/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.assembler.test; import java.util.*; import org.apache.jena.assembler.* ; import org.apache.jena.assembler.exceptions.TransactionAbortedException ; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ; public class TestModelContent extends AssemblerTestBase { public TestModelContent( String name ) { super( name ); } @Override protected Class<? extends Assembler> getAssemblerClass() { return null; } public void testMemoryModelLoadsSingleContent() { testModelLoadsSingleContent( Assembler.memoryModel, JA.MemoryModel ); } public void testMemoryModelLoadsMultipleContent() { testModelLoadsMultipleContent( Assembler.memoryModel, JA.MemoryModel ); } public void testDefaultModelLoadsSingleContent() { testModelLoadsSingleContent( Assembler.defaultModel, JA.DefaultModel ); } public void testDefaultModelLoadsMultipleContent() { testModelLoadsMultipleContent( Assembler.defaultModel, JA.DefaultModel ); } public void testInfModelLoadsContent() { testModelLoadsMultipleContent( Assembler.infModel, JA.InfModel ); } public void testContentTransactionsNone() { final List<String> history = new ArrayList<>(); final Model expected = model( "_x rdf:value '17'xsd:integer" ); Assembler a = new MockTransactionModel( history, expected, false, true ); Resource root = resourceInModel ( "x rdf:type ja:Model; x ja:content y; y rdf:type ja:Content; y rdf:type ja:LiteralContent; y ja:literalContent '_:x\\srdf:value\\s17\\s.'" ); try { a.open( Assembler.content, root ); } catch (RuntimeException e) {} } public void testContentTransactionsCommit() { final List<String> history = new ArrayList<>(); final Model expected = model( "_x rdf:value '17'xsd:integer" ); Assembler a = new MockTransactionModel( history, expected, true, false ); Resource root = resourceInModel ( "x rdf:type ja:Model; x ja:content y; y rdf:type ja:Content; y rdf:type ja:LiteralContent; y ja:literalContent '_:x\\srdf:value\\s17\\s.'" ); Model m = (Model) a.open( Assembler.content, root ); assertEquals( listOfStrings( "supports[true] begin add commit" ), history ); assertIsoModels( expected, m ); } public void testContentTransactionsAbort() { final List<String> history = new ArrayList<>(); final Model expected = model( "_x rdf:value '17'xsd:integer" ); final Model toDeliver = model( "" ).add( expected ); Assembler a = new MockTransactionModel( history, toDeliver, true, true ); try { Resource root = resourceInModel ( "x rdf:type ja:Model; x ja:content y; y rdf:type ja:Content" + "; y rdf:type ja:LiteralContent; y ja:literalContent '_:x\\srdf:value\\s17\\s.'" ); a.open( Assembler.content, root ); fail( "should throw (wrapped) failing exception" ); } catch (TransactionAbortedException e) { assertEquals( resource( "x" ), e.getRoot() ); assertEquals( listOfStrings( "supports[true] begin add abort" ), history ); assertIsoModels( expected, toDeliver ); } } protected void testModelLoadsSingleContent( Assembler a, Resource type ) { Resource root = resourceInModel ( "x rdf:type " + type + "; x ja:content y; y rdf:type ja:Content" + "; y rdf:type ja:LiteralContent; y ja:literalContent '_:x\\srdf:value\\s17\\s.'" ); Model m = (Model) a.open( Assembler.content, root ); assertIsoModels( model( "_x rdf:value '17'xsd:integer" ), m ); } protected void testModelLoadsMultipleContent( Assembler a, Resource type ) { Model m = (Model) a.open( Assembler.content, resourceInModel ( "x rdf:type " + type + "; x ja:content y; x ja:content z" + "; y rdf:type ja:Content; y rdf:type ja:LiteralContent; y ja:literalContent '_:x\\srdf:value\\s17\\s.'" + "; z rdf:type ja:Content; z rdf:type ja:LiteralContent; z ja:literalContent '_:x\\srdf:value\\s42\\s.'" ) ); assertIsoModels( model( "_x rdf:value '17'xsd:integer; _y rdf:value '42'xsd:integer" ), m ); } }