import java.lang.String; interface I<A, B> { B foo(A a); } class Foo<T> { public <V> Foo<V> map(I<T, V> mapper) { return new Foo<V>(); } } class NoInferenceResult { <A, B> I<A, B> m(I<A, B> f) { return null; } <T> void m1(T t) { } void test() { m((String s1) -> <error descr="Target type of a lambda conversion must be an interface">(String s2) -> s1 + s2</error>); m((String s1) -> {return <error descr="Target type of a lambda conversion must be an interface">(String s2) -> s1 + s2</error>;}); m((String s1) -> s1.length()); m((String s1) -> s1); m1(<error descr="Object is not a functional interface">() -> { }</error>); Foo<String> foo = new Foo<String>(); -> null); Foo<String> map1 = -> value + ", " + value); } }