package; import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.List; /** * move caret to next task window */ public class StudyNextWindowAction extends StudyWindowNavigationAction { public static final String ACTION_ID = "NextWindow"; public static final String SHORTCUT = "ctrl shift pressed PERIOD"; public static final String SHORTCUT2 = "ctrl pressed ENTER"; public StudyNextWindowAction() { super("Navigate to the Next Answer Placeholder", "Navigate to the next answer placeholder", AllIcons.Actions.Forward); } @Override protected AnswerPlaceholder getTargetPlaceholder(@NotNull final TaskFile taskFile, int offset) { final AnswerPlaceholder selectedAnswerPlaceholder = taskFile.getAnswerPlaceholder(offset); final List<AnswerPlaceholder> placeholders = taskFile.getActivePlaceholders(); if (selectedAnswerPlaceholder == null) { for (AnswerPlaceholder placeholder : placeholders) { if (placeholder.getOffset() > offset) { return placeholder; } } } else { int index = selectedAnswerPlaceholder.getIndex(); if (StudyUtils.indexIsValid(index, placeholders)) { int newIndex = index + 1; return placeholders.get(newIndex == placeholders.size() ? 0 : newIndex); } } return null; } @NotNull @Override public String getActionId() { return ACTION_ID; } @Nullable @Override public String[] getShortcuts() { return new String[]{SHORTCUT, SHORTCUT2}; } }