/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.util; import static org.apache.jena.util.SplitIRI.* ; import java.util.Objects ; import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter ; import org.junit.Assert ; import org.junit.Test ; /** Test splitting IRI strings using Turtle rules. */ public class TestSplitIRI_TTL { public static junit.framework.Test suite() { return new JUnit4TestAdapter(TestSplitIRI_TTL.class) ; } // Basics @Test public void split_basic_00() { testSplit("http://example/foo", "http://example/".length()) ; } @Test public void split_basic_01() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/foo", "http://example/", "foo" ) ; } @Test public void split_basic_02() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/foo#bar", "http://example/foo#", "bar" ) ; } @Test public void split_basic_03() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/foo#", "http://example/foo#", "" ) ; } @Test public void split_basic_04() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/", "http://example/", "" ) ; } @Test public void split_basic_05() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/1abc", "http://example/", "1abc" ) ; } @Test public void split_basic_06() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/", "http://example/", "" ) ; } @Test public void split_basic_07() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/xyz#", "http://example/xyz#", "" ) ; } @Test public void split_basic_08() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/xyz#_abc", "http://example/xyz#", "_abc" ) ; } @Test public void split_basic_09() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/xyz/_1.2.3.4", "http://example/xyz/", "_1.2.3.4" ) ; } // Relative URIs @Test public void split_rel_1() { testPrefixLocalname("xyz/_1.2.3.4", "xyz/", "_1.2.3.4" ) ; } @Test public void split_rel_2() { testPrefixLocalname("xyz", "", "xyz" ) ; } @Test public void split_rel_3() { testPrefixLocalname("", "", "" ) ; } // Bizarre but legal URIs @Test public void split_weird_1() { testPrefixLocalname("abc:def", "abc:", "def" ) ; } // Turtle details. // "." leading dot is not legal. @Test public void split_ttl_01() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/foo#bar:baz", "http://example/foo#", "bar:baz" ) ; } @Test public void split_ttl_02() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/a:b:c", "http://example/", "a:b:c" ) ; } @Test public void split_ttl_03() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/.2.3.4", "http://example/.", "2.3.4" ) ; } // "." leading dot is not legal. @Test public void split_ttl_04() { testPrefixLocalname("abc:xyz/.def", "abc:xyz/.", "def" ) ; } // "-" leading dash is not legal. @Test public void split_ttl_05() { testPrefixLocalname("abc:xyz/-def", "abc:xyz/-", "def" ) ; } @Test public void split_ttl_06() { testPrefixLocalname("abc:xyz/-.-.-def", "abc:xyz/-.-.-", "def" ) ; } @Test public void split_ttl_07() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/id=89", "http://example/", "id=89" ) ; } // Trailing '.' @Test public void split_ttl_08() { testPrefixLocalname("http://example/2.3.", "http://example/", "2.3." ) ; } // Turtle details, including escaping. // Test for PrefixLocalnameEsc @Test public void split_ttl_esc_01() { testPrefixLocalnameEsc("http://example/id=89", "http://example/", "id\\=89" ) ; } @Test public void split_ttl_esc_02() { testPrefixLocalnameEsc("http://example/a,b", "http://example/", "a\\,b" ) ; } // Trailing '.' @Test public void split_ttl_esc_03() { testPrefixLocalnameEsc("http://example/2.3.", "http://example/", "2.3\\." ) ; } // URNs split differently. @Test public void split_urn_01() { testPrefixLocalname("urn:foo:bar", "urn:foo:", "bar" ) ; } // Anti-tests @Test public void split_51() { testPrefixLocalnameNot("http://example/foo#bar:baz", "http://example/foo#bar", "baz" ) ; } private void testSplit(String string, int expected) { int i = splitpoint(string) ; Assert.assertEquals(expected, i) ; } // ?? private void testTurtle(String string, String expectedPrefix, String expectedLocalname) { int i = splitpoint(string) ; String ns = string ; String ln = "" ; if ( i > 0 ) { ns = string.substring(0, i) ; ln = string.substring(i) ; } if ( expectedPrefix != null ) Assert.assertEquals(expectedPrefix, ns); if ( expectedLocalname != null ) Assert.assertEquals(expectedLocalname, ln); if ( expectedPrefix != null && expectedLocalname != null ) { String x = ns+ln ; Assert.assertEquals(string, x) ; } } private void testPrefixLocalnameNoSplit(String string) { int i = splitpoint(string) ; String msg = string ; if ( i != -1 ) { // Better error message. String ns = namespaceTTL(string) ; String ln = localnameTTL(string) ; msg = "Unexpected split of '"+string+"' into ("+ns+", "+ln+") [index="+i+"]" ; } Assert.assertEquals(msg, -1, i) ; } // Don't worry about local name escaping. private void testPrefixLocalname(String string, String expectedNamespace, String expectedLocalname) { String actualNamespace = namespace(string) ; String actualLocalName = localname(string) ; checkPrefixLocalname(string, expectedNamespace, actualNamespace, expectedLocalname, actualLocalName) ; if ( expectedNamespace != null && expectedLocalname != null ) { String x = actualNamespace+actualLocalName ; Assert.assertEquals(string, x) ; } } // Do worry about local name escaping. private void testPrefixLocalnameEsc(String string, String expectedNamespace, String expectedLocalname) { checkPrefixLocalname(string, expectedNamespace, namespaceTTL(string), expectedLocalname, localnameTTL(string)) ; } private void checkPrefixLocalname(String string, String expectedNamespace, String actualNamespace, String expectedLocalname, String actualLocalName) { if ( expectedNamespace != null ) Assert.assertEquals(expectedNamespace, actualNamespace); if ( expectedLocalname != null ) Assert.assertEquals(expectedLocalname, actualLocalName); } private void testPrefixLocalnameNot(String string, String expectedPrefix, String expectedLocalname) { String ns = namespace(string) ; String ln = localname(string) ; boolean b1 = Objects.equals(expectedPrefix, ns) ; boolean b2 = Objects.equals(expectedLocalname, ln) ; // Test not both true. Assert.assertFalse("Wrong: ("+ns+","+ln+")", b1&&b2); // But it still combines. String x = ns+ln ; Assert.assertEquals(string, x) ; } }