/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.sparql.expr; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals ; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse ; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue ; import static org.junit.Assert.fail ; import java.text.ParseException ; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat ; import java.util.Date ; import java.util.TimeZone ; import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype ; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node ; import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory ; import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQConstants ; import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionEnvBase ; import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.ExprUtils ; import org.junit.Assert ; import org.junit.Test ; public class TestFunctions { private static final NodeValue INT_ZERO = NodeValue.makeInteger(0) ; private static final NodeValue INT_ONE = NodeValue.makeInteger(1) ; //private static final NodeValue INT_TWO = NodeValue.makeInteger(2) ; private static final NodeValue TRUE = NodeValue.TRUE ; private static final NodeValue FALSE = NodeValue.FALSE ; @Test public void expr1() { test("1", NodeValue.makeInteger(1)) ; } @Test public void exprStrLen1() { test("fn:string-length('')", INT_ZERO) ; } @Test public void exprStrLen2() { test("fn:string-length('a')", INT_ONE) ; } // Test from JENA-785 @Test public void exprStrLen3() { test("fn:string-length('๐ˆ๐‘Œ๐ป๐ช๐‘‰๐ฟ๐ป๐ฎ๐ฟ๐ฒ')", NodeValue.makeInteger(10l)) ; } // F&O strings are one-based, and substring takes a length @Test public void exprSubstring1() { test("fn:substring('',0)", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } @Test public void exprSubstring2() { test("fn:substring('',1)", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } @Test public void exprSubstring3() { test("fn:substring('',1,0)", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } @Test public void exprSubstring4() { test("fn:substring('',1,1)", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } @Test public void exprSubstring5() { test("fn:substring('abc',1)", NodeValue.makeString("abc")) ; } @Test public void exprSubstring6() { test("fn:substring('abc',2)", NodeValue.makeString("bc")) ; } @Test public void exprSubstring7() { test("fn:substring('a',1,1)", NodeValue.makeString("a")) ; } @Test public void exprSubstring8() { test("fn:substring('a',1,2)", NodeValue.makeString("a")) ; } @Test public void exprSubstring9() { test("fn:substring('a',0)", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } // Uses round() @Test public void exprSubstring10() { test("fn:substring('abc',1.6,1.33)", NodeValue.makeString("b")) ; } // This test was added because the test suite had 1199 tests in. @Test public void exprSubstring11() { test("fn:substring('abc',-1, -15.3)", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } // Test from JENA-785 @Test public void exprSubstring12() { test("fn:substring('๐ˆ๐‘Œ๐ป๐ช๐‘‰๐ฟ๐ป๐ฎ๐ฟ๐ฒ', 1, 1)", NodeValue.makeString("๐ˆ")) ; } @Test public void exprJavaSubstring1() { test("afn:substr('abc',0,0)", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } @Test public void exprJavaSubstring2() { test("afn:substr('abc',0,1)", NodeValue.makeString("a")) ; } @Test public void exprJavaSubstring3() { test("<"+ARQConstants.ARQFunctionLibrary+"substr>('abc',0,0)", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } @Test public void exprJavaSubstring4() { test("<"+ARQConstants.ARQFunctionLibrary+"substr>('abc',0,1)", NodeValue.makeString("a")) ; } // Test from JENA-785 @Test public void exprJavaSubstring5() { test("afn:substr('๐ˆ๐‘Œ๐ป๐ช๐‘‰๐ฟ๐ป๐ฎ๐ฟ๐ฒ', 0, 1)", NodeValue.makeString("๐ˆ")) ; } // SPRINTF @Test public void exprSprintf_01() { test("afn:sprintf('%06d', 11)",NodeValue.makeString("000011")) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_02() { test("afn:sprintf('%s', 'abcdefghi')",NodeValue.makeString("abcdefghi")) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_03() { test("afn:sprintf('sometext %s', 'abcdefghi')",NodeValue.makeString("sometext abcdefghi")) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_04() { test("afn:sprintf('%1$tm %1$te,%1$tY', '2016-03-17'^^xsd:date)",NodeValue.makeString("03 17,2016")) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_06() { test("afn:sprintf('this is %s', 'false'^^xsd:boolean)",NodeValue.makeString("this is false")) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_07() { test("afn:sprintf('this number is equal to %.2f', '11.22'^^xsd:decimal)",NodeValue.makeString("this number is equal to "+String.format("%.2f",11.22))) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_08() { test("afn:sprintf('%.3f', '1.23456789'^^xsd:float)",NodeValue.makeString(String.format("%.3f",1.23456789))) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_09() { test("afn:sprintf('this number is equal to %o in the octal system', '11'^^xsd:integer)",NodeValue.makeString("this number is equal to 13 in the octal system")) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_10() { test("afn:sprintf('this number is equal to %.5f', '1.23456789'^^xsd:double)",NodeValue.makeString("this number is equal to "+String.format("%.5f",1.23456789))) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_11() { test("afn:sprintf('%.0f != %s', '12.23456789'^^xsd:double,'15')",NodeValue.makeString("12 != 15")) ; } @Test public void exprSprintf_12() { test("afn:sprintf('(%.0f,%s,%d) %4$tm %4$te,%4$tY', '12.23456789'^^xsd:double,'12',11,'2016-03-17'^^xsd:date)",NodeValue.makeString("(12,12,11) 03 17,2016")) ; } // Timezone tests // Timezone -11:00 to any timezone can be a day ahead @Test public void exprSprintf_20() { test_exprSprintf_tz_exact("2005-10-14T14:09:43-11:00") ; } // Timezone Z to any timezone can be a day behind or a day ahead @Test public void exprSprintf_21() { test_exprSprintf_tz_exact("2005-10-14T12:09:43+00:00") ; } // Timezone +11:00 can be a day behind @Test public void exprSprintf_22() { test_exprSprintf_tz_exact("2005-10-14T10:09:43+11:00") ; } private static void test_exprSprintf_tz_exact(String nodeStr) { String exprStr = "afn:sprintf('%1$tm %1$te,%1$tY', "+NodeValue.makeDateTime(nodeStr).toString()+")" ; Expr expr = ExprUtils.parse(exprStr) ; NodeValue r = expr.eval(null, FunctionEnvBase.createTest()) ; assertTrue(r.isString()) ; String s = r.getString() ; // Parse the date String dtFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX"; SimpleDateFormat sdtFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dtFormat); Date dtDate = null; try { dtDate = sdtFormat.parse(nodeStr); } catch (ParseException e) { assertFalse("Cannot parse the input date string. Message:"+e.getMessage(),false); } // print the date based on the current timeZone. SimpleDateFormat stdFormatOut = new SimpleDateFormat("MM dd,yyyy"); stdFormatOut.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault()); String outDate = stdFormatOut.format(dtDate); assertEquals(s,outDate); } private static void test_exprSprintf_tz_possibilites(String nodeStr, String... possible) { String exprStr = "afn:sprintf('%1$tm %1$te,%1$tY', "+NodeValue.makeDateTime(nodeStr).toString()+")" ; Expr expr = ExprUtils.parse(exprStr) ; NodeValue r = expr.eval(null, FunctionEnvBase.createTest()) ; assertTrue(r.isString()) ; String s = r.getString() ; // Timezones! The locale data can be -1, 0, +1 from the Z day. boolean b = false ; for (String poss : possible ) { if ( poss.equals(s) ) b = true ; } assertTrue(b) ; } // Timezone -11:00 to any timezone can be a day ahead @Test public void exprSprintf_23() { test_exprSprintf_tz_possibilites("2005-10-14T14:09:43-11:00", "10 14,2005", "10 15,2005") ; } // Timezone Z to any timezone can be a day behind or a day ahead @Test public void exprSprintf_24() { test_exprSprintf_tz_possibilites("2005-10-14T12:09:43Z", "10 13,2005", "10 14,2005", "10 15,2005") ; } // Timezone +11:00 can be a day behind @Test public void exprSprintf_25() { test_exprSprintf_tz_possibilites("2005-10-14T10:09:43+11:00", "10 13,2005", "10 14,2005") ; } @Test public void exprStrStart0() { test("fn:starts-with('abc', '')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart1() { test("fn:starts-with('abc', 'a')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart2() { test("fn:starts-with('abc', 'ab')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart3() { test("fn:starts-with('abc', 'abc')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart4() { test("fn:starts-with('abc', 'abcd')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart10() { test("STRSTARTS('abc', 'abcd')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart11() { test("STRSTARTS('abc'@en, 'ab')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart12() { test("STRSTARTS('abc'^^xsd:string, 'ab')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart13() { test("STRSTARTS('abc'^^xsd:string, 'ab'^^xsd:string)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart14() { test("STRSTARTS('abc', 'ab'^^xsd:string)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart15() { test("STRSTARTS('abc'@en, 