package com.siyeh.igtest.abstraction.declare_collection_as_interface; import java.util.*; public class DeclareCollectionAsInterface { private HashMap<String, String> m_mapThree = new HashMap<String, String>(2); private <warning descr="Declaration of 'HashMap' should probably be weakened to 'java.util.Map'">HashMap</warning> m_setOne = new HashMap(2); private Map m_setTwo = new HashMap(2); public DeclareCollectionAsInterface() { m_setOne.put("foo", "foo"); m_setTwo.put("bar", "bar"); } public void fooBar() { final <warning descr="Declaration of 'HashMap' should probably be weakened to 'java.util.Map'">HashMap</warning> map1 = new HashMap(2); final Map map2 = new HashMap(2); map1.put("foo", "foo"); map2.put("bar", "bar"); } public void fooBaz(<warning descr="Declaration of 'HashMap' should probably be weakened to 'java.util.Map'">HashMap</warning> set1, Map set2) { set1.put("foo", "foo"); set2.put("bar", "bar"); } public HashMap fooBaz() { return new HashMap(); } void writeContent() { final <warning descr="Declaration of 'HashMap' should probably be weakened to 'java.util.Map'">HashMap</warning><String, Object> templateMap = new HashMap(); processTemplate(templateMap); } void processTemplate(Object o) {} void foo() { Object o = theRoad(); } <warning descr="Declaration of 'HashMap' should probably be weakened to 'java.util.Map'">HashMap</warning> theRoad() { return null; } void makeItRight() { <warning descr="Declaration of 'ArrayList' should probably be weakened to 'java.util.List'">ArrayList</warning> list22 = new ArrayList(); System.out.println(list22.get(0)); <warning descr="Declaration of 'ArrayList' should probably be weakened to 'java.util.List'">ArrayList</warning><String> list33 = new ArrayList(); System.out.println(list33.get(0)); } void inOrderOfAbstraction() { <warning descr="Declaration of 'HashSet' should probably be weakened to 'java.util.Set'">HashSet</warning><String> set = new HashSet<>(); set.add("foo"); } public static Properties stringToProperties(String propertiesAsString) { return null; } public static Properties stringToProperties2(String propertiesAsString) { return null; } public static Properties stringToProperties3(String propertiesAsString) { return null; } void m() { stringToProperties(""); <error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'java.util.Properties', required: 'java.lang.String'">String s = stringToProperties2("");</error> <error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'java.util.Properties', required: 'java.lang.String'">s = stringToProperties3("")</error>; } private Properties properties; public void setProperties(Properties properties) { if (properties == null) { = new Properties(); } else { = (Properties) properties.clone(); } } }