package com.siyeh.igtest.bugs.malformed_format_string; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; public class MalformedFormatString { public void foo() { String.<warning descr="Too many arguments for format string (found: 1, expected: 0)">format</warning>("%", 3.0); System.out.<warning descr="Too many arguments for format string (found: 1, expected: 0)">printf</warning>("%", 3.0); System.out.printf(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: unknown conversion in '%q'">"%q"</warning>, 3.0); System.out.printf("%d", <warning descr="Argument type 'double' does not match the type of the format specifier '%d'">3.0</warning>); System.out.printf(new Locale(""),"%d%s", <warning descr="Argument type 'double' does not match the type of the format specifier '%d'">3.0</warning>, "foo"); } public static void main(String[] args) { String local = "hmm"; String good = String.format("%s %s", 1, 2); // this is valid according to the inspector (correct) String warn = String.<warning descr="Too few arguments for format string (found: 1, expected: 2)">format</warning>("%s %s", 1); // this is invalid according to the inspector (correct) String invalid = String.format("%s %s" + local, 1); // this is valid according to the inspector (INCORRECT!) String interesting = String.<warning descr="Too few arguments for format string (found: 1, expected: 2)">format</warning>("%s %s" + "hmm", 1); // this is invalid according to the inspector (correct) String intAsChar = String.format("symbol '%1$c' (numeric value %1$d)", 60); // integer->char conversion is ok (correct) } public void outOfMemory() { String.<warning descr="Too few arguments for format string (found: 1, expected: 2)">format</warning>("%2147483640$s", "s"); } public void optionalSettings() { SomeOtherLogger logger = new SomeOtherLogger(); logger.<warning descr="Too few arguments for format string (found: 1, expected: 2)">d</warning>("%s %s", 1); // this is invalid according to the inspector (correct) logger.d(new Exception(), <warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: flag '0' not allowed in '%0s'">"%0s"</warning>, "7"); } public class SomeOtherLogger { public void d(String message, Object...args) { // Do some logging. } public void d(Throwable t, String message, Object args) {} } void shouldWarn() { String.format("%1$c %1$d", <warning descr="Argument type 'long' does not match the type of the format specifier '%1$c'">10L</warning>); } void shouldNotWarn() { String.format("%c", 0x10300); String charAsInt = String.format("%1$d %1$c", 10); // int followed by char should be ok too. } String timestamp(Timestamp ts) { return String.format("%tF %tT", ts, ts); } void badStrings() { // bad format specifier String.format(<warning descr="Format string '\"%) %n\"' is malformed">"%) %n"</warning>); // flags on newline not allowed String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: flag '(' not allowed in '%(n'">"%(n"</warning>); // unknown conversion String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: unknown conversion in '%D'">"%D"</warning>, 1); // duplicate leading space flag String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: duplicate flag ' ' in '% d'">"% d"</warning>, 1); // illegal alternate flag String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: flag '#' not allowed in '%#B'">"%#B"</warning>, true); // illegal flag combination String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: illegal flag combination ' ' and '+' in '% +d'">"% +d"</warning>, 1); String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: illegal flag combination '-' and '0' in '%0-5e'">"%0-5e"</warning>, 1000.1); // illegal flag on date/time String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: unknown conversion in '%+T'">"%+T"</warning>, new Timestamp(0)); // previous flag without previous String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: previous flag '<' used but no previous format specifier found for '%<s'">"%<s"</warning>, 1); // illegal flag String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: flag '(' not allowed in '%(s'">"%(s"</warning>, 1); // unknown format conversions String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: unknown conversion in '%F'">"%F"</warning>, 1.0); String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: unknown conversion in '%D'">"%D"</warning>, 1); String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: unknown conversion in '%O'">"%O"</warning>, 1); // left justify without width String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: left justify flag '-' used but width not specified in '%-B'">"%-B"</warning>, true); // left justify flag String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: zero padding flag '0' used but width not specified in '%0e'">"%0e"</warning>, 1.1); // precision not allowed String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: precision ('.2') not allowed in '%.2n'">"%.2n"</warning>); String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: precision ('.3') not allowed in '%.3%'">"%.3%"</warning>); String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: precision ('.4') not allowed in '%.4tT'">"%.4tT"</warning>, new Date()); String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: precision ('.5') not allowed in '%.5c'">"%.5c"</warning>, '\u00A9'); String.format(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: precision ('.6') not allowed in '%.6x'">"%.6x"</warning>, 15); } void goodStrings() { String.format("%,d", 34567890); System.out.printf("%tF %n",; // java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor, new in Java 8 } void previousFlag() { System.out.printf("%s %<s", "A"); System.out.printf(<warning descr="Illegal format string specifier: previous flag '<' used but no previous format specifier found for '%<s'">"%<s"</warning>, "A"); System.out.printf("%tT %<tT", new Date()); System.out.printf("%b %<B", true); System.out.printf("%h %<H", 15); System.out.printf("%c %<C", '\u00A9'); System.out.printf("%o %<o", 15); } }