'ab'@en)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrStart16() { testEvalException("STRSTARTS('ab'@en, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprStrStart17() { testEvalException("STRSTARTS(123, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprStrStart18() { testEvalException("STRSTARTS('123'^^xsd:string, 12.3)") ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore0() { test("STRBEFORE('abc', 'abcd')", NodeValue.nvEmptyString) ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore1() { test("STRBEFORE('abc'@en, 'b')", NodeValue.makeNode("a", "en", (String)null)) ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore2() { test("STRBEFORE('abc'^^xsd:string, 'c')", NodeValue.makeNode("ab", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore3() { test("STRBEFORE('abc'^^xsd:string, ''^^xsd:string)", NodeValue.makeNode("", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore4() { test("STRBEFORE('abc', 'ab'^^xsd:string)", NodeValue.nvEmptyString) ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore5() { test("STRBEFORE('abc'@en, 'b'@en)", NodeValue.makeNode("a", "en", (String)null)) ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore6() { testEvalException("STRBEFORE('ab'@en, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore7() { testEvalException("STRBEFORE(123, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprStrBefore8() { testEvalException("STRBEFORE('123'^^xsd:string, 12.3)") ; } // No match case @Test public void exprStrBefore9() { test("STRBEFORE('abc'^^xsd:string, 'z')", NodeValue.nvEmptyString) ; } // Empty string case @Test public void exprStrBefore10() { test("STRBEFORE('abc'^^xsd:string, '')", NodeValue.makeNode("", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter0() { test("STRAFTER('abc', 'abcd')", NodeValue.nvEmptyString) ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter1() { test("STRAFTER('abc'@en, 'b')", NodeValue.makeNode("c", "en", (String)null)) ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter2() { test("STRAFTER('abc'^^xsd:string, 'a')", NodeValue.makeNode("bc", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter3() { test("STRAFTER('abc'^^xsd:string, ''^^xsd:string)", NodeValue.makeNode("abc", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter4() { test("STRAFTER('abc', 'bc'^^xsd:string)", NodeValue.nvEmptyString) ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter5() { test("STRAFTER('abc'@en, 'b'@en)", NodeValue.makeNode("c", "en", (String)null)) ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter6() { testEvalException("STRAFTER('ab'@en, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter7() { testEvalException("STRAFTER(123, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprStrAfter8() { testEvalException("STRAFTER('123'^^xsd:string, 12.3)") ; } // No match case @Test public void exprStrAfter9() { test("STRAFTER('abc'^^xsd:string, 'z')", NodeValue.nvEmptyString) ; } // Empty string case @Test public void exprStrAfter10() { test("STRAFTER('abc'^^xsd:string, '')", NodeValue.makeNode("abc", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds0() { test("fn:ends-with('abc', '')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds1() { test("fn:ends-with('abc', 'c')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds2() { test("fn:ends-with('abc', 'bc')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds3() { test("fn:ends-with('abc', 'abc')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds4() { test("fn:ends-with('abc', 'zabc')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds10() { test("STRENDS('abc', 'abcd')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds11() { test("STRENDS('abc'@en, 'bc')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds12() { test("STRENDS('abc'^^xsd:string, 'c')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds13() { test("STRENDS('abc'^^xsd:string, 'c'^^xsd:string)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds14() { test("STRENDS('abc', 'ab'^^xsd:string)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds15() { test("STRENDS('abc'@en, 'abc'@en)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds16() { testEvalException("STRENDS('ab'@en, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds17() { testEvalException("STRENDS(123, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprStrEnds18() { testEvalException("STRENDS('123'^^xsd:string, 12.3)") ; } @Test public void exprStrCase1() { test("fn:lower-case('aBc')", NodeValue.makeString("abc")) ; } @Test public void