/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jena.assembler.test; import java.util.*; import org.apache.jena.assembler.* ; import org.apache.jena.assembler.assemblers.* ; import org.apache.jena.assembler.exceptions.* ; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ; import org.apache.jena.shared.* ; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF ; public class TestAssemblerHelp extends AssemblerTestBase { public TestAssemblerHelp( String name ) { super( name ); } @Override protected Class<? extends Assembler> getAssemblerClass() { throw new BrokenException( "TestAssemblers does not need this method" ); } public void testClosureFootprint() { Resource root = resourceInModel( "x ja:reasoner y" ); Statement footprint = root.getModel().createStatement( JA.This, RDF.type, JA.Expanded ); assertFalse( root.getModel().contains( footprint ) ); Resource expanded = AssemblerHelp.withFullModel( root ); assertTrue( expanded.getModel().contains( footprint ) ); } public void testFootprintPreventsClosure() { Resource root = resourceInModel( "x ja:reasoner y; ja:this rdf:type ja:Expanded" ); Model original = model( "" ).add( root.getModel() ); Resource expanded = AssemblerHelp.withFullModel( root ); assertSame( root, expanded ); assertIsoModels( original, expanded.getModel() ); } public void testSpecificType() { testSpecificType( "ja:NamedModel", "x ja:modelName 'name'" ); testSpecificType( "ja:NamedModel", "x ja:modelName 'name'; x rdf:type irrelevant" ); } public void testFindSpecificTypes() { testFindSpecificTypes( "", "x rdf:type A", "Top" ); testFindSpecificTypes( "", "x rdf:type A; x rdf:type B", "Top" ); testFindSpecificTypes( "A", "x rdf:type A; A rdfs:subClassOf Top", "Top" ); testFindSpecificTypes( "A", "x rdf:type A; x rdf:type B; A rdfs:subClassOf Top", "Top" ); testFindSpecificTypes( "A B", "x rdf:type A; x rdf:type B; A rdfs:subClassOf Top; B rdfs:subClassOf Top", "Top" ); testFindSpecificTypes( "B", "x rdf:type A; x rdf:type B; A rdfs:subClassOf Top; B rdfs:subClassOf Top; B rdfs:subClassOf A", "Top" ); } private void testFindSpecificTypes( String expectedString, String model, String baseString ) { Resource root = resourceInModel( model ); Resource baseType = resource( baseString ); Set<Resource> expected = resourceSet( expectedString ); Set<Resource> answer = AssemblerHelp.findSpecificTypes( root, baseType ); assertEquals( expected, answer ); } public void testFindRootByExplicitType() { Model model = model( "x rdf:type ja:Object; y rdf:type Irrelevant" ); Set<Resource> roots = AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots( model ); assertEquals( resourceSet( "x" ), roots ); } public void testFindRootByImplicitType() { Model model = model( "x ja:reificationMode ja:Standard" ); Set<Resource> roots = AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots( model ); assertEquals( resourceSet( "x" ), roots ); } public void testFindMultipleRoots() { Model model = model( "x rdf:type ja:Object; y ja:reificationMode ja:Minimal" ); Set<Resource> roots = AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots( model ); assertEquals( resourceSet( "y x" ), roots ); } public void testFindRootsWithSpecifiedType() { Model model = model( "x rdf:type ja:Model; y rdf:type ja:Object" ); Set<Resource> roots = AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots( model, JA.Model ); assertEquals( resourceSet( "x" ), roots ); } public void testThrowsIfNoRoots() { try { AssemblerHelp.singleModelRoot( model( "" ) ); fail( "should trap if no roots" ); } catch (BadDescriptionNoRootException e) { pass(); } } public void testThrowsIfManyRoots() { try { AssemblerHelp.singleModelRoot( model( "a rdf:type ja:Model; b rdf:type ja:Model" ) ) ; fail( "should trap if many roots" ); } catch (BadDescriptionMultipleRootsException e) { pass(); } } public void testExtractsSingleRoot() { Resource it = AssemblerHelp.singleModelRoot( model( "a rdf:type ja:Model" ) ); assertEquals( resource( "a" ), it ); } public void testSpecificTypeFails() { try { testSpecificType( "xxx", "x rdf:type ja:Model; x rdf:type ja:PrefixMapping" ); fail( "should trap multiple types" ); } catch (AmbiguousSpecificTypeException e) { assertEquals( resource( "x" ), e.getRoot() ); assertEquals( resources( e.getRoot(), "ja:Model ja:PrefixMapping" ), new HashSet<>( e.getTypes() ) ); } } private Set<Resource> resources( Resource root, String items ) { List<String> L = listOfStrings( items ); Set<Resource> result = new HashSet<>(); for ( String aL : L ) { result.add( resource( root.getModel(), aL ) ); } return result; } private void testSpecificType( String expected, String specification ) { // TODO relies on fullModel, would be nice to remove this dependency Resource root = resourceInModel( specification ); Resource rooted = root.inModel( AssemblerHelp.fullModel( root.getModel() ) ); Resource mst = AssemblerHelp.findSpecificType( rooted ); assertEquals( resource( root.getModel(), expected ), mst ); } public static boolean impIsLoaded = false; public static boolean impIsConstructed = false; public static class Imp extends AssemblerBase { public Imp() { impIsConstructed = true; } @Override public Object open( Assembler a, Resource root, Mode irrelevant ) { return null; } // Set when assmbler hook called - in case already java-loaded public static void whenRequiredByAssembler(AssemblerGroup ag) { impIsLoaded = true; } } static Model gremlinModel = modelWithStatements( "eh:Wossname ja:assembler 'org.apache.jena.assembler.test.TestAssemblerHelp$Gremlin'" ); static boolean gremlinInvoked = false; public static class Gremlin extends AssemblerBase { public Gremlin() { fail( "Gremlin no-argument constructor should not be called" ); } public Gremlin( Resource root ) { assertEquals( resource( "eh:Wossname" ), root ); assertIsoModels( gremlinModel, root.getModel() ); gremlinInvoked = true; } @Override public Object open( Assembler a, Resource root, Mode irrelevant ) { return null; } } public void testClassAssociation() { String className = "org.apache.jena.assembler.test.TestAssemblerHelp$Imp"; AssemblerGroup group = AssemblerGroup.create(); // In case already loaded. impIsLoaded = false ; Model m = model( "eh:Wossname ja:assembler '" + className + "'" ); assertEquals( false, impIsLoaded ); AssemblerHelp.loadAssemblerClasses( group, m ); assertEquals( true, impIsLoaded ); assertEquals( true, impIsConstructed ); assertEquals( className, group.assemblerFor( resource( "eh:Wossname" ) ).getClass().getName() ); } public void testClassResourceConstructor() { AssemblerGroup group = AssemblerGroup.create(); Model m = model( "eh:Wossname ja:assembler 'org.apache.jena.assembler.test.TestAssemblerHelp$Gremlin'" ); assertEquals( false, gremlinInvoked ); AssemblerHelp.loadAssemblerClasses( group, m ); assertEquals( true, gremlinInvoked ); } }