMappingVocab.prefix) .getString() ; String altPrefix = mapping.getRequiredProperty(LocationMappingVocab.altPrefix) .getString() ; addAltPrefix(prefix, altPrefix) ; log.debug("Prefix mapping: "+prefix+" => "+altPrefix) ; } catch (JenaException ex) { log.warn("Error processing prefix mapping: "+ex.getMessage()) ; return ; } } } } }