/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.apache.jena.graph.* ; import org.apache.jena.reasoner.* ; import org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.* ; import org.apache.jena.reasoner.test.TestUtil ; import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator ; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.* ; /** * Early test cases for the LP version of the backward chaining system. * <p> * To be moved to a test directory once the code is working. * </p> */ public class TestBasicLP extends TestCase { // Useful constants Node p = NodeFactory.createURI("p"); Node q = NodeFactory.createURI("q"); Node r = NodeFactory.createURI("r"); Node s = NodeFactory.createURI("s"); Node t = NodeFactory.createURI("t"); Node u = NodeFactory.createURI("u"); Node a = NodeFactory.createURI("a"); Node b = NodeFactory.createURI("b"); Node c = NodeFactory.createURI("c"); Node d = NodeFactory.createURI("d"); Node e = NodeFactory.createURI("e"); Node C1 = NodeFactory.createURI("C1"); Node C2 = NodeFactory.createURI("C2"); Node C3 = NodeFactory.createURI("C3"); Node C4 = NodeFactory.createURI("C4"); Node D1 = NodeFactory.createURI("D1"); Node D2 = NodeFactory.createURI("D2"); Node D3 = NodeFactory.createURI("D3"); Node sP = RDFS.Nodes.subPropertyOf; Node sC = RDFS.Nodes.subClassOf; Node ty = RDF.Nodes.type; /** * Boilerplate for junit */ public TestBasicLP( String name ) { super( name ); } /** * Boilerplate for junit. * This is its own test suite */ public static TestSuite suite() { // return new TestSuite( TestBasicLP.class ); TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); suite.addTest(new TestBasicLP( "testCME" )); return suite; } /** * Return an inference graph working over the given rule set and raw data. * Can be overridden by subclasses of this test class. * @param rules the rule set to use * @param data the graph of triples to process */ public InfGraph makeInfGraph(List<Rule> rules, Graph data) { FBRuleReasoner reasoner = new FBRuleReasoner(rules); FBRuleInfGraph infgraph = (FBRuleInfGraph) reasoner.bind(data); // infgraph.setTraceOn(true); return infgraph; } /** * Return an inference graph working over the given rule set and raw data. * Can be overridden by subclasses of this test class. * @param rules the rule set to use * @param data the graph of triples to process * @param tabled an array of predicates that should be tabled */ public InfGraph makeInfGraph(List<Rule> rules, Graph data, Node[] tabled) { FBRuleReasoner reasoner = new FBRuleReasoner(rules); FBRuleInfGraph infgraph = (FBRuleInfGraph) reasoner.bind(data); for ( Node aTabled : tabled ) { infgraph.setTabled( aTabled ); } return infgraph; } /** * Test basic rule operations - lookup, no matching rules */ public void testBaseRules1() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x r c) <- (?x p b)]", new Triple(Node.ANY, p, b), new Object[] { new Triple(a, p, b) } ); } /** * Test basic rule operations - simple chain rule */ public void testBaseRules2() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x r c) <- (?x p b)]", new Triple(Node.ANY, r, c), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, c) } ); } /** * Test basic rule operations - chain rule with head unification */ public void testBaseRules3() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x r ?x) <- (?x p b)]", new Triple(Node.ANY, r, a), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, a) } ); } /** * Test basic rule operations - rule with head unification, non-temp var */ public void testBaseRules4() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x r ?x) <- (?y p b), (?x p b)]", new Triple(Node.ANY, r, a), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, a) } ); } /** * Test basic rule operations - simple cascade */ public void testBaseRules5() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x q ?y) <- (?x r ?y)(?y s ?x)]" + "[r2: (?x r ?y) <- (?x p ?y)]" + "[r3: (?x s ?y) <- (?y p ?x)]", new Triple(Node.ANY, q, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, q, b) } ); } /** * Test basic rule operations - chain rule which will fail at head time */ public void testBaseRules6() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x r ?x) <- (?x p b)]", new Triple(a, r, b), new Object[] { } ); } /** * Test basic rule operations - chain rule which will fail in search */ public void testBaseRules7() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x r ?y) <- (?x p c)]", new Triple(a, r, b), new Object[] { } ); } /** * Test basic rule operations - simple chain */ public void testBaseRules8() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x