exprStrCase2() { test("fn:lower-case('abc')", NodeValue.makeString("abc")) ; } @Test public void exprStrCase3() { test("fn:upper-case('abc')", NodeValue.makeString("ABC")) ; } @Test public void exprStrCase4() { test("fn:upper-case('ABC')", NodeValue.makeString("ABC")) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains0() { test("fn:contains('abc', '')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains1() { test("fn:contains('abc', 'a')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains2() { test("fn:contains('abc', 'b')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains3() { test("fn:contains('abc', 'c')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains4() { test("fn:contains('abc', 'ab')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains5() { test("fn:contains('abc', 'bc')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains6() { test("fn:contains('abc', 'abc')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains7() { test("fn:contains('abc', 'Xc')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprStrContains8() { test("fn:contains('abc', 'Xa')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprContains10() { test("Contains('abc', 'abcd')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprContains11() { test("Contains('abc'@en, 'bc')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprContains12() { test("Contains('abc'^^xsd:string, 'c')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprContains13() { test("Contains('abc'^^xsd:string, 'c'^^xsd:string)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprContains14() { test("Contains('abc', 'z'^^xsd:string)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprContains15() { test("Contains('abc'@en, 'abc'@en)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprContains16() { testEvalException("Contains('ab'@en, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprContains17() { testEvalException("Contains(123, 'ab'@fr)") ; } @Test public void exprContains18() { testEvalException("STRENDS('123'^^xsd:string, 12.3)") ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeSpace0() { test("fn:normalize-space(' The wealthy curled darlings of our nation. ')", NodeValue.makeString("The wealthy curled darlings of our nation.")) ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeSpace1() { test("fn:normalize-space('')",NodeValue.nvEmptyString) ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeSpace2() { test("fn:normalize-space(' Aaa ')",NodeValue.makeString("Aaa")) ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeSpace3() { test("fn:normalize-space('A a a a a ')",NodeValue.makeString("A a a a a")) ; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions-30/#func-normalize-unicode // and // from http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/ //l @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode0() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('ร„ffin','nfd')",NodeValue.makeString("Aฬˆffin")) ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode1() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('ร„ffin','nfc')",NodeValue.makeString("ร„ffin")) ; } //m @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode2() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('ร„\\uFB03n','nfd')",NodeValue.makeString("Aฬˆ๏ฌƒn")) ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode3() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('ร„\\uFB03n','nfc')",NodeValue.makeString("ร„๏ฌƒn")) ; } //n @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode4() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('Henry IV','nfd')",NodeValue.makeString("Henry IV")) ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode5() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('Henry IV','nfc')",NodeValue.makeString("Henry IV")) ; } //l' @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode6() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('ร„ffin','nfkd')",NodeValue.makeString("Aฬˆffin")) ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode7() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('ร„ffin','nfkc')",NodeValue.makeString("ร„ffin")) ; } // r String hw_ka="\uFF76"; String hw_ten="\uFF9F"; @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode8() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('"+hw_ka+hw_ten+"','nfd')",NodeValue.makeString(hw_ka+hw_ten)) ; } @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode9() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('"+hw_ka+hw_ten+"','nfc')",NodeValue.makeString(hw_ka+hw_ten)) ; } // Not