/* * Copyright 2000-2010 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.refactoring.rename; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.hash.HashMap; import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.GroovyFile; import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.GroovyPsiElement; import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.GroovyResolveResult; import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.toplevel.imports.GrImportStatement; import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.resolve.processors.ClassResolverProcessor; import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.resolve.processors.MethodResolverProcessor; import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.resolve.processors.PropertyResolverProcessor; import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.resolve.processors.ResolverProcessor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; /** * @author Maxim.Medvedev */ public class RenameAliasedUsagesUtil { private static final String EMPTY_ALIAS = "____00_______EMPTY_ALIAS_______00____"; private RenameAliasedUsagesUtil() { } public static Collection<PsiReference> filterAliasedRefs(Collection<PsiReference> refs, PsiElement element) { Map<GroovyFile, String> aliases = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<PsiReference> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (PsiReference ref : refs) { final PsiElement e = ref.getElement(); if (e == null) continue; if (skipReference(element, aliases, e)) continue; result.add(ref); } return result; } public static boolean skipReference(PsiElement member, Map<GroovyFile, String> aliases, PsiElement element) { final PsiFile containingFile = element.getContainingFile(); if (containingFile instanceof GroovyFile && findAliasedName(aliases, (GroovyFile)element.getContainingFile(), member) != EMPTY_ALIAS) { if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, GrImportStatement.class, true) != null) return false; return true; } return false; } private static String findAliasedName(Map<GroovyFile, String> map, GroovyFile containingFile, PsiElement elementToResolve) { final String s = map.get(containingFile); if (s != null) return s; final GrImportStatement[] imports = containingFile.getImportStatements(); final PsiManager manager = elementToResolve.getManager(); for (GrImportStatement anImport : imports) { if (anImport.isAliasedImport()) { final ResolverProcessor processor = getProcessor(elementToResolve, containingFile); anImport.processDeclarations(processor, ResolveState.initial(), null, containingFile); final GroovyResolveResult[] results = processor.getCandidates(); for (GroovyResolveResult result : results) { if (manager.areElementsEquivalent(elementToResolve, result.getElement())) { final String importedName = anImport.getImportedName(); if (importedName != null) { map.put(containingFile, importedName); return importedName; } } } } } map.put(containingFile, EMPTY_ALIAS); return EMPTY_ALIAS; } public static ResolverProcessor getProcessor(PsiElement element, GroovyPsiElement place) { if (element instanceof PsiMethod) { return new MethodResolverProcessor(null, place, false, null, null, PsiType.EMPTY_ARRAY); } else if (element instanceof PsiField) { return new PropertyResolverProcessor(null, place); } else if (element instanceof PsiClass) { return new ClassResolverProcessor(null, place); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("element must be method or field or class: " + element.getClass() + ", text=" + element.getText()); } }