q ?y) <- (?x r ?y)]" + "[r2: (?x r ?y) <- (?x p ?y)]", new Triple(Node.ANY, q, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, q, b) } ); } /** * Test basic rule operations - simple chain */ public void testBaseRules9() { doBasicTest("[r1: (?x q ?y) <- (?x r ?y)]" + "[r2: (?x r ?y) <- (?y p ?x)]", new Triple(Node.ANY, q, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(b, q, a) } ); } /** * Test backtracking - simple triple query. */ public void testBacktrack1() { doTest("[r1: (?x r ?y) <- (?x p ?y)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(a, p, c), new Triple(a, p, d) }, new Triple(a, p, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(a, p, c), new Triple(a, p, d) } ); } /** * Test backtracking - chain to simple triple query. */ public void testBacktrack2() { doTest("[r1: (?x r ?y) <- (?x p ?y)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(a, p, c), new Triple(a, p, d) }, new Triple(a, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, b), new Triple(a, r, c), new Triple(a, r, d) } ); } /** * Test backtracking - simple choice point */ public void testBacktrack3() { doTest("[r1: (?x r C1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r2: (?x r C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r3: (?x r C3) <- (?x p b)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b) }, new Triple(a, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, C1), new Triple(a, r, C2), new Triple(a, r, C3) } ); } /** * Test backtracking - nested choice point */ public void testBacktrack4() { doTest("[r1: (?x r C1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r2: (?x r C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r3: (?x r C3) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r4: (?x s ?z) <- (?x p ?w), (?x r ?y) (?y p ?z)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(C1, p, D1), new Triple(C2, p, D2), new Triple(C3, p, D3) }, new Triple(a, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, D1), new Triple(a, s, D2), new Triple(a, s, D3) } ); } /** * Test backtracking - nested choice point with multiple triple matches */ public void testBacktrack5() { doTest("[r1: (?x r C3) <- (C1 p ?x)]" + "[r2: (?x r C2) <- (C2 p ?x)]" + "[r4: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r ?y)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(C1, p, D1), new Triple(C1, p, a), new Triple(C2, p, D2), new Triple(C2, p, b) }, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(D1, s, C3), new Triple(a, s, C3), new Triple(D2, s, C2), new Triple(b, s, C2) } ); } /** * Test backtracking - nested choice point with multiple triple matches, and * checking temp v. permanent variable usage */ public void testBacktrack6() { doTest("[r1: (?x r C1) <- (?x p a)]" + "[r2: (?x r C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r3: (?x q C1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r4: (?x q C2) <- (?x p a)]" + "[r5: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r ?y) (?x q ?y)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(D1, p, a), new Triple(D2, p, a), new Triple(D2, p, b), new Triple(D3, p, b) }, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(D2, s, C1), new Triple(D2, s, C2), } ); } /** * Test backtracking - nested choice point with simple triple matches */ public void testBacktrack7() { doTest( "[r1: (?x r C1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r2: (?x r C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r3: (?x r C3) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r3: (?x r D1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r4: (?x q C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r5: (?x q C3) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r5: (?x q D1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r6: (?x t C1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r7: (?x t C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r8: (?x t C3) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r9: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r ?y) (?x q ?y) (?x t ?y)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, C2), new Triple(a, s, C3), } ); } /** * Test backtracking - nested choice point with simple triple matches, * permanent vars but used just once in body */ public void testBacktrack8() { doTest( "[r1: (?x r C1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r2: (?x r C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r3: (?x r C3) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r3: (?x r D1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r4: (?x q C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r5: (?x q C3) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r5: (?x q D1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r6: (?x t C1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r7: (?x t C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r8: (?x t C3) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r9: (?x s ?y) <- (?w r C1) (?x q ?y) (?w t C1)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, D1), new Triple(a, s, C2), new Triple(a, s, C3), } ); } /** * Test backtracking - multiple triple matches */ public void testBacktrack9() { doTest("[r1: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r ?y) (?x q ?y)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, r, D1), new Triple(a, r, D2), new Triple(a, r, D3), new Triple(b, r, D2), new Triple(a, q, D2), new Triple(b, q, D2), new Triple(b, q, D3), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, D2), new Triple(b, s, D2), } ); } /** * Test backtracking - multiple triple matches */ public void testBacktrack10() { doTest("[r1: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r ?y) (?x q ?z), equal(?y, ?z)(?x, p, ?y)]" + "[(a p D1) <- ]" + "[(a p D2) <- ]" + "[(b p D1) <- ]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, r, D1), new Triple(a, r, D2), new Triple(a, r, D3), new Triple(b, r, D2), new Triple(a, q, D2), new Triple(b, q, D2), new Triple(b, q, D3), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, D2), } ); } /** * Test clause order is right */ public void testClauseOrder() { List<Rule> rules = Rule.parseRules( "[r1: (?x r C1) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r1: (?x r C2) <- (?x p b)]" + "[r2: (?x r C3) <- (?x r C3) (?x p b)]"); Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem(); data.add(new Triple(a, p, b)); InfGraph infgraph = makeInfGraph(rules, data); ExtendedIterator<Triple> i = infgraph.find(Node.ANY, r, Node.ANY); assertTrue(i.hasNext()); assertEquals(i.next(), new Triple(a, r, C1)); i.close(); } /** * Test axioms work. */ public void testAxioms() { doTest("[a1: -> (a r C1) ]" + "[a2: -> (a r C2) ]" + "[a3: (b r C1) <- ]" + "[r1: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r ?y)]", new Triple[] { }, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, C1), new Triple(a, s, C2), new Triple(b, s, C1), } ); } /** * Test nested invocation of rules with permanent vars */ public void testNestedPvars() { doTest("[r1: (?x r ?y) <- (?x p ?z) (?z q ?y)]" + "[r1: (?y t ?x) <- (?x p ?z) (?z q ?y)]" + "[r3: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r ?y) (?y t ?x)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(a, p, C2), new Triple(a, p, C3), new Triple(C2, q, b), new Triple(C3, q, c), new Triple(D1, q, D2), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, b), new Triple(a, s, c), } ); } /** * Test simple invocation of a builtin */ public void testBuiltin1() { doTest("[r1: (?x r ?y) <- (?x p ?v), sum(?v 2 ?y)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, Util.makeIntNode(3)), new Triple(b, p, Util.makeIntNode(4)) }, new Triple(Node.ANY, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, Util.makeIntNode(5)), new Triple(b, r, Util.makeIntNode(6)), } ); } /** * Test simple invocation of a builtin */ public void testBuiltin2() { doTest("[r1: (?x r C1) <- (?x p ?v), lessThan(?v 3)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, Util.makeIntNode(1)), new Triple(b, p, Util.makeIntNode(2)), new Triple(c, p, Util.makeIntNode(3)) }, new Triple(Node.ANY, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, C1), new Triple(b, r, C1), } ); } /** * Test wildcard predicate usage - simple triple search. * Rules look odd because we have to hack around the recursive loops. */ public void testWildPredicate1() { doTest("[r1: (b r ?y) <- (a ?y ?v)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(a, q, C2), new Triple(a, q, C3), }, new Triple(b, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(b, r, p), new Triple(b, r, q) } ); } /** * Test wildcard predicate usage - combind triple search and multiclause matching. * Rules look odd because we have to hack around the recursive loops. */ public void testWildPredicate2() { doTest("[r1: (a r ?y) <- (b ?y ?v)]" + "[r2: (?x q ?y) <- (?x p ?y)]" + "[r3: (?x s C1) <- (?x p C1)]" + "[r4: (?x t C2) <- (?x p C2)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(b, p, C1), new Triple(b, q, C2), new Triple(b, q, C3), new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(a, p, C2), new Triple(c, p, C1), }, new Triple(a, Node.ANY, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, p), new Triple(a, r, q), new