sure why the following tests are not passing // both examples are taken from the http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/ (Table 8 r') // the translation of hw_ka,hw_ten,ka and ten are taken from Table 4 of the same document // // I (Alessandro Seganti) took the ga translation by association (it was not defined in the unicode report) // and chosen to be: KATAKANA LETTER GA U+30AC // Everything seems ok to me so there are two options in my opinion: // 1) the java implementation of the nfkd has some flaws // 2) the unicode example is wrong (I cannot judge as I do not know japanese or unicode enough :)) // The test is failing because the expected string has code when looking in the debugger (UTF-16?) (12459 | 12442) // while the Nomalizer.normalize is giving (12459 | 12441) // @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode10() { // String ka = "\u30AB"; // String ten="\u3099"; // test("fn:normalize-unicode('"+hw_ka+hw_ten+"','nfkd')", NodeValue.makeString(ka+ten)) ; // } // @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode11() { // String ga="\u30AC"; // test("fn:normalize-unicode('"+hw_ka+hw_ten+"','nfkc')",NodeValue.makeString(ga)) ; // } // empty argument <-> returns the input string @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode12() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('some word','')",NodeValue.makeString("some word")) ; } // one argument <-> NFC @Test public void exprStrNormalizeUnicode13() { test("fn:normalize-unicode('ร„ffin')",NodeValue.makeString("ร„ffin")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace01() { test("REPLACE('abc', 'b', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("aZc")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace02() { test("REPLACE('abc', 'b.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("aZ")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace03() { test("REPLACE('abcbd', 'b.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("aZZ")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace04() { test("REPLACE('abcbd'^^xsd:string, 'b.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeNode("aZZ", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) ; } @Test public void exprReplace05() { test("REPLACE('abcbd'@en, 'b.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeNode("aZZ", "en", (String)null)) ; } @Test public void exprReplace06() { test("REPLACE('abcbd', 'B.', 'Z', 'i')", NodeValue.makeString("aZZ")) ; } // See JENA-740 // ARQ provides replacement of the potentially empty string. @Test public void exprReplace07() { test("REPLACE('abc', '.*', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("Z")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace08() { test("REPLACE('', '.*', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("Z")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace09() { test("REPLACE('abc', '.?', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("ZZZ")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace10() { test("REPLACE('abc', 'XXX', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("abc")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace11() { test("REPLACE('', '.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("")) ; } @Test public void exprReplace12() { test("REPLACE('', '(a|b)?', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("Z")) ; } @Test public void exprFnReplace01() { test("fn:replace('abc', 'b', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("aZc")) ; } @Test public void exprFnReplace02() { test("fn:replace('abc', 'b.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("aZ")) ; } @Test public void exprFnReplace03() { test("fn:replace('abcbd', 'b.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeString("aZZ")) ; } @Test public void exprFnReplace04() { test("fn:replace('abcbd'^^xsd:string, 'b.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeNode("aZZ", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) ; } @Test public void exprFnReplace05() { test("fn:replace('abcbd'@en, 'b.', 'Z')", NodeValue.makeNode("aZZ", "en", (String)null)) ; } @Test public void exprFnReplace06() { test("fn:replace('abcbd', 'B.', 'Z', 'i')", NodeValue.makeString("aZZ")) ; } // Bad group @Test public void exprReplace13() { testEvalException("REPLACE('abc', '.