/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.mem.test; import org.apache.jena.graph.* ; import org.apache.jena.mem.* ; public class TestHashedTripleBunch extends TestTripleBunch { public TestHashedTripleBunch( String name ) { super( name ); } protected static class HTB extends HashedTripleBunch { public HTB( TripleBunch b ) { super( b ); } @Override protected int improveHashCode( int hashCode ) { return hashCode; } } @Override public TripleBunch getBunch() { return new HashedTripleBunch( emptyBunch ); } HashedTripleBunch htb = new HTB( emptyBunch ); static class TripleWithHash extends Triple { final int hash; TripleWithHash( int hash, Node s, Node p, Node o ) { super( s, p, o ); this.hash = hash; } public static TripleWithHash create( int n, String s ) { Triple t = triple( s ); return new TripleWithHash( n, t.getSubject(), t.getPredicate(), t.getObject() ); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hash; } } public void testHashcodeUsedAsIndex() { HashedTripleBunch htb = new HTB( emptyBunch ); int limit = htb.currentCapacity(); for (int i = 0; i < limit; i += 1) { TripleWithHash t = TripleWithHash.create( i, "s p o" ); htb.add( t ); assertSame( t, htb.getItemForTestingAt( i ) ); } } public void testRemovePerformsShiftFromTop() { int capacity = htb.currentCapacity(); testRemovePerformsShift( capacity - 1, capacity ); } public void testRemovePerformsShiftFromMiddle() { int capacity = htb.currentCapacity(); testRemovePerformsShift( capacity - 3, capacity ); } public void testRemovePerformsShiftWrappingLowestTwo() { int capacity = htb.currentCapacity(); testRemovePerformsShift( 0, capacity ); } public void testRemovePerformsShiftWrappingLowest() { int capacity = htb.currentCapacity(); testRemovePerformsShift( 1, capacity ); } private void testRemovePerformsShift( int most, int capacity ) { int next = most - 1; if (next < 0) next += capacity; int least = most - 2; if (least < 0) least += capacity; TripleWithHash t1 = TripleWithHash.create( most, "s p o" ); TripleWithHash t2 = TripleWithHash.create( next, "a b c" ); TripleWithHash t3 = TripleWithHash.create( most, "x y z" ); htb.add( t1 ); htb.add( t2 ); htb.add( t3 ); assertSame( t1, htb.getItemForTestingAt( most ) ); assertSame( t2, htb.getItemForTestingAt( next ) ); assertSame( t3, htb.getItemForTestingAt( least ) ); // htb.remove( t1 ); assertSame( t3, htb.getItemForTestingAt( most ) ); assertSame( t2, htb.getItemForTestingAt( next ) ); assertSame( null, htb.getItemForTestingAt( least ) ); } public void testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElementFromTop() { int capacity = htb.currentCapacity(); testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElement( capacity - 1, capacity ); } public void testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElementFromMiddle() { int capacity = htb.currentCapacity(); testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElement( capacity - 3, capacity ); } // public void testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElementWrappingLowest() // { // int capacity = htb.currentCapacity(); // testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElement( 1, capacity ); // } // // public void testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElementWrappingLowestTwo() // { // int capacity = htb.currentCapacity(); // testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElement( 0, capacity ); // } private void testIteratorRemovePerformsShiftAndDeliversElement( int most, int capacity ) { // int next = most - 1; if (next < 0) next += capacity; // int least = most - 2; if (least < 0) least += capacity; // TripleWithHash t1 = TripleWithHash.create( most, "s p o" ); // TripleWithHash t2 = TripleWithHash.create( next, "a b c" ); // TripleWithHash t3 = TripleWithHash.create( most, "x y z" ); // htb.add( t1 ); // htb.add( t2 ); // htb.add( t3 ); // ExtendedIterator it = htb.iterator(); // assertSame( t1, it.next() ); // it.remove(); // assertSame( t3, it.next() ); // assertSame( t2, it.next() ); } }