Triple(a, q, C1), new Triple(a, q, C2), new Triple(a, s, C1), new Triple(a, t, C2), new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(a, p, C2), new Triple(a, r, s), } ); } /** * Test wildcard predicate usage - combined triple search and multiclause matching. * Rules look odd because we have to hack around the recursive loops. */ public void testWildPredicate3() { String rules = "[r1: (a r ?y) <- (b ?y ?v)]" + "[r2: (?x q ?y) <- (?x p ?y)]" + "[r3: (?x s C1) <- (?x p C1)]" + "[r4: (?x t ?y) <- (?x ?y C1)]"; Triple[] data = new Triple[] { new Triple(b, p, C1), new Triple(b, q, C2), new Triple(b, q, C3), new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(a, p, C2), new Triple(c, p, C1), }; doTest(rules, data, new Triple(a, Node.ANY, C1), new Object[] { new Triple(a, q, C1), new Triple(a, s, C1), new Triple(a, p, C1), } ); doTest(rules, data, new Triple(a, t, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, t, q), new Triple(a, t, s), new Triple(a, t, p), } ); doTest(rules, data, new Triple(Node.ANY, t, q), new Object[] { new Triple(a, t, q), new Triple(b, t, q), new Triple(c, t, q) } ); } /** * Test wildcard predicate usage - wildcard in head as well */ public void testWildPredicate4() { doTest("[r1: (a ?p ?x) <- (b ?p ?x)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(b, p, C1), new Triple(b, q, C2), new Triple(b, q, C3), new Triple(c, q, d), }, new Triple(a, Node.ANY, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(a, q, C2), new Triple(a, q, C3), } ); } /** * Test functor usage. */ public void testFunctors1() { String ruleSrc = "[r1: (?x s ?y) <- (?x p foo(?z, ?y))] "; Triple[] triples = new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, Functor.makeFunctorNode("foo", new Node[] {C1, C2})), new Triple(a, p, Functor.makeFunctorNode("bar", new Node[] {C1, D1})), new Triple(b, p, Functor.makeFunctorNode("foo", new Node[] {C1, C2})), new Triple(a, p, Functor.makeFunctorNode("foo", new Node[] {C1, C3})), new Triple(a, p, D1), }; doTest(ruleSrc, triples, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, C2), new Triple(b, s, C2), new Triple(a, s, C3) } ); } /** * Test functor usage. */ public void testFunctors2() { String ruleSrc = "[r1: (?x r foo(?y,?z)) <- (?x p ?y), (?x q ?z)]" + "[r2: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r foo(?z, ?y))] "; Triple[] triples = new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(a, p, C3), new Triple(a, q, C2), new Triple(b, p, D1), new Triple(b, q, D2), new Triple(b, q, D3), }; doTest(ruleSrc, triples, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, C2), new Triple(b, s, D2), new Triple(b, s, D3) } ); } /** * Test functor usage. */ public void testFunctors3() { String ruleSrc = "[r1: (?x r foo(p,?y)) <- (?x p ?y)]" + "[r2: (?x r foo(q,?y)) <- (?x q ?y)]" + "[r3: (?x r ?y) <- (?x t ?y)] " + "[r4: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r ?y), notFunctor(?y)] " + "[r5: (?x s ?y) <- (?x r foo(?y, ?z))] "; Triple[] triples = new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(b, q, D1), new Triple(b, p, D2), new Triple(c, t, d) }; doTest(ruleSrc, triples, new Triple(Node.ANY, s, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, s, p), new Triple(b, s, p), new Triple(b, s, q), new Triple(c, s, d) } ); } /** * Test tabled predicates. Simple chain call case. */ public void testTabled1() { doTest("[r1: (?a q ?b) <- (?a p ?b)]" + "[r2: (?x r ?y) <- (?x q ?y)]", new Node[] { q }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(b, p, c), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, b), new Triple(b, r, c) } ); } /** * Test tabled predicates. Simple transitive closure case. */ public void testTabled2() { doTest("[r1: (?a p ?c) <- (?a p ?b)(?b p ?c)]", new Node[] { p }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(b, p, c), new Triple(b, p, d), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, p, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(b, p, c), new Triple(a, p, c), new Triple(b, p, d), new Triple(a, p, d), } ); } /** * Test tabled predicates. Simple transitive closure over normal predicates */ public void testTabled3() { doTest("[r1: (?x p ?z) <- (?x p ?y), (?y p ?z)]" + "[r2: (?x p ?z) <- (?x e ?z), (?z q ?z)]", new Node[] { p }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, e, b), new Triple(a, e, d), new Triple(b, e, c), new Triple(a, q, a), new Triple(b, q, b), new Triple(c, q, c), }, new Triple(a, p, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, p, b), // new Triple(b, p, c), new Triple(a, p, c) } ); } /** * Test tabled predicates. Co-routining example. */ public void