*', '$1')") ; } @Test public void exprBoolean1() { test("fn:boolean('')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean2() { test("fn:boolean(0)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean3() { test("fn:boolean(''^^xsd:string)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean4() { test("fn:boolean('X')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean5() { test("fn:boolean('X'^^xsd:string)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean6() { test("fn:boolean(1)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean7() { test("fn:not('')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean8() { test("fn:not('X')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean9() { test("fn:not(1)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprBoolean10() { test("fn:not(0)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprRound_01() { test("fn:round(123)", NodeValue.makeInteger(123)) ; } @Test public void exprRound_02() { test("fn:round(123.5)", NodeValue.makeDecimal(124)) ; } @Test public void exprRound_03() { test("fn:round(-0.5e0)", NodeValue.makeDouble(0.0e0)) ; } @Test public void exprRound_04() { test("fn:round(-1.5)", NodeValue.makeDecimal(-1)) ; } // !! I don't think that this is working correctly also if the test is passing... need to check! @Test public void exprRound_05() { test("fn:round(-0)", NodeValue.makeInteger("-0")) ; } @Test public void exprRound_06() { test("fn:round(1.125, 2)", NodeValue.makeDecimal(1.13)) ; } @Test public void exprRound_07() { test("fn:round(8452, -2)", NodeValue.makeInteger(8500)) ; } @Test public void exprRound_08() { test("fn:round(3.1415e0, 2)", NodeValue.makeDouble(3.14e0)) ; } // counter-intuitive -- would fail if float/double not translated to decimal @Test public void exprRound_09() { test("fn:round(35.425e0, 2)", NodeValue.makeDouble(35.42)) ; } @Test public void exprRoundHalfEven_01() { test("fn:round-half-to-even(0.5)", NodeValue.makeDecimal(0)) ; } @Test public void exprRoundHalfEven_02() { test("fn:round-half-to-even(1.5)", NodeValue.makeDecimal(2)) ; } @Test public void exprRoundHalfEven_03() { test("fn:round-half-to-even(2.5)", NodeValue.makeDecimal(2)) ; } @Test public void exprRoundHalfEven_04() { test("fn:round-half-to-even(3.567812e+3, 2)", NodeValue.makeDouble(3567.81e0)) ; } // !! I don't think that this is working correctly also if the test is passing... need to check! @Test public void exprRoundHalfEven_05() { test("fn:round-half-to-even(-0)", NodeValue.makeInteger(-0)) ; } @Test public void exprRoundHalfEven_06() { test("fn:round-half-to-even(4.7564e-3, 2)", NodeValue.makeDouble(0.0e0)) ; } @Test public void exprRoundHalfEven_07() { test("fn:round-half-to-even(35612.25, -2)", NodeValue.makeDecimal(35600)) ; } // counter-intuitive -- would fail if float/double not translated to decimal @Test public void exprRoundHalfEven_08() { test("fn:round-half-to-even('150.015'^^xsd:float, 2)", NodeValue.makeFloat((float)150.01)) ; } private String getDynamicDurationString(){ int tzOffset = TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(new Date().getTime()) / (1000*60); String off = "PT"+Math.abs(tzOffset)+"M"; if(tzOffset < 0) off = "-"+off; return off; } @Test public void exprAdjustDatetimeToTz_01(){ testEqual( "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00'^^xsd:dateTime)", "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00'^^xsd:dateTime,'"+getDynamicDurationString()+"'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)"); } @Test public void exprAdjustDatetimeToTz_02(){ testEqual( "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:dateTime)", "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:dateTime,'"+getDynamicDurationString()+"'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)"); } @Test public void exprAdjustDatetimeToTz_03(){test("fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00'^^xsd:dateTime,'-PT10H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeDateTime("2002-03-07T10:00:00-10:00"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDatetimeToTz_04(){test("fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:dateTime,'-PT10H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeDateTime("2002-03-07T07:00:00-10:00"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDatetimeToTz_05(){test("fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:dateTime,'PT10H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeDateTime("2002-03-08T03:00:00+10:00"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDatetimeToTz_06(){test("fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T00:00:00+01:00'^^xsd:dateTime,'-PT8H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeDateTime("2002-03-06T15:00:00-08:00"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDatetimeToTz_07(){test("fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00'^^xsd:dateTime,'')",NodeValue.makeDateTime("2002-03-07T10:00:00"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDatetimeToTz_08(){test("fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2002-03-07T10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:dateTime,'')",NodeValue.makeDateTime("2002-03-07T10:00:00"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDateToTz_01(){ testEqual( "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone('2002-03-07'^^xsd:date)", "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone('2002-03-07'^^xsd:date,'"+getDynamicDurationString()+"'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)"); } @Test public void exprAdjustDateToTz_02(){ testEqual( "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone('2002-03-07-07:00'^^xsd:date)", "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone('2002-03-07-07:00'^^xsd:date,'"+getDynamicDurationString()+"'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)"); } @Test public void exprAdjustDateToTz_03(){test("fn:adjust-date-to-timezone('2002-03-07'^^xsd:date,'-PT10H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeDate("2002-03-07-10:00"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDateToTz_04(){test("fn:adjust-date-to-timezone('2002-03-07-07:00'^^xsd:date,'-PT10H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeDate("2002-03-06-10:00"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDateToTz_05(){test("fn:adjust-date-to-timezone('2002-03-07'^^xsd:date,'')",NodeValue.makeDate("2002-03-07"));} @Test public void exprAdjustDateToTz_06(){test("fn:adjust-date-to-timezone('2002-03-07-07:00'^^xsd:date,'')",NodeValue.makeDate("2002-03-07"));} @Test public void exprAdjustTimeToTz_01(){ testEqual( "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00'^^xsd:time)", "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00'^^xsd:time,'"+getDynamicDurationString()+"'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)"); } @Test public void exprAdjustTimeToTz_02(){ testEqual( "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:time)", "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:time,'"+getDynamicDurationString()+"'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)"); } @Test public void exprAdjustTimeToTz_03(){test("fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00'^^xsd:time,'-PT10H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeNode("10:00:00-10:00",XSDDatatype.XSDtime));} @Test public void exprAdjustTimeToTz_04(){test("fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:time,'-PT10H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeNode("07:00:00-10:00",XSDDatatype.XSDtime));} @Test public void exprAdjustTimeToTz_05(){test("fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00'^^xsd:time,'')",NodeValue.makeNode("10:00:00",XSDDatatype.XSDtime));} @Test public void exprAdjustTimeToTz_06(){test("fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:time,'')",NodeValue.makeNode("10:00:00",XSDDatatype.XSDtime));} @Test public void exprAdjustTimeToTz_07(){test("fn:adjust-time-to-timezone('10:00:00-07:00'^^xsd:time,'PT10H'^^xsd:dayTimeDuration)",NodeValue.makeNode("03:00:00+10:00",XSDDatatype.XSDtime));} //@Test public void exprStrJoin() { test("fn:string-join('a', 'b')", NodeValue.makeString("ab")) ; } private static void testNumberFormat(String expression, String expected) { Expr expr = ExprUtils.parse(expression) ; NodeValue r = expr.eval(null, FunctionEnvBase.createTest()) ; Assert.assertTrue(r.isString()); Assert.assertEquals(expected, r.getString()) ; } @Test public void formatNumber_01() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(0,'#')", "0") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_02() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(1234, '#')", "1234") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_03() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(1234, '#,###')", "1,234") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_04() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(1e3, '#,###,###.#')", "1,000") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_05() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(10.5, '##.#')", "10.5") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_06() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(-10.5, '##.