/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ide.ui; import com.intellij.ide.SearchTopHitProvider; import com.intellij.ide.ui.search.OptionDescription; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.util.Consumer; /** * @author Konstantin Bulenkov */ public class UISimpleSettingsProvider implements SearchTopHitProvider, OptionsTopHitProvider.CoveredByToggleActions { private static OptionDescription CYCLING_SCROLLING = AppearanceOptionsTopHitProvider.appearance("Cyclic scrolling", "CYCLE_SCROLLING"); private static OptionDescription MEMORY_INDICATOR = AppearanceOptionsTopHitProvider.appearance("Show Memory Indicator", "SHOW_MEMORY_INDICATOR"); private static OptionDescription SHOW_MAIN_TOOLBAR = AppearanceOptionsTopHitProvider.appearance("Show Main Toolbar", "SHOW_MAIN_TOOLBAR"); private static OptionDescription SHOW_NAVIGATION_BAR = AppearanceOptionsTopHitProvider.appearance("Show Navigation Bar", "SHOW_NAVIGATION_BAR"); private static OptionDescription HIDE_TOOL_STRIPES = AppearanceOptionsTopHitProvider.appearance("Hide Tool Window Bars", "HIDE_TOOL_STRIPES"); private static OptionDescription SHOW_STATUS_BAR = AppearanceOptionsTopHitProvider.appearance("Show Status Bar", "SHOW_STATUS_BAR"); private static OptionDescription IS_BLOCK_CURSOR = EditorOptionsTopHitProvider.editor("Show Block Cursor", "IS_BLOCK_CURSOR"); private static OptionDescription IS_WHITESPACES_SHOWN = EditorOptionsTopHitProvider.editor("Show Whitespaces", "IS_WHITESPACES_SHOWN"); private static OptionDescription ARE_LINE_NUMBERS_SHOWN = EditorOptionsTopHitProvider.editor("Show Line Numbers", "ARE_LINE_NUMBERS_SHOWN"); private static OptionDescription SHOW_METHOD_SEPARATORS = new DaemonCodeAnalyzerOptionDescription("SHOW_METHOD_SEPARATORS", "Show Method Separators", "appearance"); @Override public void consumeTopHits(String pattern, Consumer<Object> collector, Project project) { pattern = pattern.trim().toLowerCase(); if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "cyc", "cyclic ") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "scr", "scroll ")) { collector.consume(CYCLING_SCROLLING); } else if (patternContains(pattern, "memo")) { collector.consume(MEMORY_INDICATOR); } else if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "nav", "navigation bar ") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "navb", "navbar ")) { collector.consume(SHOW_NAVIGATION_BAR); } else if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "tool", "toolbar ")) { collector.consume(SHOW_MAIN_TOOLBAR); } else if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "tool w", "tool window bars") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "toolw", "toolwindow ")) { collector.consume(HIDE_TOOL_STRIPES); } else if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "stat", "status bar ")) { collector.consume(SHOW_STATUS_BAR); } else if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "curs", "cursor ") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "block ", "block cursor ") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "caret", "caret ") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "block ", "block caret ")) { collector.consume(IS_BLOCK_CURSOR); } else if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "whites", "whitespaces ") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "show whi", "show whitespaces ")) { collector.consume(IS_WHITESPACES_SHOWN); } else if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "line ", "line numbers ") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "show li", "show line numbers ")) { collector.consume(ARE_LINE_NUMBERS_SHOWN); } else if (StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "separa ", "separators ") || StringUtil.isBetween(pattern, "method s", "method separators ")) { collector.consume(SHOW_METHOD_SEPARATORS); } } private static boolean patternContains(String pattern, String search) { for (String s : pattern.split(" ")) { if (s.contains(search)) { return true; } } return false; } }