testTabled4() { doTest("[r1: (?x a ?y) <- (?x c ?y)]" + "[r2: (?x a ?y) <- (?x b ?z), (?z c ?y)]" + "[r3: (?x b ?y) <- (?x d ?y)]" + "[r4: (?x b ?y) <- (?x a ?z) (?z c ?y)]", new Node[] { a, b }, new Triple[] { new Triple(p, c, q), new Triple(q, c, r), new Triple(p, d, q), new Triple(q, d, r), }, new Triple(p, a, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(p, a, q), new Triple(p, a, r) } ); } /** * Test tabled predicates. Simple transitive closure case. */ public void testTabled5() { doTest("[r1: (?a p ?c) <- (?a p ?b)(?b p ?c)]" + "[r2: (?a r ?b) <- (?a q ?b)]", new Node[] { p }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(b, p, c), new Triple(a, q, d), new Triple(c, q, d), }, new Triple(a, Node.ANY, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(a, p, c), new Triple(a, q, d), new Triple(a, r, d), } ); } /** * Test tabled predicates. Simple transitive closure case, tabling set * by rule base. */ public void testTabled6() { doTest("[-> table(p)] [r1: (?a p ?c) <- (?a p ?b)(?b p ?c)]", new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(b, p, c), new Triple(b, p, d), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, p, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(b, p, c), new Triple(a, p, c), new Triple(b, p, d), new Triple(a, p, d), } ); } /** * Test tabled calls with aliased local vars in the call. */ public void testTabled7() { doTest("[r1: (?a q ?b) <- (?a p ?b)]" + "[r2: (?a q ?a) <- (?a s ?a)]" + "[r2: (?a r ?z) <- (?a q ?a)]", new Node[] { }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(c, p, c), new Triple(a, p, a), new Triple(b, s, e), new Triple(d, s, d), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, r, C1), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, C1), new Triple(c, r, C1), new Triple(d, r, C1), } ); } /** * Test RDFS example. */ public void testRDFS1() { doTest( "[ (?a rdf:type C1) <- (?a rdf:type C2) ]" + "[ (?a rdf:type C2) <- (?a rdf:type C3) ]" + "[ (?a rdf:type C3) <- (?a rdf:type C4) ]", new Node[] { ty }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, ty, C1), new Triple(b, ty, C2), new Triple(c, ty, C3), new Triple(d, ty, C4), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, ty, C1), new Object[] { new Triple(a, ty, C1), new Triple(b, ty, C1), new Triple(c, ty, C1), new Triple(d, ty, C1), } ); } /** * Test RDFS example - branched version */ public void testRDFS2() { doTest( "[ (?a rdf:type C1) <- (?a rdf:type C2) ]" + "[ (?a rdf:type C1) <- (?a rdf:type C3) ]" + "[ (?a rdf:type C1) <- (?a rdf:type C4) ]", new Node[] { ty }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, ty, C1), new Triple(b, ty, C2), new Triple(c, ty, C3), new Triple(d, ty, C4), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, ty, C1), new Object[] { new Triple(a, ty, C1), new Triple(b, ty, C1), new Triple(c, ty, C1), new Triple(d, ty, C1), } ); } /** * A problem from the original backchainer tests - interaction * of tabling and functor expansion. */ public void testProblem1() { doTest( "[r1: (a q f(?x,?y)) <- (a s ?x), (a t ?y)]" + "[r2: (a p ?x) <- (a q ?x)]" + "[r3: (a r ?y) <- (a p f(?x, ?y))]", new Node[] { p }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, s, b), new Triple(a, t, c) }, new Triple(a, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, c) } ); } /** * A problem from the original backchainer tests - tabled closure operation. */ public void testProblem2() { String ruleSrc = "[rdfs8: (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?c) <- (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b), (?b rdfs:subClassOf ?c)]" + "[rdfs7: (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?a) <- (?a rdf:type rdfs:Class)]"; doTest( ruleSrc, new Node[] { ty, sC }, new Triple[] { new Triple(C1, sC, C2), new Triple(C2, sC, C3), new Triple(C1, ty, RDFS.Class.asNode()), new Triple(C2, ty, RDFS.Class.asNode()), new Triple(C3, ty, RDFS.Class.asNode()) }, new Triple(Node.ANY, sC, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(C1, sC, C2), new Triple(C1, sC, C3), new Triple(C1, sC, C1), new Triple(C2, sC, C3), new Triple(C2, sC, C2), new Triple(C3, sC, C3) } ); } /** * A problem from the original backchainer tests - bound/unbound primitives */ public void testProblem3() { String rules = "[r1: (?x r ?y ) <- bound(?x), (?x p ?y) ]" + "[r2: (?x r ?y) <- unbound(?x), (?x q ?y)]"; doTest(rules, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(a, q, c) }, new Triple(a, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, b) } ); doTest(rules, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(a, q, c) }, new