/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.vocabulary; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ; /** OWL2 vocabulary. NOTE: Jena does not provide OWL2 inference or OntModel support. These constants are provided for the convenience of users who are doing OWL2 work with the current OWL1 support and desire a suitable set of names. */ public class OWL2 { public final static String NS = "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl" + "#"; public static String getURI() { return NS; } protected final static Resource resource( String local ) { return ResourceFactory.createResource( NS + local ); } protected final static Property property( String local ) { return ResourceFactory.createProperty( NS + local ); } public final static Resource AllDifferent = resource( "AllDifferent" ); public final static Resource AllDisjointClasses = resource( "AllDisjointClasses" ); public final static Resource AllDisjointProperties = resource( "AllDisjointProperties" ); public final static Resource Annotation = resource( "Annotation" ); public final static Resource AnnotationProperty = resource( "AnnotationProperty" ); public final static Resource AsymmetricProperty = resource( "AsymmetricProperty" ); public final static Resource Axiom = resource( "Axiom" ); public final static Resource Class = resource( "Class" ); public final static Resource DataRange = resource( "DataRange" ); public final static Resource DatatypeProperty = resource( "DatatypeProperty" ); public final static Resource DeprecatedClass = resource( "DeprecatedClass" ); public final static Resource DeprecatedProperty = resource( "DeprecatedProperty" ); public final static Resource FunctionalProperty = resource( "FunctionalProperty" ); public final static Resource InverseFunctionalProperty = resource( "InverseFunctionalProperty" ); public final static Resource IrreflexiveProperty = resource( "IrreflexiveProperty" ); public final static Resource NamedIndividual = resource( "NamedIndividual" ); public final static Resource NegativePropertyAssertion = resource( "NegativePropertyAssertion" ); public final static Resource Nothing = resource( "Nothing" ); public final static Resource ObjectProperty = resource( "ObjectProperty" ); public final static Resource Ontology = resource( "Ontology" ); public final static Resource OntologyProperty = resource( "OntologyProperty" ); public final static Resource ReflexiveProperty = resource( "ReflexiveProperty" ); public final static Resource Restriction = resource( "Restriction" ); public final static Resource SymmetricProperty = resource( "SymmetricProperty" ); public final static Resource Thing = resource( "Thing" ); public final static Resource TransitiveProperty = resource( "TransitiveProperty" ); public final static Property allValuesFrom = property( "allValuesFrom" ); public final static Property annotatedProperty = property( "annotatedProperty" ); public final static Property annotatedSource = property( "annotatedSource" ); public final static Property annotatedTarget = property( "annotatedTarget" ); public final static Property assertionProperty = property( "assertionProperty" ); public final static Property backwardCompatibleWith = property( "backwardCompatibleWith" ); public final static Property bottomDataProperty = property( "bottomDataProperty" ); public final static Property bottomObjectProperty = property( "bottomObjectProperty" ); public final static Property cardinality = property( "cardinality" ); public final static Property complementOf = property( "complementOf" ); public final static Property datatypeComplementOf = property( "datatypeComplementOf" ); public final static Property deprecated = property( "deprecated" ); public final static Property differentFrom = property( "differentFrom" ); public final static Property disjointUnionOf = property( "disjointUnionOf" ); public final static Property disjointWith = property( "disjointWith" ); public final static Property distinctMembers = property( "distinctMembers" ); public final static Property equivalentClass = property( "equivalentClass" ); public final static Property equivalentProperty = property( "equivalentProperty" ); public final static Property hasKey = property( "hasKey" ); public final static Property hasSelf = property( "hasSelf" ); public final static Property hasValue = property( "hasValue" ); public final static Property imports = property( "imports" ); public final static Property incompatibleWith = property( "incompatibleWith" ); public final static Property intersectionOf = property( "intersectionOf" ); public final static Property inverseOf = property( "inverseOf" ); public final static Property maxCardinality = property( "maxCardinality" ); public final static Property maxQualifiedCardinality = property( "maxQualifiedCardinality" ); public final static Property members = property( "members" ); public final static Property minCardinality = property( "minCardinality" ); public final static Property minQualifiedCardinality = property( "minQualifiedCardinality" ); public final static Property onClass = property( "onClass" ); public final static Property onDataRange = property( "onDataRange" ); public final static Property onDatatype = property( "onDatatype" ); public final static Property onProperties = property( "onProperties" ); public final static Property onProperty = property( "onProperty" ); public final static Property oneOf = property( "oneOf" ); public final static Property priorVersion = property( "priorVersion" ); public final static Property propertyChainAxiom = property( "propertyChainAxiom" ); public final static Property propertyDisjointWith = property( "propertyDisjointWith" ); public final static Property qualifiedCardinality = property( "qualifiedCardinality" ); public final static Property sameAs = property( "sameAs" ); public final static Property someValuesFrom = property( "someValuesFrom" ); public final static Property sourceIndividual = property( "sourceIndividual" ); public final static Property targetIndividual = property( "targetIndividual" ); public final static Property targetValue = property( "targetValue" ); public final static Property topDataProperty = property( "topDataProperty" ); public final static Property topObjectProperty = property( "topObjectProperty" ); public final static Property unionOf = property( "unionOf" ); public final static Property versionIRI = property( "versionIRI" ); public final static Property versionInfo = property( "versionInfo" ); public final static Property withRestrictions = property( "withRestrictions" ); }