/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.assembler.test; import java.util.*; import org.apache.jena.assembler.* ; import org.apache.jena.graph.compose.MultiUnion ; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model ; import org.apache.jena.util.FileManager ; public class TestImportManager extends AssemblerTestBase { public TestImportManager( String name ) { super( name ); } static class FixedFileManager extends FileManager { Map<String, Model> map = new HashMap<>(); @Override public Model loadModel( String URL ) { Model result = map.get( URL ); if (result == null) fail( "no model for " + URL ); return result; } public FixedFileManager add( String URL, Model m ) { map.put( URL, m ); return this; } } public void testFollowOwlImports() { final Model modelToLoad = model( "this hasMarker B5" ); Model m = model( "x ja:reasoner y; _x owl:imports eh:/loadMe" ); FileManager fm = new FixedFileManager().add( "eh:/loadMe", modelToLoad ); Model m2 = new ImportManager().withImports( fm, m ); assertInstanceOf( MultiUnion.class, m2.getGraph() ); assertIsoModels( modelToLoad.union( m ), m2 ); } public void testFollowJAImports() { final Model modelToLoad = model( "this hasMarker B5" ); Model m = model( "x ja:reasoner y; _x ja:imports eh:/loadMe" ); FileManager fm = new FixedFileManager().add( "eh:/loadMe", modelToLoad ); Model m2 = new ImportManager().withImports( fm, m ); assertInstanceOf( MultiUnion.class, m2.getGraph() ); assertIsoModels( modelToLoad.union( m ), m2 ); } public void testImportMayBeLiteral() { final Model modelToLoad = model( "this hasMarker B5" ); Model m = model( "x ja:reasoner y; _x ja:imports 'eh:/loadMe'" ); FileManager fm = new FixedFileManager().add( "eh:/loadMe", modelToLoad ); Model m2 = new ImportManager().withImports( fm, m ); assertInstanceOf( MultiUnion.class, m2.getGraph() ); assertIsoModels( modelToLoad.union( m ), m2 ); } public void testBadImportObjectFails() { testBadImportObjectFails( "_bnode" ); testBadImportObjectFails( "17" ); testBadImportObjectFails( "'chat'fr" ); testBadImportObjectFails( "'chat'xsd:wrong" ); } private void testBadImportObjectFails( String object ) { String string = "x ja:imports " + object; Model m = model( string ); try { new ImportManager().withImports( m ); fail( "should trap bad import specification " + string ); } catch (BadObjectException e) { assertEquals( resource( "x" ), e.getRoot() ); assertEquals( rdfNode( m, object ), e.getObject() ); } } public void testFollowOwlImportsDeeply() { final Model m1 = model( "this hasMarker M1; _x owl:imports M2" ), m2 = model( "this hasMarker M2" ); Model m = model( "x ja:reasoner y; _x owl:imports M1" ); FileManager fm = new FixedFileManager() .add( "eh:/M1", m1 ).add( "eh:/M2", m2 ); Model result = new ImportManager().withImports( fm, m ); assertInstanceOf( MultiUnion.class, result.getGraph() ); assertIsoModels( m1.union(m2).union(m), result ); } public void testCatchesCircularity() { final Model m1 = model( "this hasMarker Mx; _x owl:imports My" ), m2 = model( "this hasMarker My; _x owl:imports Mx" ); FileManager fm = new FixedFileManager() .add( "eh:/Mx", m1 ).add( "eh:/My", m2 ); Model result = new ImportManager().withImports( fm, m1 ); assertIsoModels( m1.union( m2 ), result ); } public void testCacheModels() { ImportManager im = new ImportManager(); Model spec = model( "_x owl:imports M1" ); Model m1 = model( "this isModel M1" ); FileManager withM1 = new FixedFileManager().add( "eh:/M1", m1 ); Model A = im.withImports( withM1, spec ); FileManager none = new FixedFileManager(); Model B = im.withImports( none, spec ); assertIsoModels( A, B ); } }