Triple(Node.ANY, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, r, c) } ); } /** * A problem from the original backchainer tests - head unification test */ public void testProblem4() { String rules = "[r1: (c r ?x) <- (?x p ?x)]" + "[r2: (?x p ?y) <- (a q ?x), (b q ?y)]"; doTest(rules, new Node[] { r, p }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, q, a), new Triple(a, q, b), new Triple(a, q, c), new Triple(b, q, b), new Triple(b, q, d), }, new Triple(c, r, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(c, r, b) } ); } /** * A problem from the original backchainer tests - RDFS example which threw an NPE */ public void testProblem5() { String ruleSrc = "[rdfs8: (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?c) <- (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b), (?b rdfs:subClassOf ?c)]" + "[rdfs9: (?a rdf:type ?y) <- (?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y), (?a rdf:type ?x)]" + "[(rdf:type rdfs:range rdfs:Class) <-]" + "[rdfs3: (?y rdf:type ?c) <- (?x ?p ?y), (?p rdfs:range ?c)]" + "[rdfs7: (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?a) <- (?a rdf:type rdfs:Class)]"; doTest( ruleSrc, new Node[] { ty, sC }, new Triple[] { new Triple(p, sP, q), new Triple(q, sP, r), new Triple(C1, sC, C2), new Triple(C2, sC, C3), new Triple(a, ty, C1) }, new Triple(a, ty, Node.ANY), new Object[] { new Triple(a, ty, C1), new Triple(a, ty, C2), new Triple(a, ty, C3) } ); } /** * A problem from the original backchainer tests - RDFS example which threw an NPE */ public void testProblem6() { String ruleSrc = "[rdfs9: (?a rdf:type ?y) <- (?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y), (?a rdf:type ?x)]" + "[restriction2: (?C owl:equivalentClass all(?P, ?D)) <- (?C owl:onProperty ?P), (?C owl:allValuesFrom ?D)]" + "[rs2: (?X rdf:type all(?P,?C)) <- (?D owl:equivalentClass all(?P,?C)), (?X rdf:type ?D)]" + "[rp4: (?Y rdf:type ?C) <- (?X rdf:type all(?P, ?C)), (?X ?P ?Y)]"; doTest( ruleSrc, new Node[] { ty, sC, OWL.equivalentClass.asNode() }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, ty, r), new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(r, sC, C1), new Triple(C1, OWL.onProperty.asNode(), p), new Triple(C1, OWL.allValuesFrom.asNode(), c) }, new Triple(b, ty, c), new Object[] { new Triple(b, ty, c) } ); } /** * A problem from the original backchainer tests - incorrect additional deduction. * Was due to interpeter setup failing to clone input variables. */ public void testProblem7() { String ruleSrc = "[rdfs8: (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?c) <- (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b), (?b rdfs:subClassOf ?c)]" + "[rdfs9: (?a rdf:type ?y) <- (?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y), (?a rdf:type ?x)]" + // "[(rdf:type rdfs:range rdfs:Class) <-]" + // "[rdfs3: (?y rdf:type ?c) <- (?x ?p ?y), (?p rdfs:range ?c)]" + "[rdfs3: (?y rdf:type rdfs:Class) <- (?x rdf:type ?y)]" + "[rdfs7: (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?a) <- (?a rdf:type rdfs:Class)]"; List<Rule> rules = Rule.parseRules(ruleSrc); Node[] tabled = new Node[] { ty, sC }; Triple[] triples = new Triple[] { new Triple(C1, sC, C2), new Triple(C2, sC, C3), new Triple(a, ty, C1) }; Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem(); for ( Triple triple : triples ) { data.add( triple ); } InfGraph infgraph = makeInfGraph(rules, data, tabled); ExtendedIterator<Triple> it = infgraph.find(a, ty, null); Triple result = it.next(); assertEquals(result.getSubject(), a); assertEquals(result.getPredicate(), ty); it.close(); // Make sure if we start again we get the full listing. TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(a, ty, null), new Object[] { new Triple(a, ty, C1), new Triple(a, ty, C2), new Triple(a, ty, C3) } ); } /** * A problem from the original backchainer tests - RDFS example which failed. * Was due to unsupported multi-head statement. */ public void testProblem8() { String ruleSrc = "[rdfs9: (?a rdf:type ?y) <- bound(?y) (?