/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax; import org.apache.jena.atlas.junit.BaseTest ; import org.apache.jena.query.Query ; import org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory ; import org.apache.jena.query.Syntax ; import org.apache.jena.shared.PrefixMapping ; import org.apache.jena.shared.impl.PrefixMappingImpl ; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Op ; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.OpAsQuery ; import org.apache.jena.sparql.sse.SSE ; import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.FmtUtils ; import org.junit.Test ; public class TestSerialization extends BaseTest { static PrefixMapping pmap1 = new PrefixMappingImpl() ; { pmap1.setNsPrefix("", "http://default/") ; pmap1.setNsPrefix("ex", "http://example/x#") ; pmap1.setNsPrefix("x", "x:") ; } // Simple stuff @Test public void test_URI_1() // Not in the map { fmtURI_Prefix("http://elsewhere/", "<http://elsewhere/>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_URI_2() // Too short { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/", "<http://example/>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_URI_3() // No prefix mapping { fmtURI_Prefix("http://default/", "<http://default/>", (PrefixMapping)null) ; } @Test public void test_URI_4() { fmtURI_Base("http://example/", (String)null, "<http://example/>" ) ; } @Test public void test_URI_5() { fmtURI_Base("http://example/x", "http://example/", "<x>") ; } @Test public void test_URI_6() { fmtURI_Base("http://example/x", "http://example/ns#","<x>") ; } @Test public void test_URI_7() { fmtURI_Base("http://example/ns#x", "http://example/ns#", "<#x>") ; } @Test public void test_URI_8() { fmtURI_Base("http://example/ns#x", "http://example/ns", "<#x>") ; } @Test public void test_URI_9() { fmtURI_Base("http://example/x/y", "http://example/x/", "<y>") ; } @Test public void test_URI_10() { fmtURI_Base("http://example/x/y", "http://example/x", "<x/y>") ; } @Test public void test_URI_11() { fmtURI_Base("http://example/x/y", "http://example/", "<x/y>") ; } // @Test public void test_URI_12() // { fmtURI_Base("http://example/x/y", "http://example/z", "<x/y>") ; } @Test public void test_PName_1() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x#abc", "ex:abc", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_2() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x#", "ex:", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_3() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://default/x", ":x", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_4() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://default/", ":", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_5() // Prefixed names with a leading number in the local part { fmtURI_Prefix("http://default/0", ":0", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_6() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x#x-1", "ex:x-1", pmap1) ; } // Things that can't be prefixed names @Test public void test_PName_Bad_1() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://other/x", "<http://other/x>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_Bad_2() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://other/x#a", "<http://other/x#a>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_Bad_3() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x##", "<http://example/x##>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_Bad_4() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://default/x#a", "<http://default/x#a>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_Bad_5() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://default/#a", "<http://default/#a>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_Bad_6() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x/a", "<http://example/x/a>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_PName_Bad_7() { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x.", "<http://example/x.>", pmap1) ; } // Dots @Test public void test_Dots_1() // Internal DOT { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x#a.b", "ex:a.b", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_Dots_2() // Trailing DOT { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x#a.b.", "<http://example/x#a.b.>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void test_Dots_3() // Leading DOT { fmtURI_Prefix("http://example/x#.b", "<http://example/x#.b>", pmap1) ; } @Test public void testQueryPattern1() { test("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", true) ; } @Test public void testQueryPattern2() { test("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", true) ; } @Test public void testQueryComment1() { test("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", "SELECT * # Comment\n" + " { ?s ?p ?o }", true) ; } @Test public void testQuery1() { test("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o . [] ?p ?o }", "SELECT ?x { ?s ?p ?o . [] ?p ?o }", false) ; } @Test public void testQueryExpr1() { test("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o . FILTER (?o)}", "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o FILTER (?o)}", // No DOT - same true) ; } @Test public void testQueryExpr2() { test("SELECT * { FILTER (?x = 3)}", "SELECT * { FILTER (?x = 3)}", true) ; } @Test public void testQueryExpr3() { test("SELECT * { FILTER (?x != 3)}", "SELECT * { FILTER (?x = 3)}", false) ; } @Test public void testQueryExpr4() { test("SELECT * { FILTER (?z && ?x != 3)}", "SELECT * { FILTER (?z && ?x = 3)}", false) ; } @Test public void testOpToSyntax_01() { testOpToSyntax("(bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))", "SELECT * {?s ?p ?o}") ; } @Test public void testOpToSyntax_02() { testOpToSyntax("(bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o) (<urn:x> <urn:p> <urn:z>) )", "SELECT * {?s ?p ?o . <urn:x> <urn:p> <urn:z> }") ; } @Test public void testOpToSyntax_03() { testOpToSyntax("(table unit)", "SELECT * {}") ; } @Test public void testOpToSyntax_04() { testOpToSyntax("(leftjoin (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)) (bgp (triple ?a ?b ?c)))", "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o OPTIONAL { ?a ?b ?c }}") ; } @Test public void testOpToSyntax_05() { testOpToSyntax("(leftjoin (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)) (bgp (triple ?a ?b ?c)) (> ?z 5))", "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o OPTIONAL { ?a ?b ?c FILTER(?z > 5) }}") ; } @Test public void testOpToSyntax_06() { testOpToSyntax("(path ?s (path* <urn:p>) ?o)", "SELECT * { ?s <urn:p>* ?o }") ; } @Test public void testOpToSyntax_07() { testOpToSyntax("(path ?s (path? (alt (path+ <urn:p1>) <urn:p2>)) ?o)" , "SELECT * { ?s (<urn:p1>+|<urn:p2>)? ?o }") ; } private void testOpToSyntax(String opStr, String queryString) { Op op = SSE.parseOp(opStr) ; Query queryConverted = OpAsQuery.asQuery(op) ; Query queryExpected = QueryFactory.create(queryString, queryConverted.getSyntax()) ; // if ( ! queryExpected.equals(queryConverted) ) // { // System.err.println("Query Expected: "+queryExpected.getSyntax()) ; // System.err.println(queryExpected) ; // // System.err.println("Query Converted: "+queryConverted.getSyntax()) ; // System.err.println(queryConverted) ; // System.err.println() ; // } assertEquals(queryExpected, queryConverted) ; } private void test(String qs1, String qs2, boolean result) { Query q1 = null ; Query q2 = null ; try { q1 = QueryFactory.create(qs1, Syntax.syntaxSPARQL) ; } catch (Exception ex) { fail("Building query 1") ; } try { q2 = QueryFactory.create(qs2, Syntax.syntaxSPARQL) ; } catch (Exception ex) { fail("Building query 2") ; } boolean b = false ; try { b = q1.equals(q2) ; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err) ; fail("Evaluating .equals") ; } if ( result ) assertTrue(b) ; else assertFalse(b) ; } private void fmtURI_Prefix(String uriStr, String expected, PrefixMapping pmap) { String actual = FmtUtils.stringForURI(uriStr, pmap) ; //assertEquals(expected, actual) ; // Better error message this way? if ( ! expected.equals(actual) ) fail(expected + " => " +actual) ; } private void fmtURI_Base(String uriStr, String base, String expected) { String actual = FmtUtils.stringForURI(uriStr, base, null) ; //assertEquals(expected, actual) ; // Better error message this way? if ( ! expected.equals(actual) ) fail(uriStr + "["+base+"] => Got: "+actual+" Expected: "+expected) ; } }