/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.fuseki.servlets; import static java.lang.String.format ; import java.io.IOException ; import java.util.Enumeration ; import java.util.Map ; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest ; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse ; import org.apache.jena.atlas.RuntimeIOException ; import org.apache.jena.fuseki.Fuseki ; import org.apache.jena.query.ARQ ; import org.apache.jena.query.QueryCancelledException ; import org.apache.jena.riot.web.HttpNames ; import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.Context ; import org.apache.jena.web.HttpSC ; import org.slf4j.Logger ; /** General request lifecycle */ public abstract class ActionBase extends ServletBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8235479824229554685L; protected final Logger log ; protected ActionBase(Logger log) { super() ; this.log = log ; } @Override public void init() { // log.info("["+Utils.className(this)+"] ServletContextName = "+getServletContext().getServletContextName()) ; // log.info("["+Utils.className(this)+"] ContextPath = "+getServletContext().getContextPath()) ; //super.init() ; } /** * Common framework for handling HTTP requests. * @param request * @param response */ protected void doCommon(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { long id = allocRequestId(request, response); // Lifecycle HttpAction action = allocHttpAction(id, request, response) ; printRequest(action) ; action.setStartTime() ; // The response may be changed to a HttpServletResponseTracker response = action.response ; initResponse(request, response) ; Context cxt = ARQ.getContext() ; try { execCommonWorker(action) ; } catch (QueryCancelledException ex) { // To put in the action timeout, need (1) global, (2) dataset and (3) protocol settings. // See // global -- cxt.get(ARQ.queryTimeout) // dataset -- dataset.getContect(ARQ.queryTimeout) // protocol -- SPARQL_Query.setAnyTimeouts String message = String.format("Query timed out"); // Possibility :: response.setHeader("Retry-after", "600") ; // 5 minutes ServletOps.responseSendError(response, HttpSC.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_503, message); } catch (ActionErrorException ex) { if ( ex.getCause() != null ) ex.getCause().printStackTrace(System.err) ; // Log message done by printResponse in a moment. if ( ex.getMessage() != null ) ServletOps.responseSendError(response, ex.getRC(), ex.getMessage()) ; else ServletOps.responseSendError(response, ex.getRC()) ; } catch (RuntimeIOException ex) { log.warn(format("[%d] Runtime IO Exception (client left?) RC = %d : %s", id, HttpSC.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, ex.getMessage()), ex) ; ServletOps.responseSendError(response, HttpSC.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, ex.getMessage()) ; } catch (Throwable ex) { // This should not happen. //ex.printStackTrace(System.err) ; log.warn(format("[%d] RC = %d : %s", id, HttpSC.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, ex.getMessage()), ex) ; ServletOps.responseSendError(response, HttpSC.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, ex.getMessage()) ; } action.setFinishTime() ; printResponse(action) ; archiveHttpAction(action) ; } catch (Throwable th) { log.error("Internal error", th) ; } } // ---- Operation lifecycle /** * Returns a fresh HTTP Action for this request. * @param id the Request ID * @param request HTTP request * @param response HTTP response * @return a new HTTP Action */ protected HttpAction allocHttpAction(long id, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // Need a way to set verbose logging on a per servlet and per request basis. return new HttpAction(id, log, request, response, Fuseki.verboseLogging) ; } /** * Begin handling an {@link HttpAction} * @param action */ protected final void startRequest(HttpAction action) { action.startRequest() ; } /** * Stop handling an {@link HttpAction} */ protected final void finishRequest(HttpAction action) { action.finishRequest() ; } /** * Archives the HTTP Action. * @param action HTTP Action * @see HttpAction#minimize() */ private void archiveHttpAction(HttpAction action) { action.minimize() ; } /** * Execute this request, which maybe a admin operation or a client request. * @param action HTTP Action */ protected abstract void execCommonWorker(HttpAction action) ; /** * Extract the name after the container name (servlet name). * @param action an HTTP action * @return item name as "/name" or {@code null} */ protected static String extractItemName(HttpAction action) { // action.log.info("context path = "+action.request.getContextPath()) ; // action.log.info("pathinfo = "+action.request.getPathInfo()) ; // action.log.info("servlet path = "+action.request.getServletPath()) ; // if /name // request.getServletPath() otherwise it's null // if /* // request.getPathInfo() ; otherwise it's null. // PathInfo is after the servlet name. String x1 = action.request.getServletPath() ; String x2 = action.request.getPathInfo() ; String pathInfo = action.request.getPathInfo() ; if ( pathInfo == null || pathInfo.isEmpty() || pathInfo.equals("/") ) // Includes calling as a container. return null ; String name = pathInfo ; // pathInfo starts with a "/" int idx = pathInfo.lastIndexOf('/') ; if ( idx > 0 ) name = name.substring(idx) ; // Returns "/name" return name ; } protected void doPatch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "HTTP PATCH not supported"); } private void printRequest(HttpAction action) { String url = ActionLib.wholeRequestURL(action.request) ; String method = action.request.getMethod() ; log.info(format("[%d] %s %s", action.id, method, url)) ; if ( action.verbose ) { Enumeration<String> en = action.request.getHeaderNames() ; for (; en.hasMoreElements();) { String h = en.nextElement() ; Enumeration<String> vals = action.request.getHeaders(h) ; if ( !vals.hasMoreElements() ) log.info(format("[%d] => %s", action.id, h+":")) ; else { for (; vals.hasMoreElements();) log.info(format("[%d] => %-20s %s", action.id, h+":", vals.nextElement())) ; } } } } private void initResponse(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { setCommonHeaders(response) ; String method = request.getMethod() ; // All GET and HEAD operations are sensitive to conneg so ... if ( HttpNames.METHOD_GET.equalsIgnoreCase(method) || HttpNames.METHOD_HEAD.equalsIgnoreCase(method) ) setVaryHeader(response) ; } private void printResponse(HttpAction action) { long time = action.getTime() ; HttpServletResponseTracker response = action.response ; if ( action.verbose ) { if ( action.contentType != null ) log.info(format("[%d] <= %-20s %s", action.id, HttpNames.hContentType+":", action.contentType)) ; if ( action.contentLength != -1 ) log.info(format("[%d] <= %-20s %d", action.id, HttpNames.hContentLengh+":", action.contentLength)) ; for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : action.headers.entrySet()) log.info(format("[%d] <= %-20s %s", action.id, e.getKey()+":", e.getValue())) ; } String timeStr = fmtMillis(time) ; if ( action.message == null ) log.info(String.format("[%d] %d %s (%s)", action.id, action.statusCode, HttpSC.getMessage(action.statusCode), timeStr)) ; else log.info(String.format("[%d] %d %s (%s)", action.id, action.statusCode, action.message, timeStr)) ; // See also HttpAction.finishRequest - request logging happens there. } /** * <p>Given a time point, return the time as a milli second string if it is less than 1000, * otherwise return a seconds string.</p> * <p>It appends a 'ms' suffix when using milli seconds, * and 's' for seconds.</p> * <p>For instance: </p> * <ul> * <li>10 emits 10 ms</li> * <li>999 emits 999 ms</li> * <li>1000 emits 1.000 s</li> * <li>10000 emits 10.000 s</li> * </ul> * @param time the time in milliseconds * @return the time as a display string */ private static String fmtMillis(long time) { // Millis only? seconds only? if ( time < 1000 ) return String.format("%,d ms", time) ; return String.format("%,.3f s", time / 1000.0) ; } }