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y) (?a rdf:type ?x)]" + "[restriction4: (?C owl:equivalentClass max(?P, ?X)) <- (?C rdf:type owl:Restriction), (?C owl:onProperty ?P), (?C owl:maxCardinality ?X)]" + "[restrictionProc11: (?X rdf:type max(?P, 1)) <- (?P rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty), (?X rdf:type owl:Thing)]" + "[equivalentClass1: (?Q rdfs:subClassOf ?P) <- (?P owl:equivalentClass ?Q) ]" + "[equivalentClass1: (?P rdfs:subClassOf ?Q) <- (?P owl:equivalentClass ?Q) ]" + "[restrictionSubclass1: (?X rdf:type ?D) <- bound(?D) (?D owl:equivalentClass ?R), isFunctor(?R) (?X rdf:type ?R)]"; doTest( ruleSrc, new Node[] { ty, sC, OWL.equivalentClass.asNode() }, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, ty, OWL.Thing.asNode()), new Triple(p, ty, OWL.FunctionalProperty.asNode()), new Triple(c, OWL.equivalentClass.asNode(), C1), new Triple(C1, ty, OWL.Restriction.asNode()), new Triple(C1, OWL.onProperty.asNode(), p), new Triple(C1, OWL.maxCardinality.asNode(), Util.makeIntNode(1)), }, new Triple(a, ty, c), new Object[] { new Triple(a, ty, c) } ); } /** * Test derivation machinery */ public void testRuleDerivations() { String rules = "[testRule1: (C2, p, ?a) <- (C1 p ?a)]" + "[testRule2: (C2, q, ?a) <- (C1 q ?a)]" + "[testRule3: (a p ?a) <- (C2 p ?a), (C2 q ?a)]"; List<Rule> ruleList = Rule.parseRules(rules); Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem(); data.add(new Triple(C1, p, C3)); data.add(new Triple(C1, q, C4)); data.add(new Triple(C1, q, C3)); InfGraph infgraph = makeInfGraph(ruleList, data, new Node[]{p, q}); infgraph.setDerivationLogging(true); TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(a, null, null), new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, C3) }); Iterator<Derivation> derivs = infgraph.getDerivation(new Triple(a, p, C3)); StringWriter outString = new StringWriter(250); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outString); while (derivs.hasNext()) { Derivation d = derivs.next(); d.printTrace(out, true); } out.flush(); String testString = TestUtil.normalizeWhiteSpace("Rule testRule3 concluded (a p C3) <-\n" + " Rule testRule1 concluded (C2 p C3) <-\n" + " Fact (C1 p C3)\r\n" + " Rule testRule2 concluded (C2 q C3) <-\n" + " Fact (C1 q C3)\r\n"); assertEquals(testString, TestUtil.normalizeWhiteSpace(outString.getBuffer().toString())); } /** * A suspect problem, originally derived from the OWL rules - risk of unbound variables escaping. * Not managed to isolate or reproduce the problem yet. */ public void testProblem9() { String ruleSrc = "[test: (?x owl:sameAs ?x) <- (?x rdf:type owl:Thing) ]" + "[sameIndividualAs6: (?X rdf:type owl:Thing) <- (?X owl:sameAs ?Y) ]" + "[ans: (?x p C1) <- (?y owl:sameAs ?x)]"; Node sI = OWL.sameAs.asNode(); doTest( ruleSrc, new Node[] { ty, sI }, // Tabled predicates new Triple[] { // init data new Triple(a, ty, OWL.Thing.asNode()), new Triple(b, sI, c), }, new Triple(Node.ANY, p, Node.ANY), // query new Object[] { // result new Triple(a, p, C1), new Triple(b, p, C1), new Triple(c, p, C1), } ); // new Triple(Node.ANY, ty, Node.ANY), // query // new Object[] { // result // new Triple(a, ty, OWL.Thing.asNode()), // new Triple(b, ty, OWL.Thing.asNode()) // } ); } /** * Test 3-arg builtins such as arithmetic. */ public void testArithBuiltins() { doBuiltinTest( "[(a,r,0) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), lessThan(?x,?y)]" + "[(a,r,1) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), ge(?x, ?y)]", Util.makeIntNode(2),Util.makeIntNode(3), Util.makeIntNode(0) ); doBuiltinTest( "[(a,r,0) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), lessThan(?x,?y)]" + "[(a,r,1) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), ge(?x, ?y)]", Util.makeIntNode(3),Util.makeIntNode(3), Util.makeIntNode(1) ); doBuiltinTest( "[(a,r,0) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), le(?x,?y)]" + "[(a,r,1) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), greaterThan(?x, ?y)]", Util.makeIntNode(3),Util.makeIntNode(3), Util.makeIntNode(0) ); doBuiltinTest( "[(a,r,?z) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), min(?x,?y,?z)]", Util.makeIntNode(2),Util.makeIntNode(3), Util.makeIntNode(2) ); doBuiltinTest( "[(a,r,?z) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), min(?x,?y,?z)]", Util.makeIntNode(4),Util.makeIntNode(3), Util.makeIntNode(3) ); doBuiltinTest( "[(a,r,?z) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), max(?x,?y,?z)]", Util.makeIntNode(2),Util.makeIntNode(3), Util.makeIntNode(3) ); doBuiltinTest( "[(a,r,?z) <- (a,p,?x), (a,q,?y), max(?x,?y,?z)]", Util.makeIntNode(4),Util.makeIntNode(3), Util.makeIntNode(4) ); } /** * Test the temporary list builtins */ public void testListBuiltins() { String ruleSrc = "[(a r ?n) <- (a p ?l), listLength(?l, ?n)]" + "[(a s ?e) <- (a p ?l), listEntry(?l, 1, ?e)]"; List<Rule> rules = Rule.parseRules(ruleSrc); Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem(); data.add(new Triple(a, p, Util.makeList(new Node[]{C1,C2,C3},data))); InfGraph infgraph = makeInfGraph(rules, data); TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(new Triple(a, r, Node.ANY)), new Triple[] { new Triple(a, r, Util.makeIntNode(3)) }); TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(new