/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.util; import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.impl.Util ; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class TestSplitIRI_XML { public static junit.framework.Test suite() { return new JUnit4TestAdapter(TestSplitIRI_XML.class) ; } // Intermediate : JUnit 3 and JUnit 4. @Test public void splitNS_01() { split("http://example/xyz", "http://example/", "xyz") ; } @Test public void splitNS_02() { split("http://example/ns#xyz", "http://example/ns#", "xyz") ; } @Test public void splitNS_03() { no_split("http://example/ns#") ; } @Test public void splitNS_04() { no_split("http://example/") ; } @Test public void splitNS_05() // Illegal URI { split("http://example", "http://", "example") ; } @Test public void splitNS_06() // localname must be at least the NCStartChar - not empty { split("mailto:me", "mailto:m", "e") ; } @Test public void splitNS_07() { split("urn:abc:xyz","urn:abc:", "xyz") ; } @Test public void splitNS_08() { no_split("urn:abc:xyz:") ; } @Test public void splitNS_09() { split("http://bio2rdf.org/pdb:Pentane-3%2C4-diol-5-phosphate", "http://bio2rdf.org/pdb:Pentane-3%2C4-", "diol-5-phosphate") ; } @Test public void splitNS_10() { split("http://bio2rdf.org/pdb:Pentane-3,4-diol-5-phosphate", "http://bio2rdf.org/pdb:Pentane-3,4-", "diol-5-phosphate") ; } // Don't split inside a %encoding. @Test public void splitNS_11() { split("http://host/abc%AAdef", "http://host/abc%AA", "def") ; } @Test public void splitNS_12() { split("http://host/abc%1Adef", "http://host/abc%1A", "def") ; } @Test public void splitNS_13() { split("http://host/abc%A1def", "http://host/abc%A1", "def") ; } @Test public void splitNS_14() { split("http://host/abc%AA22def", "http://host/abc%AA22", "def") ; } @Test public void splitNS_15() { no_split("http://host/abc%AA22") ; } // Other schemes @Test public void splitNS_50() { split("file:///x/y", "file:///x/", "y") ; } @Test public void splitNS_51() { split("file:///x", "file:///", "x") ; } @Test public void splitNS_52() { split("file:x", "file:", "x") ; } @Test public void splitNS_53() // Not ideal but some URI schemes dislike a URI with just the scheme { split("file:foo", "file:", "foo") ; } @Test public void splitNS_54() { split("file:c:/foo", "file:c:/", "foo") ; } // urn:uuid:d871c7f4-2926-11b2-8073-a5e169788449 - legal type 1 uuid as urn // uuid:3cf3e43a-3a5d-40d8-a93c-8697b162a1c0 - legal type 4 uuid as uri @Test public void splitNS_55() { split("urn:uuid:d871c7f4-2926-11b2-8073-a5e169788449", "urn:uuid:", "d871c7f4-2926-11b2-8073-a5e169788449") ; } @Test public void splitNS_56() { split("uuid:3cf3e43a-3a5d-40d8-a93c-8697b162a1c0", "uuid:3", "cf3e43a-3a5d-40d8-a93c-8697b162a1c0") ; } @Test public void splitNS_57() { split("urn:abc:def", "urn:abc:", "def") ; } // -------- static void no_split(String string) { split(string, null, null) ; } static void split(String uriStr, String namespace, String localname) { if ( namespace == null && localname != null ) fail("Bad test - namespace is null but local name is not") ; if ( namespace != null && localname == null ) fail("Bad test - namespace is not null but local name is") ; int idx = Util.splitNamespaceXML(uriStr) ; if ( idx == uriStr.length() ) { // No split. if ( namespace != null ) fail("Expected a split ("+namespace+","+localname+") - but none found") ; return ; } // Split String ns = uriStr.substring(0,idx) ; String ln = uriStr.substring(idx) ; assertEquals(namespace, ns) ; assertEquals(localname, ln) ; } }