##')", "-10.5") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_08() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(123, 'NotAPattern')", "NotAPattern123") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_11() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(0, '#', 'fr')", "0") ; } // No-break space @Test public void formatNumber_12() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(1234.5,'#,###.#', 'fr')", "1\u00A0234,5") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_13() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(1234.5,'#,###.#', 'de')", "1.234,5") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_14() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(12, '0,000.0', 'en')", "0,012.0") ; } @Test public void formatNumber_15() { testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(0, '00,000', 'fr')", "00\u00A0000") ; } @Test(expected=ExprEvalException.class) public void formatNumber_20() { // String as number testNumberFormat("fn:format-number('String', '#')", null) ; } @Test(expected=ExprEvalException.class) public void formatNumber_21() { // Pattern is not a string testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(123, <uri>)", null) ; } @Test(expected=ExprEvalException.class) public void formatNumber_22() { // Locale is not a string testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(123, '###', 123)", null) ; } public void formatNumber_23() { // Not a locale - default to Locale.ROOT testNumberFormat("fn:format-number(123, '###', 'WhereAmI?')", null) ; } @Test public void exprSameTerm1() { test("sameTerm(1,1)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprSameTerm2() { test("sameTerm(1,1.0)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprSameTerm3() { test("sameTerm(1,1e0)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprSameTerm4() { test("sameTerm(<_:a>, <_:a>)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprSameTerm5() { test("sameTerm(<x>, <x>)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprSameTerm6() { test("sameTerm(<x>, <y>)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprOneOf_01() { test("57 in (xsd:integer, '123')", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprOneOf_02() { test("57 in (57)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprOneOf_03() { test("57 in (123, 57)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprOneOf_04() { test("57 in (57, 456)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprOneOf_05() { test("57 in (123, 57, 456)", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprOneOf_06() { test("57 in (1,2,3)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprNotOneOf_01() { test("57 not in (xsd:integer, '123')", TRUE) ; } @Test public void exprNotOneOf_02() { test("57 not in (57)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprNotOneOf_03() { test("57 not in (123, 57)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprNotOneOf_04() { test("57 not in (57, 456)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprNotOneOf_05() { test("57 not in (123, 57, 456)", FALSE) ; } @Test public void exprNotOneOf_06() { test("57 not in (1,2,3)", TRUE) ; } static Node xyz_en = NodeFactory.createLiteral("xyz", "en") ; static NodeValue nv_xyz_en = NodeValue.makeNode(xyz_en) ; static Node xyz_xsd_string = NodeFactory.createLiteral("xyz", XSDDatatype.XSDstring) ; static NodeValue nv_xyz_string = NodeValue.makeNode(xyz_xsd_string) ; @Test public void exprStrLang1() { test("strlang('xyz', 'en')", nv_xyz_en) ; } //@Test public void exprStrLang2() { test("strlang('xyz', 'en')", nv_xyz_en) ; } @Test public void exprStrDatatype1() { test("strdt('123', xsd:integer)", NodeValue.makeInteger(123)) ; } @Test public void exprStrDatatype2() { test("strdt('xyz', xsd:string)", nv_xyz_string) ; } @Test public void exprStrDatatype3() { testEvalException("strdt('123', 'datatype')") ; } static Node n_uri = NodeFactory.createURI("http://example/") ; static NodeValue nv_uri = NodeValue.makeNode(n_uri) ; @Test public void exprIRI1() { test("iri('http://example/')", nv_uri ) ; } /* E_IRI E_BNode */ private void test(String exprStr, NodeValue result) { Expr expr = ExprUtils.parse(exprStr) ; NodeValue r = expr.eval(null, FunctionEnvBase.createTest()) ; assertEquals(result, r) ; } private void testEqual(String exprStr, String exprStrExpected) { Expr expr = ExprUtils.parse(exprStrExpected) ; NodeValue rExpected = expr.eval(null, FunctionEnvBase.createTest()) ; test(exprStr, rExpected) ; } private void testEvalException(String exprStr) { Expr expr = ExprUtils.parse(exprStr) ; try { NodeValue r = expr.eval(null, FunctionEnvBase.createTest()) ; fail("No exception raised") ; } catch (ExprEvalException ex) {} } }