Triple(a, s, Node.ANY)), new Triple[] { new Triple(a, s, C2) }); rules = Rule.parseRules( "[(a s b) <- (a p ?l), (a, q, ?j) listEqual(?l, ?j)]" + "[(a s c) <- (a p ?l), (a, q, ?j) listNotEqual(?l, ?j)]" + "[(a s d) <- (a p ?l), (a, r, ?j) listEqual(?l, ?j)]" + "[(a s e) <- (a p ?l), (a, r, ?j) listNotEqual(?l, ?j)]" ); data = Factory.createGraphMem(); data.add(new Triple(a, p, Util.makeList( new Node[]{C1, Util.makeIntNode(3), C3}, data) )); data.add(new Triple(a, q, Util.makeList( new Node[]{C3, C1, Util.makeLongNode(3)}, data) )); data.add(new Triple(a, r, Util.makeList( new Node[]{C3, C1, Util.makeLongNode(2)}, data) )); infgraph = makeInfGraph(rules, data); TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(new Triple(a, s, Node.ANY)), new Triple[] { new Triple(a, s, b), new Triple(a, s, e), }); rules = Rule.parseRules( "[(b r ?j) <- (a p ?l), (a, q, ?j) listContains(?l, ?j)]" + "[(b s ?j) <- (a p ?l), (a, q, ?j) listNotContains(?l, ?j)]" ); data = Factory.createGraphMem(); data.add(new Triple(a, p, Util.makeList( new Node[]{C1, Util.makeIntNode(3), C3}, data) )); data.add(new Triple(a, q, C1)); data.add(new Triple(a, q, Util.makeLongNode(3))); data.add(new Triple(a, q, C2)); infgraph = makeInfGraph(rules, data); TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(new Triple(b, Node.ANY, Node.ANY)), new Triple[] { new Triple(b, r, C1), new Triple(b, r, Util.makeIntNode(3)), new Triple(b, s, C2), }); } /** * Test that we detect concurrent modification of LP graphs with * non-closed iterators. */ public void testCME() { String ruleSrc = "(?a p 1) <- (?a p 0). (?a p 2) <- (?a p 0)."; List<Rule> rules = Rule.parseRules(ruleSrc); Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem(); data.add(new Triple(a, p, Util.makeIntNode(0))); InfGraph infgraph = makeInfGraph(rules, data); // Check the base case works TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(new Triple(a, p, Node.ANY)), new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, Util.makeIntNode(0)), new Triple(a, p, Util.makeIntNode(1)), new Triple(a, p, Util.makeIntNode(2)), }); // Now force a CME boolean ok = false; ExtendedIterator<Triple> i = infgraph.find(new Triple(a, p, Node.ANY)); try { i.next(); infgraph.add( new Triple(a, p, Util.makeIntNode(4)) ); i.next(); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { ok = true; } finally { i.close(); } assertTrue("Expect CME on unclosed iterators", ok); } /** * Generic test operation. * @param ruleSrc the source of the rules * @param triples a set of triples to insert in the graph before the query * @param query the Triple to search for * @param results the array of expected results */ private void doTest(String ruleSrc, Triple[] triples, Triple query, Object[] results) { List<Rule> rules = Rule.parseRules(ruleSrc); Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem(); for ( Triple triple : triples ) { data.add( triple ); } InfGraph infgraph = makeInfGraph(rules, data); TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(query), results); } /** * Generic test operation. * @param ruleSrc the source of the rules * @param tabled the predicates that should be tabled * @param triples a set of triples to insert in the graph before the query * @param query the Triple to search for * @param results the array of expected results */ private void doTest(String ruleSrc, Node[] tabled, Triple[] triples, Triple query, Object[] results) { List<Rule> rules = Rule.parseRules(ruleSrc); Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem(); for ( Triple triple : triples ) { data.add( triple ); } InfGraph infgraph = makeInfGraph(rules, data, tabled); TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(query), results); } /** * Generic base test operation on a graph with the single triple (a, p, b) * @param ruleSrc the source of the rules * @param query the Triple to search for * @param results the array of expected results */ private void doBasicTest(String ruleSrc, Triple query, Object[] results) { doTest(ruleSrc, new Triple[]{new Triple(a,p,b)}, query, results); } /** * Generic test operation. * @param rule to test a simple builtin operation * @param param1 value to bind to first parameter by (a,p,_) * @param param2 value to bind to first parameter by (a,q,_) * @param result the expected result to be found by (a,r,_) */ private void doBuiltinTest(String ruleSrc, Node param1, Node param2, Node result) { doTest(ruleSrc, new Triple[] { new Triple(a, p, param1), new Triple(a, q, param2) }, new Triple(a, r, Node.ANY), new Triple[] { new Triple(a, r, result) }); } }